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Sallean Name ______________________________

English I Date ____________________
Unit 1-Compare/Contrast Essay Period ________________

“The Most Dangerous Game”/ “The Lady, or the Tiger?”

Comparing and Contrasting General Zaroff and the king
Model Essay: Use the following guide to write your essay. You may use the introductory
paragraph as your own introductory paragraph. You may also use the rest of the sample as
an outline, but change the wording to reflect your own points/traits rather than copy it
(Title Goes Here)
There are many different types of characters. Some are protagonists, and some are
antagonists. Two antagonists, General Zaroff from “The Most Dangerous Game” and the king
from “The Lady, or the Tiger?”, can be compared. These two characters are similar yet different
in their nature or personality, actions, and attitudes.
Zaroff from “The Most Dangerous Game” and the king from “The Lady, or the Tiger?”
have many similarities. First, they both have somewhat _________________________________
because they enjoy putting people through torturous events. For example, Zaroff _____________
and the king ___________________________________________________________________
________________________________________. Second, both are ____________________ or
controllers. Zaroff makes rules for the hunting game of Ship-Trap Island, and the king rules in
his kingdom and decides _________________________________________________________.
Finally, both allow men to choose their own fate. For example, Zaroff makes men choose
between ______________________________________, and he allows men to use their
knowledge of hunting which will decide if they ______________________________________.
The king makes accused men ________________________________________________ in an
arena to decide if they will be eaten by a tiger, which means they are guilty, or married to a
beautiful lady, which means they are innocent. Clearly, these are unforgettable characters.
While Zaroff and the king have many similarities, they also have many differences that
make them unique. One major difference between these two characters is their titles. General
Zaroff is a ___________________, and the king is a king. Another difference is that Zaroff
participates in his game by ________________________________, while the king does not
participate and instead ____________________________. In Zaroff’s eyes, men are not guilty of
anything, but they do make great _______________ because they can _______________.
However, in the king’s eyes, men are probably guilty otherwise they would not have to
___________________________. These two characters have some strange and unique qualities
that make them infamous in the literary world.
(Continue with last two paragraphs-preferences and conclusion. Don’t forget to restate
the thesis statement in your conclusion paragraph, but remember not to use the exact same
wording as you did in your introductory paragraph.)

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