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We intend to develop online website/portal where the followers will register themselves to get a time

slot for Darshan instead of waiting in a queue for 4-6 hours (when they don’t have a VIP ticket) and 2
hours (when they have a VIP ticket).

We will set the capacity (number of people) for each time slot and time which they can spend in front of
deity in the temple, based on the footfall in the temple for each temple. The app will work on first come
first basis. For an instance: There is a person who wishes for Darshan on Sunday at 9:00 am. We will
provide the time slot provided if that time slot can has some unused capacity. If the capacity has been
exhausted we will suggest him/her some other time slot which is next available or he/may choose a
different day and time slot.

Target customers for the app:

Temples: All the major temples of India where the queuing system is a problem. Purchasing a VIP ticket
will give you the access of the VIP line which will take ½ the time of the normal queue i.e. 2-3 hours.

Followers: Any person who is willing for darshan be it tourist, home town people etc.


Follower’s perspective:

 Avoid Standing in long queues

 Finding alternative easy ways for darshan by bribing and reference someone who claims to get
access of darshan easily.
 If followers know at what day and time Darshan for them are scheduled then the followers can
schedule accordingly which will save lots of time and they’ll have peace of mind.

Temple’s Perspective:

Getting rid of managing the queue.

Better utilization of resources (human resources and queue area can utilized for other purposes)

Assumption: Followers are willing to do Darshan in a given time any point of the day because the
discomfort standing in a queue is much higher discomfort in rescheduling their other plans (in case they
do not get the time slot which they wanted)

The app will generally work for normal days because during any occasion the rush is mammoth and as of
now we are not sure what the response will be of the followers regarding the app. Once the app is
launched and people start using it we can based on the responses we can formulate for occasions too.

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