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Average Celebrity Heights
Mean: 66.82 inches
Median: 66.5 inches
Mode: 62 inches
Range: 17 inches
5% trimmed mean: 66.6 inches
10% trimmed mean: 66.5 inches
Variance: 20.27
Standard deviation: 4.50
Coefficient of Variation: 6.73%
Chebyshev: 75%- 57.82 to 75.82
88.9%- 53.32 to 80.32
93.8%- 48.82 to 84.82
Min: 60
Q1: 62
Median: 66.5
Q3: 70
Max: 77
IQR: 8
No outliers

Average Celebrity Height in Inches

Our topic that we chose to study was the average height of celebrities in inches. After we
arranged our data from least to greatest, we were able to calculate the mean, median, and mode.
We found that the mean was 66.82 inches, or about 5’6”. We found the mean by adding up all of
the entries and dividing that sum by the number of entries. The median, or the middle of our
data, was 66.5 inches. And the mode, which is the most occuring data value, was 62 inches. Our
numbers only ranged from 17 different numbers, so our mean, median, and mode were close to
each other. We calculated the 5% trimmed mean and removed three data points from each end of
our data and the mean was 66.6 inches, which is relatively close to our mean with all the data
points. After calculating the 10% trimmed mean, we cut off five numbers from the top and five
from the bottom, and found that the trimmed mean was 66.5 inches. This number was very close
to the 5% trimmed mean and our original mean.
After finding the different trimmed means, we found the standard deviation, variance,
and coefficient of variation of our data. To find the sample standard deviation, we had to use the
equation 𝑠 = √ , where s = sample standard deviation, 𝑠= sample mean, x = the data
value, and n = the number of data points in the set. Our standard deviation equaled 4.50, meaning
that our data values were close together, rather than spread out. The variance for our data was
20.27. The variance calculates how far a set of numbers are spread out from the average value.
We found this number by squaring the standard deviation. The coefficient of variation was
6.73%. To calculate this we used the formula CV= 𝑠 ∙ 100. This equation gives a percent which
shows the ratio of the standard deviation to the mean. The higher the percent, the greater level of
dispersion around the mean. Our percent was on the smaller side which means our data was not
very dispersed.
Lastly, we used the Chebyshev interval to calculate where our data falls in 75%, 88.9%,
and 93.8%. At least 75% of our data fell between 57.82 to 75.82 inches. While 88.9% of our data
fell between 53.32 to 80.32. And 93.8% of our data was between 48.82 to 84.82 inches.
We were able to pull our median from our earlier calculations in order to find the five
number summary, which includes our minimum data value, the first quartile, the median, the
third quartile, and our maximum data value. Our smallest data value was 60 inches which was
our minimum. Our Quartile 1 was 62 inches. To find this we broke up our data into groups of
25% and found the middle of each group. The median was 66.5 inches. Quartile 3 was 70 inches
and we used the same process to find this value as we did for Quartile 1. Our greatest value was
77 inches which was our maximum. We had to find the interquartile range, so we subtracted
Quartile 3 from Quartile 1, giving us an IQR of 8. After determining our IQR, we had to check
and see if we had any potential outliers. In order to find this out, we multiplied 8 by 1.5. We did
not find any outliers in our data. The box-and-whisker plot shows that our data is relatively close
except in Quartile 3, where our data is more dispersed because not a lot of celebrities were 6 foot
and our median is in the lower half of our data.

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