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Shake Crazy

Daryl Mae Adante
Dianne Maru Flor
Ma. Josefa Grageda
Background and Purpose

Millennial nowadays find entertainment in food especially on drinking beverages such as

milk shake of different flavour. The term "milkshake" first appeared in print in 1885 and at that

point it referred to an adult drink containing eggs and whiskey. But by the early 1900s, a

milkshake had come to mean a drink made with ice cream and chocolate, strawberry, or vanilla

syrup. Speaking of milk shake, people think of a refreshing and cozy drinking beverages now a

days while spending time with friends and family. one of the reason why millennial drinks milk

shake and also because milk shake have health benefits such as protein, calcium, vitamin A, B1,

B2, B12 and D, which are extremely vital for the development and growth of our body.

Shake Crazy is the place where flavored milk shake is found. This is to satisfy the needs

and wants of the customers, side from tastiest milk shake , its price is very affordable and

convenient to the consumer. Everyone wants leisure not just the millennia’s but also the

young adults to escape from stress that life brought. Anyone can see students and young

couples are drinking milk shake in the streets or while doing some window shopping that’s why

Shake Crazy will be build in the place where the target market is and a place where it is easily to

remember the exact location. Shake Crazy will provide the best quality if milk shake in the

Naga City. Milk shake will always be one of the favorite go-to drinks. It doesn’t matter what

time or occasion it is - whether you are in good or bad mood milk shake is here to save the day.

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