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If you will be given a chance to talk with the whole human race, what can

you say about sports?

If I will be given the chance to talk to the whole human race, this will be the
greatest avenue and opportunity for me to promote and create an
awareness campaign on the benefits and importance of sports in one’s life,
family, society, nation and world.

Who you do think will win as Miss Palaro and Miss Foundation?
I have faith in God, I have a sound mind and a sound body and I am
confident and beautiful (just like everybody else here). I humbly hope and
wish that I will be favored by our respectable judges and win Miss
Intramurals. Thank you.

How would you convince the audience and the board of judges that you
deserve the tiltle as Miss Palaro and Miss Foundation?
I could convince the audience and the board of judges that I deserve the title
Miss Sports Fest because I got what it takes. I am physically fit, sports-
minded person, and as a beauty pageant contestant, I have a convincing
aura of beauty that could encourage and convert people to engage in
How do you influence people to live a healthy life?

What are the three qualities you possess that would make you great title
Faith in God will be the first trait to win in any endeavor. Looking at Manny
Pacquiao, the world’s people’s champ always does the sign of cross
every time he enters the ring; and he has gone far because of this. The
rest would be intelligence, beauty, and confidence to complete a real
beauty queen, or as Miss Intramurals.
Male Q&A
Why does basketball consider as the most popular sports among Filipinos?
Basketball is the most popular sport among us because this is one way to
manifest one of our eminent Filipino values, that is, unity which is the
primary factor for a team to win in any basketball game.

What is sportsmanship?
The best trait you can develop in it is sportsmanship. It is the ability to gain
the respect of everybody, to win the hearts and accolades and be able to
become a friend to everyone as you engage yourself in that particular
sport, regardless of winning or losing the game.

What is the essence of celebrating Intramurals?

The best trait you can develop in it is sportsmanship. The ability to gain the
respect of everybody, to win the hearts and accolades and be able to
become a friend to everyone as you engage yourself in that particular
sport, regardless of winning or losing the game.
As a youth and as a student, how would you promote healthy life style?

What is being healthy for you?

What sports do you play? Why?

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