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We live in a fast paced world and the world has never been so connected.

In this connected world, data

is everywhere. Why securing data such a big deal?

Data drives people around the world. Be it a selfie, medical records, blue prints of an innovation or
critical information which keeps a country safe, Data is omnipresent. Cellphones, harddisks, tablets, PCs,
Macs, Servers, Cloud, Data travels seamlessly every second. Cyber Security is new big thing!

Irrespective of nature of business, every organization has sensitive information. Reputation and success
of your organization heavily depends on how they manage your data. McAfee understands this purpose
and emotions around it and we the single largest cyber security company believes in device to cloud is
the future and we strive hard to secure it. In today’s modern IT environment, data is being constantly
used, moved from device to cloud or being worked upon from anywhere, anytime. We at McAfee know
exactly how to secure your sensitive data no matter where it goes. Welcome to McAfee.

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