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Lesson Plan

Date: 1/15/18 Grade Level: 9th Grade

Concept: Shakespeare- Romeo and Juliet

Objectives: Students will be able to read Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet: Act 3, scene
Students will be able to configure the context of Shakespeare's writing.
Students will complete all the questions on the worksheet and score 100%.

Introduction: The students will fill out a KWL chart, so the teachers can observe what
they think they know is going to happen in Act 3, scene one, what they want to learn in
the next act, and what they learned from the previous act of Romeo and Juliet.

Vocabulary: Shakespeare themed vocabulary from Act 3, scene 1:

1. Consort- Hang out, or associate with.
Used in line 20: Consort? What, dost thou make us minstrels?

2. Vile - Wicked, terrible.

Used in line 42: O calm, dishonorable, vile submission!

3. Effeminate- Weak.
Used in line 52: Thy beauty hath made me effeminate.

4. Plague - Curse.
Used in line 58: A plague o' both houses!

5. Amerce- To Punish.
Used in line 148: But I'll amerce you with so strong a fine.

Body of Lesson:
Students will read and act out their parts that are assigned in Act 3, scene 1.
Then the teacher will hand out worksheets over the act, and as a class, the students and
teachers will discuss the questions on the worksheet.
The students can fill out the worksheet as it is being discussed.

Accommodations/Modifications: -Steven has ADHD, sometimes he has trouble

concentrating and he needs more time.
-His accommodation is if he needs more time to work on his worksheet he can always
take it home after school, or come work on it with his teachers after school.
-If he needs more time on his assessment, he can work on it for as long as he wants.
-If he has trouble concentrating in the classroom we can arrange for him to take it when
no one is in the classroom or go to a resource room.
-Lastly he can also have the worksheet and/or assessment read to him by a teacher.

Multiple Intelligence(s) Addressed: Interpersonal, interactions with others, working

collaboratively, and understanding others ideas.

Assessment: The test will be a summative assessment.

The assessment will be taken after reading, acting out, and discussing the whole play.
The questions on the assessment will be taken off of the worksheets and any other
discussion questions.
Every student should be able to score an 80% or above on this assessment.

Materials: Paper for the quiz, pencil, and Shakespeare’s- Romeo and Juliet:,


Cluster: Craft and Structure.
Standard: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text,
including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the cumulative impact of specific
word choices on meaning and tone (e.g., how the language evokes a sense of time and
place; how it sets a formal or informal tone).

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