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What does it means to be human?

One thing it means to be human is when you are disrespectful to love ones it will come
and bite you in the butt soon or later. You have to give respect when its due no matter the
situation. Sometimes you are going to be treated badly. Sometimes you have to work for what
you want not always just have it given to you. Not everybody is going to like you as a friend or
just as a person. Being human means relating to or characteristic of people or human beings.
Being human means going through life with struggles not having an easy peasy life. This comes
from the book Sweat, the Great Gatsby, and of mice and men.
First, the book Sweat shows how when you are disrespectful towards loves ones it will
come and bite you in the butt soon or later. As well as you have to give respect when its due no
matter the situation. In the short story of Sweat, it states “You sho is one aggravatin’ nigger
woman!” he declared and stepped into the room. She resumed her work and did not answer him
at once. “Ah done tole you time and again to keep them white folks’ clothes outa dis house.” He
picked up the whip and glared down at her. Delia went on with her work. She went out into the
yard and returned with a galvanized tub and set it on the washbench. She saw that Sykes had
kicked all of the clothes together again, and now stood in her way truculently, his whole manner
hoping, praying, for an argument. But she walked calmly around him and commenced to re-sort
the things. “Next time, Ah’m gointer kick ’em outdoors,” he threatened as he struck a match
along the leg of his corduroy breeches.” This relates to giving respect when its due no matter the
situation because Sykes didn’t like Delia doing the white peoples clothes but she was making
money for them and he didn’t respect that and he should have because she is the one working
hard to earn a living while he dont do much around the house. He didn’t respect the fact that she
was the one working hard for the both of them to have money for the house, etc. Another section
in the short story that shows when being disrespectful towards loved ones it will come and bite
you in the butt soon or later, it states “Looka heah, Sykes, you done gone too fur. Ah been
married to you fur fifteen years, and Ah been takin’ in washin’ for fifteen years. Sweat, sweat,
sweat! Work and sweat, cry and sweat, pray and sweat!”... A little awed by this new Delia, he
sidled out of the door and slammed the back gate after him. He did not say where he had gone,
but she knew too well. She knew very well that he would not return until nearly daybreak also.
Her work over, she went on to bed but not to sleep at once. Things had come to a pretty pass!”
This connects to how when you are disrespectful to loved ones it will come and bite you in the
butt soon or later because Sykes was being rude and disrespectful to Delia and he thought she
wasn’t going to say another to him after him being rude to her ever since he came into the house,
so when she gave him a piece of her mind he didn’t know what to do but leave the house.
Secondly, in the book Of Mice and Men, it shows me as a reader that being human
sometimes you are going to be treated badly. Also, not everyone is going to like you as a friend
or somebody to talk to. In the text it states “Noiselessly Lennie appeared in the open doorway
and stood there looking in, his big shoulders nearly filling the opening… Well, I tell you, all of
you stink to me.” This quote shows us that being human you are going to sometimes be treated
badly because crooks is a black guy who works on this farm with a bunch of white guys and
crooks are apart from the rest of the guys because of his skin color, and the way he is shaped.
Another piece of evidence is “if George sees me talkin’ to you he’ll give me hell,” Lennie said
cautiously…Seems like they ain’t none of them cares how I gotta live.” This quote shows how
not everyone is going to like you as a friend or just somebody to talk to be because some people
around them just have to respect the rules, they could get in trouble by owners, partners, etc.
Lastly, the book the Great Gatsby, it shows me as a reader that sometimes you have to
work for what you want in life and not just have it given to you. In the text, it states “with an
effort Wilson left the shade and support of the doorway and, breathing hard, unscrewed the cap
of the tank…The coupe flashed by us with a flurry of dust and the flash of a waving hand.” This
explains how you have to work for things you want in life because things you want don't just
come to you, you have to work in order for them to come to you. Like a lot of the other people in
the town, all live on the rich side of town while Wilson and myrtle are struggling to try to move
up to the rich side.
In conclusion, between these three stories, they all show what it means to be human
because of the lessons they give out to readers. These books give out many more lesson but these
are the most important ones that could be visible to someone’s life and readers should know
these things. The outcome of being human is things you can learn from growing up or being a
human. Being human you have to realize it’s not easy because of all the things you can happen in

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