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Present Continuous


Make the following sentences negative and interrogative (ask special questions to the
underlined words and phrases, and make up general questions) as given in the example.

Example: Your friends is cooking delicious food.

- Your friend isn’t cooking delicious food.
- Is your friend cooking delicious food?
- What is your friend cooking?

1. You are wearing such a funny suit.

2. Nick is listening to music.

3. They are working at their biology project at the moment.

4. It is raining heavily in Moscow now.

5. I am practising English grammar.

6. You are always coming late.

7. He is writing a novel in Paris.

8. I am staying at a hotel near Moskva river now.

9. Mr. Brown is looking for a new job.

10. Jane is lying on the beach.

11. They are working today.

12. Henry is washing his dirty clothes.

13. I am using Jane’s telephone to call my mother, because mine is broken.

14. The leaves are falling from the trees.

15. He and his wife are having dinner.

16. Stacy is silently listening to music at the moment.

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