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Ethical Theories As suggested above, ethical theories fall into two broad categories: those theories

related to leaders’ behavior and those related to leaders’ character. For those theories related to
conduct, there are two types: those that relate to leaders’ conduct and their consequences and those
that relate to the rules or duty that prescribe leaders’ conduct. Those theories related to consequences
are called teleological theories (telos being a Greek word for purposes or ends). These theories
emphasize whether a leader’s actions, behavior, and/or conduct have positive outcomes. This means
that the outcomes related to a person’s behavior establish whether the behavior was ethical or
unethical. Those theories related to duty or rules are called deontological theories (deos being a Greek
word for duty). These theories focus on the actions that lead to consequences and whether the actions
are good or bad. Those theories related to character are described as virtue-based approaches.

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