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Republic of the Philippines

Commission on Higher Education

Introduction to Stylistics
NAME: ______________________ ________________ SCORE:________________
First Section: Matching. Match the definition of the short story element with the correct term.

Analyse the images below, write a dialogue depicting the given scene.

Who is being identified?

1. The supreme god of being; creator of man and earth and addressed sometimes as Bathalang
2. He dwells in Kaluwalhatian together with the lesser gods and goddesses.
3. Originally this god was worshipped as the god of Hunters.
4. The goddess of labor and good deeds.
5. The god of good harvest. He was married to Idiyanale and had two offspring.
6. The goddess of fertility and the most understanding and kind of all the deities.
7. The goddess of the moon and one of the three daughters of Bathala by a mortal woman.
8. She was the most charming of all the goddesses. She had two sisters, Tala and Hanan.
9. The goddess of the stars; sister of Mayari and Hanan and one of the three daughters of Bathala by a
mortal woman.
10. The goddess of love, conception and childbirth and the protector of lovers.

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