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What is marketing

Marketing is a management process responsible for participating, anticipating, and satisfy

consumers requirement profitable.

It can also be defined as creating awareness of goods, promoting of business or

brands and its product or service using that lead and sales.

The marketing mix has 4p’s they are product, price, place, promotion. This 4p’s are used to identify
key factor such as what consumers want from them, how their product or service meets or fails to
meet those needs.

Product: refers to a good service that a company offers to customers. Ideally, a product should fulfil
a certain consumer demand or be so compelling that consumer believe they need to have it.

Price: is the cost consumers pay for a product. Marketers must link the price to the product’s real
and perceived value, but they must consider supply costs, seasonal discount, and competitors prices.

Place: This outline where a company sells a product and how it delivers the product to the market.
The goal of business executive is to get their product in front of the consumers most likely to buy
them. In some cases, this may refer to placing a product in certain stores.

Promotion: This include advertising, public relation, and promotional strategy. This ties into the
other 3p’s of the marketing mix as promoting a product shows consumers why they need it and
should pay a certain price for it.

In this assignment am going to describe the four marketing techniques such as branding,
relationship marketing, growth strategy, and survival strategy are being used by KELLOGG’S and

Kellogg’s is an American multinational food manufacturing company, headquartered in battle creek,

Michigan, united states. Kellogg’s produce cereal and convenience foods, including crackers and
toaster pastries and markets their products by several well-known brands including corn flakes,
frosted flakes, pringles, Eggo, and cheez-it. Kellogg’s mission statement is “nourishing families so
they can flourish and thrive.

Diesel clothing company is an Italian retail clothing company, located in breganze, Italy. It sells
denim, and other clothing, footwear, and accessories. The clothing line has two different brands:
Diesel and Diesel black gold. There is also a line for children, called Diesel kid. The company is known
for its real surreal advertising campaigns.
BRANDING: These is a very important part of marketing to make your business
because this tells the consumers who owns what and helps them to identify which
one they want and which one is better, most of the brands will have certain things
which make them noticeable, it could be anything like logo, design or slogan. For
example: if there is a giant k on the cereals then most of the people will know its
Kellogg’s special. Kellogg’s and takes branding seriously because branding
sometimes can be important between the successes of the business or not.
consumer recognise Kellogg’s by their logo most of the times for example: when
you go for shopping in the supermarket for some cereals and the ones with the
colour and way it written on the box you will know that it’s Kellogg’s, they
designed their logo very simple and eye catching.

Kellogg’s special K

Diesel also focus on branding just as much as diesel’s consumer will know its
diesel when they see it because it very noticeable, they use red background with
white letters is not very creative because they just use their name diesel however
it defiantly noticeable. diesel produces thousand of different goods and accessories
and they cannot just have one slogan to describe all their products, so they don’t
really use slogans, however diesel for successful living as always been used as well
as the luxury dirt.

RELATIONSHIP MARKETING: These is how businesses like, and

Kellogg’s keep their existing customer either by building long lasting relationships
with them and merely trying to attract new customers to organisation or trying to
make the customers satisfied by meeting their expectations to increase the
profitability of the organisation. These techniques can be done in two forms:

Lifetime customers: Is someone who remains loyal to the brand and the
organisation, it essential that they know details of each of their customers with any
forthcoming event or needs help to raise fund then they could use personal details
to inform them. For example: Kellogg’s and diesel ensure that their customers
keep in touch through social network, twitter, face book. By using marketing
techniques as a lifetime customer, the company is guaranteed to have permanent
customers and it becomes the firm’s biggest advantage because it builds a strong
intact relationship between the two and inexpensive procedure to attract potential

Gaining information: is when a business keeps track on who purchases their

product from their business. In this case, Kellogg’s and diesel uses their website to
track who donates for whatever the cause so this will benefit the company
because if they see regular customer sponsoring they may send an email thanking
them or reward the customer for their help in order to gain a close bond.

Diesel (relationship marketing)

Cultivating a relationship with the customers in business is an approach that is

mainly concerned with maintaining connection with the current customers rather
than on acquiring new ones. This utilizes a wide range of marketing, sales,
communication, and customer care techniques and processes, to identify
individual customer’s need and create a relationship between a company and
these customers. Diesel introduced a loyalty scheme. This is often simple “buy this
item and get points off your next purchase’, when dealing with retailers. By
presenting this, the purchaser is typically entitled to either a discount on the
current purchase, or an allotment of points that can be used for future purchases.
This also enables the organisation to have a close relationship between them and
the consumers, they straight forward know customers shopping habits etc.

SURVIVAL STRATEGY: These entice you to become regular customer and

is designed to help the business to survive and thrive in the market industry.
Both Kellogg’s and Diesel try their very best to be a very strong business that can
ride out the tough times. They both try to occur business plan that enables them to
account for a soft economy or an industry slump and build-in flexibility that need
in order to react quickly and nimbly in the face of change. Kellogg’s and Diesel
must constantly develop strategies in order to survive and thrive. These
businesses may have to downsize their businesses to reduce their daily cost as all
transport money will have to be justified to the government. Kellogg’s and diesel
have to adjust their marketing strategies on a regular basis and marketers in
survival mode to guarantee they are placed effectively and competitively. They will
need their rivalries are at and what their next move is.

Growth strategy: These is a method created to help businesses

grow by using different techniques. One of them is the

Ansoff’s matrix: These as four parts which can all help a business grow, keep
its customers, get new customers or go in a complete new area. The output from
Ansoff product/ market matrix is series of suggested growth strategies that set the
direction for the business strategy.

Kellogg’s has a well established and reliable strategy for growth, which has
allowed them to strengthen their business and drive expansion into new markets.

The underlying principle for the strategy is to expand the range of business to
allow them to deliver strong sustainable long-term growth by following the
customers into large expanding markets financial services and new market

Kellogg’s has grown from selling cereals to becoming a major player in most every
area of the retail market.

M1 in this area am going to compare the marketing techniques used in

marketing product

Marketing techniques carried out in organisation for analysis and some

techniques are similar and some are not but there isn’t any doubt that every
organisation has its strength and weaknesses and that’s why they all these
techniques must be carried out. Each of these techniques was created for a reason
and purposes that’s why companies/organisation must consider each one of
them. There are many analytical techniques which can be used on products on
services in marketing.

Product penetration: These is using a product that already exists and then
putting it into an existing market for example: Kellogg’s have used coco pops. They
have been out for many years and around about once a year they release a
different sort of coco pops, like coco pops moon and star. The product is still the
same taste but the shape is different. While the same goes for diesel they have
been making clothes and perfumes for years however all their product are
different from shapes to style but it’s still the same material or smells, this makes
the existing customer new product have come out which makes them shopping
there even for more also it will attract new customers.

Product development: This is where a business aims to introduce new

products into existing markets. This strategy may require the development of new
competencies and requires the business to develop modified products which can
appeal to existing markets. An example of this will be Kellogg’s coco pops then
using this cereal then they made coco rocks which is another cereal made from
older cereal. Another example is diesel’s footwear, some of their footwear is the
shape of a boot, then they have the same design but it’s just different style or
shape. This makes it completely new product from the older one.

Market development: unlike market penetration which takes the existing

product into existing market; market development takes an existing product into a
whole new market.

Diversification: This is basically creating a whole new product and lunching it

in a completely new market. This is very risky because they do not just know if the
product is going to do well as you have never tried it anywhere, also you don’t
know how market will respond, therefore this will either result in a massive loss
or huge profit. The best ideas are use in market penetration or market
development as your product are more likely to sell well. Because Kellogg’s and
diesel are both such a huge and successful organisation, it’s only natural that
legislation will have a huge impact on their marketing activities. The legislation
that affect both businesses is sale of goods.

In conclusion

I researched the techniques of the two organisations and found out that they are
both trying to get good reputation from the customers and not losing their
customers. And, in their growth strategy both organisations are trying to launch
new things or ideas in order to attract more customers to buy their products and
learn more things about them by visiting their websites etc.
D1 in this area also am going to evaluate the effectiveness of the use of techniques
in marketing products.

When a business creates a new product, they consider the techniques they are
going to use carefully, because the techniques will enable them to advertise and
market their product to the public. If the techniques are fully planned, then the
product they create is likely to perform well in the market, which will increase the
business growth. Kellogg’s puts a lot of effort in marketing their products, and it
seems to have paid off because obtain very large amount of sale thus leading to
high profit margin to the business. Overall the marketing techniques used by
Kellogg’s have worked out extremely well, for every technique used, Kellogg’s have
come out successful, and they made millions in profit. They continue to make lots
of new product and gain more and more customers at the same time.

Where Kellogg’s has used the marketing strategy of branding they have been
massively successful, their logo is iconic, it is recognised worldwide, it is most
recognised in the U.S this is more than likely due to the fact that Kellogg’s
originates from the U.S, so it advertised more.

Kellogg’s have of different ways of attracting customers to buy variety of products.

A new strategy has been created with ‘Auge Technologies’ to engage with the
customers vie text. This is a modern way on interacting and informing customers
of the company and building a more formal relationship with each and every
customer. This is an excellent way of communicating with Kellogg’s customers
with then engages the customers to experience new or improved cereals that have
recently been produced.

Kellogg’s use of the marketing strategy that is market penetration is very good,
they always have some sort of promotion on, whether that’s reducing the price or
offering them a prize. When offering the customers, a prize they become enticed,
they become determined to win the competition, so they ‘ll purchase many boxes
of cereal until they win or until they have spent a substantial amount of money,
with them buying more box of cereal, Kellogg’s makes a lot more money, this
would be considered effective as it has made them a massive amount of money.
Kellogg’s have created some of the most iconic T.V advertisements ever, they
created an advert.
The logo has been around for many decades now it has weaved its way into
people’s perception of what cereal is, when people think of cereal the first thing is
Kellogg’s, that is how much it has plastered around for years.

Kellogg’s survival strategy as also help, Kellogg’s initially launched in India with
cornflakes, basmati rice flakes, none of which were especially successful. When
Kellogg’s launched Frosties (sweet, sugar-coated flakes) in 1997, even the
company was surprise by their success.

Kellogg’s reduced the price of their product and began to offer a wider range of
product size to appeal to different customers.

Messaging was also changed, to reposition the cereal as fun choice rather than just
a nutritious one.

This approach may have been more successful than brand’s previous attempt to
imply that the traditional Indian breakfast was not nutritious- marketing
messaging which may have made the Indian housewife rather indignant. The
product was no longer positioned as premium products. In order to make a
regular rather than a one-off buy. The brand also localized its branding and
advertising approach to make it more acceptable.

Advantages of marketing techniques in Kellogg’s are:

 Promotes the business to a target audience

 Helps understand your customers
 Helps brand the business
 Helps discover what makes the business unique
 Creates loyalty and trust, with both current customers and prospects

Disadvantages of marketing techniques in Kellogg’s are:

 Cost of marketing
 Expose the business
 Skills and resource
 Evaluation

To effectively market a product or service, it’s important to identify what
differentiate it from competing product or service. It’s also important to determine
if the other products or service can be marketed in conjunction with it.

Th marketing techniques Kellogg’s used such as adding new things to their product
and becoming a valuable resource will help increase the sales, and also give them a
good reputation in the market. Kellogg’s are successful each year and its because
they spend more money each year on advertising, and they also release new
product almost every year, this will keep customers on their toes, because there are
very expectant of Kellogg’s.

Sources of information

Bevan J, Dransfield R, Coupland-smith H, Goymer J and Richards c -BTEC level

3 national business book 1

Cant m, 2010 essentials of marketing

Strategic marketing

Kotler p principle of marketing


Basic marketing; a managerial approach


NI business

www.wikipedia marketing effectiveness 21|09|19

www.goggle definition of marketing

www.diesel main website for diesel

www.Kellogg’s main website for Kellogg’s

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