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Human computer interaction

Unit 1 Assignment
1. What is 5W+H?

2. What are different types of interaction styles?

3. Explain interaction paradigms?

4. Write a short note on execution/evaluation action cycle?

5. What is interaction framework explain?

Unit 2 Assignment
1. Explain interface design standards?

2. What is complexity and simplicity trade off in the design of user interface?

3. What are different types of conceptual models?

4. What is Evaluation? Explain Nielsen’s Heuristics in detail?

5. What is prototyping? Explain differences types of prototypes?

Unit 3 Assignment

1. What are the principles of interaction design explain in detail?

2. Write a short on screen complexity?

3. Write short note on usability goals, what is GMOS?

4. Discuss the importance of the following general principles in design of interfaces

a. Compatibility

b. Consistency

c. Control

5. What are predictive models? Briefly describe the two popular predictive models?

Unit 4 Assignment

1. Different window presentation styles and discuss each of them..

2. What are Icons factors influencing Icon usability?

3. Techniques for color parallel specification?

4. Differentiate between pulldown, pullup and cascading menu?

5. Write a short note on color model?

Unit 5 Assignment

1. Explain using text in interaction design?

2. What are the technical issues concerning text?

3. What are the two different techniques of dynamic text presentation?

4. What are the advantages of using speech over text_based communication?

5. How Haptics techniques are used in interaction design?

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