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Colegio de la Purisima Concepcion

The School of the Archdiocese of Capiz

Roxas City Capiz
Prefinal output in GEC 3
Contemporary World
1 semester A.Y. 2019-2020

Instruction:Copy and answer. Explain and elaborate each question. You can refer to your book if you
need. (Your answers should be typed-written the same with your name which will be at the back of your

1. How does globalization affects religious practices and beliefs? 4pts.

2. Is religion FOR or AGAINST globalization? 4pts

3. “Religion are the foundation of modern republics” justify this statement. 4pts

4. Draw an illustration of religion in the advent of globalization (3 pts) andgive an explanation of what it
conveys. 4pts

5. According to Jack Lule, how did he described media? 2pts

6. Why does globalization relies on media? 4pts

7. What are forms of media that made it easier for advocates to reach larger audience? 2pts

8. How does Televisions and phones shape the social behavior of people and reorient family behavior?

9. what is the effects of internet on relationships of people? 4pts

10. Explain what is cultural imperialism and give some examples. 4pts

11. Regardless that globalism remains an uneven process and produce inequalities, still it leaves room
for dynamism and cultural change. 4pts

12. What are cyber ghettoes and what do they do in social media? 4pts

13. Why does global cities are sites of great inequality? 4pts

14. Draw an illustration about media in a globalized world (3pts) and give an explanation of what it
conveys. 4pts

15. What are the two reasons that makes globalization spatial? 4pts.

16. What is global cities and how can a city be global?4pts

17. Why does global cities are sites of great inequality and poverty? 4pts

18. What are the challenges of global cities?4pts.

19. What do you call the process that force to relocate poor residents far away areas but cheaper? 2pts

20. Draw an illustration about global cities and its effects (3pts) and give an explanation of what it
conveys. (4pts)
1. Religion is concerned with the sacred , while globalism palces value on material wealth. religion
follows divine commandment while globalism abides by human made law

2. FOR because they have freedom to communicate with other country they have their rights to have
closeness with other people

3. the Malaysian government places religion at the center of political system its constitution explicitly
states that Islam is the religion of the federation and the rulers of each state was also the head of
religion of Islam


5. Jack Lule describes that media is a means of conveying something such as channel of communication

6. While it is relatively easy to define the term media it is more difficult to determine what media do
and how they effect on the societies.

7. On the one hand they expand peoples senses because they provide the capability to talk to more
people instantaneously and simultaneously

8, Thus television is not a simple bearer of messages, it also shapes the social behaviour since it was
introduced in the 1960's television has steered people from the dining table where they eat and tell
stories to each other.

9. theres no way for couples to keep in touch constantly, or to be updated on what the other does all
the time. technology (medium) and not the message make for this social change possible.

10. Proponents of idea of cultural imperialism ignored the fact that media messages are not just made
by producers, they are also consumed by audiences.

11. Globalization as noted in lesson 1 will remain an uneven process and it will produce inequalities
nevertheless it leaves room dynism and cultural changes.

12. By now very few media scholars argue that the world is becoming culturally homogeneous. apart
from the diverse audiences and regional trends in cultural production

13. global cities also have their undersides they can be sites of great inequality and poverty as well as
tremendous violence


15, first globalization is spatial because it occurs in physical spaces. you can see it when foreign
investment and capital move through city

2nd is globalization is spatial because what makes it move is the fact that is based in places.

16. they are homes for instance of world's top stock exchanges where investors buy and sell shares in
major corporations.

17. The global cities also have their undersides they can be sites of great inequality and poverty as well
as tremendous violence.

18 the challenges of global cities are great inequality and poverty as well as tremendous violence and
ecologist have found that by concentrating their population in smaller area

19. this phenomenon of driving out the poor residents far away areas but cheaper


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