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F.- Good afternoon all to our dear audience.

Today as always we will have the best sports news of the


R.- and as usual a summary of the best goals and also a live interview after this Champions League final

F.- starting with the summary we have: the weekend two league games were played

R.- the first between Bolivar and San Jose with a result of 3 to 2 in favor of Bolivar

F.- let's see the summary of this match

F.- the other match between Wilsterman and The Strongest ended without goals

R. - at this moment they interrupt us from the dressing rooms of the Stadium ““ our teammate who is
waiting for the declarations of the winning team of this great final that has just finished

F.- what can you tell us about this final between Barcelona and PSG jhon?

J.- a few minutes after this final all players entered the dressing rooms and we are waiting for their

J.- We are seeing the technical director of the team leave and we are going to ask him. Mr. Bren, what
do you think about the match and the victory of your team?

E.- We are very happy to have met the goal throughout this season and eager to have that drink

F.- jhon. can you give him the headphones, do we have any questions from study?
R.- Hello Mr. Bren. Do you expect to continue your work next season?

E.- I would like to continue directing the team but this decision is also part of the team management

F.- Mr. Bren. What do you think led him to have this victory?

E.- I believe that all this is the result of the work we have developed throughout the season

J.- Thank you very much Mr. Bren for your words.

J.- Now we see Messi leaving the dressing room. Let's try to talk to him. Messi how do you feel after this

D.- Very happy because we managed to win this cup once again

J.- I am going to give you the hearing aids because from study you have some questions

F.- Good afternoon Messi, we want to ask you after giving your team the victory with that goal. Can you
say that it is the fugura of the party?

D.- I don't think the victory is mine alone. I think the whole team contributed throughout the game and
that the result was never so disputed

R.- Messi. Before starting the game it was said that you could not play. why was that said?

D.- I don't have any information about that, but I can say my presence was always for this match I was
J.- thank you very much Messi for speaking with us

J.- We return to study after these two fellow interviews

R.- thanks for the coverage jhon and continuing with the Freddy program we have the summary of the 2
best goals of last week

F.- That's right. First of all the flower goal. lets go see it

R.- Secondly we have the goal of Ferreyra

F.- and thirdly the goal of Arce

R.- that was all for today dear viewers

F.- see you next program. Thanks for your attention. until tomorrow

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