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1. At 6AM, gather 12 oz of frozen milk and run through tap

water until defrosted. Put back in the ref. This stash will be used
for the day. Reheat per Miguel’s demand.

2. At 6PM, gather 12 oz of frozen milk and run through tap water

until defrosted. Put back in the ref. This stash will be used for the
night. Reheat per Miguel’s demand.

3. How to reheat:

3.1. Wash your hands properly.

3.2. Pour the contents of milk bag into the feeding bottle.
Only pour 2-3 oz during the day (*3-4 oz during the night)
into the feeding bottle per feeding. The rest of the milk bag’s
contents (if any) will be placed back in the ref for later

3.3. Place the feeding bottle in the bowl. Pour cold and
warm water to heat the milk. Do not use boiling water as this
can spoil the milk.

3.4. Swirl the milk lightly and do not shake. Wipe off any
excess water on the bottle.

3.5. Feed Miguel the milk in the bottle. If he cries after

finishing all the milk, he may still be hungry. Reheat more milk
and feed again.

3.6. BURP him after every feeding. If he doesn’t burp, make

sure to keep his head elevated for 15-20 minutes before
putting him down.
How long will the milk last?
Milk defrosted from freezer and transferred to ref – 24 hours only

Milk reheated – 2 hours only

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