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J2EE Question Bank

1st IA Question Bank

 Two marks:
1. Define swings.
2. Define AWT.
3. List the disadvantages of AWT.
4. List the advantages of swing vs AWT.
5. Define Applets.
6. Define MDI.
7. Define component? Give an example.
8. Define container? Give an example.
9. Define Heavy weight and Light weight components.
10. Differentiate between swings and AWT.
11. Write a purpose and constructor syntax for JLable,and ImageIcon.
12. Write a JAVA swing program to add single JButton.
13. Write a purpose and constructor syntax for JInternalFrame.

 Five marks:
1. Explain the key features of Swing?
2. Explain the concept of MVC?
3. Write a JAVA swing program to demonstrate the concept of JTextField.
4. Write a JAVA swing program to demonstrate the concept of JCheckBox.
5. Write a JAVA swing program to demonstrate the concept of JRadioButton.
6. Write a JAVA swing program to demonstrate the concept of JComboBox.
7. Write a JAVA swing program to demonstrate the concept of JTable.
8. Write a JAVA swing program to demonstrate the concept of JScrollBar.
9. Write a JAVA swing program to demonstrate the concept of JTabbedPane
10. Write a JAVA swing program to demonstrate the concept of JScrollPane
11. Write a JAVA swing program to demonstrate the concept of Flow Layout.
12. Write a JAVA swing program to demonstrate the concept of Border Layout.
13. Write a JAVA swing program to demonstrate the concept of Grid Layout
14. Write a JAVA swing program to demonstrate the concept of MDI

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