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Welcome to your favorite comedy show

Today we have two guests as always

They say they are very good

D. This is a companion today Edgar and Jose are with us

Let our guests come in

J. Very well Edgar tell me where you are from

E. I am from the city of Alto

D. How long have you been telling jokes

E. I am telling jokes since my 15 years

J. You can tell us a joke now

E. Ok ..................

D. Tell us another better

E. Ok .........

J. Quickly enter our next participant

J h. Hi. Thank you for inviting me to your program. I am jhosman and I am 20 years old and I
am very well at doing this
D. Okei tell us your first joke

J h. OK.........

J. Can you tell us another one?

J h. Yes. ...........

D. I think that our first participant can't speak loudly

J. For me. Jhosman is very optimistic

D. Now our dear audience must choose the best comedian tonight

J. Today's prize is $ 100

D. With that money I would buy a cell phone more expensive than what I have

J. David want to tell us one of your short jokes now

D. Yes ..............

J. Let our participants pass for the vote

E. Before the vote I think that my jokes are more compact than those of the

J h. I think my jokes are easier to understand

D. Raise your hand those who vote for Edgar wearing a blue sweater ..... and for jhosman
wearing a white shirt ...

J. Our winner today is ........ he now has 100 dollars in his hands. See you tomorrow dear public

D. See you later kind audience

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