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English which has 12 vowel sounds (5 long, 7 short), plus 8 diphthongs. Possibly the most
significant vowel difficulty for Russians is the sound in her / cur. This sound seems to cause
especial difficulties in words beginning with /w/, such as were / work / worth. Other vowel
problems include the failure to discriminate between the sounds in sat / set or sit / seat.
Russian has a similar number of consonants to English, but their sounds do not fully overlap.
The /θ/ and /ð/ sounds do not exist in Russian, so words such as thin, then and clothes are
predictably difficult. As with many other learners of English, the /w/ and /v/


One is drawing the hand across the neck in a cutthroat motion, palm down; in English its threat
in Russia it is used if you had, too much of something; if you eat too much.

Igor it is used in Russian which in English its used as I example Igor didn’t passed the exams

Five Russians semantic preixes

Po- s- za- na- pro-




Rolet in Russian it is to steer

Grandmas – Russian meaning to money (pero infotmal to)
Bomb- in russsia it means amazing (street lang)
None in Russia this is considered the f word in english

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