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Diagnose the problem and enumerate the reasons for the failure of


The data processing cell was to help the administrative office in

planning and controlling

The administrative office was a mix of directly recruited officers and

promotee officers.

Victor D’Cuhna realized that the administrative office was heading for
trouble, so he decided to conduct a workshop to avoid them.

While the directly recruited officers appreciated his efforts, the junior
promote officers felt uncomfortable.

Due to above factors a considerable friction was generated in the

administrative office.

The basic problem is that he failed to understand the actual situation

prevailing in the office and have decided to proceed in his own way of
vision in visualizing things and ended up in finding solutions to the
problem, which in real sense is not the actual problem.

The solution to any particular problem lies in discussing any problem with
others, so that it not only offers better understanding but also helps in solving it in
a more effective way to get the desired result.


The first and the foremost reason for the failure of victor d’cuhna was
his perception in understanding people’s attitude. In this case he is
dealing with the people of administrative office who are a mix of
directly recruited officers and promote officers. So dealing with two
different cadres of people requires a lot of composure. So when dealing
with such people one shouldn’t deal with authority but rather should
understand the capabilities and act accordingly. He shouldn’t force
everyone to follow the principles rendered by him because they are
also people who are more experienced and higher in cader to him. So
pressuring them also to follow the same principles will not have a very
good effect and will create prejudiced against him.

Secondly he wanted to change the working capabilities of the officers

by imparting the knowledge which he possesses and change the
functionality of the system. By doing such actions he himself projects
him as a very ambitious person who wants to change the functionaries’
according to his flexibities which will not be accepted by anyone, and
moreover he was directly recruited officer who was in turn appointed
by the promote officers. As the promote officers are more experienced
when compared with him, so they are bound to some particular work
structure which has been in implementation over years. So one
couldn’t change his nature of work. So all these factors combined
totally created an impact that he was an upstart and a show off person
who always want people to follow the principles se by him.

The other main reason which has contributed to his path of failure is
that he believed that he can change the entire system or process with
the help of preaching his techniques with which he developed his
potentiality. But he failed to understand the famous saying “ROME
WAS NOT BUILT IN A DAY. “.Likewise a change in the system is not
possible abruptly. He is very much desired to have a sudden change
instead of anticipating for a gradual change. It can also be said that he
wanted to reap the fruits of prosperity from an organization
immediately after sowing the seeds in the form of seminars and
workshops which is impossible in any possible way. He himself lacked
the virtue of patience which is the most necessary tool in such cases.

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