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Update v1.

Hotfix (07/05/2019)
While the potion popup is open, the potion's tip is now displayed.
JPN reverted to previous JPN translation.
Updates for GRE, ITA, and SPA.
Updates for TUR credits.

Hotfix (07/17/2019)
Exit Game button now changes button asset if the button is remapped.
Fix for issue where Save Slot 0 wasn't reloaded upon deleting a different Save
Fix for non-Steam builds always showing 0 damage at the heart.
Fixed issue where playtimes and some character data was copied to a new save slot.
Fixed run save files not being deleted when deleting slots, allowing continuing of
runs from deleted profiles.
Fixed unnecessary dispose() calls on monster assets.
Fixing touchscreens requiring you to double tap to do anything.
If width or height is set lower than minimum allowed, your display config
resolution is now reset.
Updates for EPO credits.

Added Eternal One achievement, unlocked when all other achievements are unlocked.

Berserk card buffed. Self Vulnerable 3 -> 2.
Blood Potion buffed to heal 10% -> 25%.
Bottled Flame no longer appears if all of your Attacks are starter cards.
Bottled Lightning no longer appears if all of your Skills are starter cards.
Heel Hook+ card buffed. 7 -> 8 damage.
Bullseye card buffed. Lock-On 1 -> 2.
Bullseye+ card buffed. Damage 10 -> 11.
Colosseum event now appears only at the top half of Act 2.
You no longer run into The Cleric or Beggar events if you do not have enough gold.

UI and Effects
Many quality of life changes such as a larger potions menu, a long-press End Turn
option, sorting options for your deck, improved rendering for tips, and a condensed
top panel have been added.

Patch Notes screen is back.

Touchscreen Mode can now be enabled in the Input Settings (at the bottom).
End Turn button can now utilize long-press confirmations for controllers and
keyboard (not mouse). Turn on/off in Game Settings.
Improved trackpad support for laptops.
Potion menu is way bigger now (easier to click on for mouse/touchscreen).
Top panel's floor number indicator is now an icon + number.
Top panel gold icon, health icon, potion slots, and modifiers now scale up when
Top panel elements gets their spacing updated.
Adding a right stick button asset when highlighting volume sliders via controller.
Ascension description tips are now numbered in English.
Ascension level is now an icon + number in the top panel (gold when max level).
Black screen when viewing a grid of cards (such as removing a card from deck) is
now darker (50% -> 70% opacity).
Boss node on map now has a hover reticle when using controller.
Campfire sleep VFX is now slightly darker.
Cards with glowing effects now have a border that appears instantly along with the
Cleaning up the tick asset used on various checkboxes and dropdowns.
Combat reward screen's items now get a reticle when hovered/highlighted. Much more
Completion percentages in save slot view do not show tenths place if 0% or 100%
Confirm buttons now place the controller prompt icon dynamically, preventing text
Credits screen can now be scrolled up/down using controller.
Custom Mode screen's modifiers are now more obviously hovered/highlighted.
Defect gets a glow-version asset at Rest Site like Ironclad/Silent.
Disabling particle effects now disables the particles which appear upon applying
Fixing some grammar and typos in Potion popup text.
Game and Input Settings tabs get larger hitboxes.
Game Saved VFX now appears below the top panel if more than 3 game modifiers are
Grand Finale card is now 0.3s faster in Fast Mode.
Highlight box now resizes so text isn't blocked when highlighting view upgrade
option in Card Library.
Highlighted cards in RunHistoryScreen are now more obvious when using controllers.
Letterboxing for unsupported aspect ratios no longer have a 1px gap.
Line spacing in Menu Panel headers reduced by 15%.
Lose HP action is now much faster in Fast Mode.
No Run Histories found text is now centered and has improved line spacing.
Offering card is now faster in Fast Mode.
Options in Custom Mode screen are now more obviously highlighted.
Plated Armor power description is more accurate now.
Removed the 'Build:' text on version number as it's unnecessary.
Rich Presence now contains Ascension level (unless 0).
Seek card now organizes cards by rarity and alphabetically.
Silent's starting Strikes are put before Defends (to be consistent with other
Sort button's highlight UI when using controllers are now dynamically sized based
on text length.
Static Discharge card now clarifies that it triggers when you receive unblocked
attack damage.
Text in Game Preferences settings now aligns better with checkboxes.
Tips for boss relics are now offset so they can no longer cover a relic when
hovered/highlighted using controller.
Tips for potions now show up when hovered in Reward screens and Shops (not just in
the Potion panel after acquisition).
Vampires and Council of Ghosts events now show how much Max HP is lost (rather than
showing %)
Well-Laid Plans card plays slightly faster now.
When hovering various tips in the Game Settings, they're now rendered on the left
side instead of at cursor position.
When previewing card for upgrade via controller, the upgrade result is now hovered,
no longer obscuring your view.
When viewing your deck, you can now sort it by obtained order, alphabetical,
rarity, and cost.
With controllers, end turn now disables cards from being hovered, so cards don't
obscure enemies.

A lot of work was done to improve boot time, rendering performance, and to find and
fix memory leaks which led to crashes when playing for extended periods of time.

Card UI elements now utilize a texture atlas (uses less VRAM and improves
Compressed lots of images.
Fixed memory leaks in several monsters, events, ui, and other objects.
Flame Particles and Lightning Orb VFX assets are now pre-loaded.
Font generators are now cached better, improving load time and reducing memory
Hexaghost and Lagavulin enemies now pre-cache music so there's no lag when music
starts mid-combat.
Improving render performance of several UI, VFX, and Fonts.
Merged 3 identical fonts, reducing memory usage and improving load up time.
Removed dual initialization of several assets.
Removed a lot of unused assets.
Many VFX assets are now pre-cached, preventing stutter when certain cards or moves

Code Cleanup
Most of this improves moddability, extensibility, and future-proofing various
functions and objects within the game.

Confusion and Corruption cards utilize improved hooks.

Improved lifesteal logic for Reaper and Shelled Parasite.
Refactored Hologram card to not have to verify number of cards in the card itself.
Specimen relic now uses the same code as other relics for applying its effect.
Unhardcoded various cards, relics, and enemies.

Bug Fixes
Fixed card and relics unlocking earlier than they're supposed to.
All-Out Attack, Madness, and Reboot cards no longer affect Card Rewards when used
(rng issue).
Astrolabe relic now works even if your deck contains 3 cards or less.
Back button is now hidden in Save Slots screen if all saves are deleted.
Blank The Evil's bug fix for Card Reward screen non-skip issue.
Bottled Cards upgraded from Mind Bloom event have their description updated
Can no longer accidentally bring up the rename screen with controller when
navigating through Settings.
Changed Input settings are now correctly retained when changing save slots.
Darkstone Periapt relic now works with Hoarder mod.
Empty Cage relic now works with 1 or less valid cards in your deck.
Envenom's Poison is now applied immediately after the damage occurs.
Fix for Cost X cards utilizing extra energy when playing quickly.
Fix for crash when pressing RIGHT using controller when viewing 5 cards in grid
card select screen.
Fix for Map and View Deck top panel buttons sometimes skipping card rewards.
Fix for part of the map UI remaining on the screen after hitting Return in certain
Fix for thank you message in credits displaying prematurely.
Fixed Automaton's orbs preventing scaling of Genetic Algorithm and Ritual Dagger.
Fixed Bag of Preparation not drawing cards affected by Confusion power.
Fixed bug where a certain set of actions could disable tips for a card for the rest
of combat.
Fixed bug where deleting a save slot would generate dummy files in a ghost slot.
Fixed bug where dialog bubbles moved faster if higher resolution.
Fixed bug where Exhaust Pile can be viewed using controller even if it's empty.
Fixed bug where screenshake and SFX were played when navigating to locked character
select option via controller.
Fixed card tips that remained on screen when you died.
Fixed certain Status and Curses triggering their end of turn effects by playing
them normally with Medical Kit or Blue Candle under specific circumstances.
Fixed crash when attempting to hover view upgrade in Card Library using controller.

Fixed crash when highlighting mods in top panel using controller.

Fixed crash when navigating left on controller when colorless cards are sold out.
Fixed crash when opening deck view if you have 0 cards (e.g. when you start a run
with the Draft modifier)
Fixed crash when pressing down on controller on 3rd option at Rest Site if you have
4 options.
Fixed crash when pressing right on controller in Run History with 0 runs.
Fixed damage and block values showing green increased values when the end value was
the same.
Fixed enemies not applying powers if they died in the process (e.g. Thorns).
Fixed enemy order issues in Slime Boss, Gremlin Leader, and Reptomancer encounters.
Fixed Enlightenment+ not reducing cost of cards with 1 or 0 cost for turn.
Fixed errors with moving around relic compendium screen with a controller for Event
Fixed exploit of playing Normality while already having played 3+ cards.
Fixed Fission+ evoking Orbs in reverse order.
Fixed non-Steam platforms showing 0 total damage dealt on the victory screen.
Fixed inability to inspect relics when Shopscreen is open via controller.
Fixed incorrect scaling on draw and discard piles making them very large on high
Fixed Invincible power with interactions such as The Boot and Block.
Fixed issue where ending turn with Retain while hovering the player could make the
leftmost card act strangely via controller.
Fixed issue if cards are queued and turn is ended after an enemy dies, Nilry's
Codex can open and cause issues.
Fixed issue where map can be opened during room transitions, cancelling certain
Fixed issue where moving cursor to bottom of window would cause cards in hands to
bounce indefinitely.
Fixed issue where Rest Site option text wasn't placed correctly (scaling).
Fixed issue where tips weren't appearing correctly in single relic popup view.
Fixed issue where up/down on controller in potion drink/discard also navigated to
monsters/cards during combat.
Fixed issue where you briefly see the map when you start a run due to its default
Fixed lingering campfire sounds from rest sites.
Fixed Machine Learning card affecting hand size even when negated.
Fixed Meal Ticket not working on Shops from ? rooms.
Fixed Nemesis gaining Intangible too early and messing up damage from Thorns.
Fixed Normality card not stopping cards affected by Setup and Forethought.
Fixed Regret causing less HP loss than normal if other cards played themselves
Fixed Reptomancer not triggering some important logic after death.
Fixed Rip and Tear, Sword Boomerang, and Thunder Strike continuing its hits over
Thorns and Shifting powers.
Fixed Second Wind doing its effects in reverse and only gaining one instance of
Fixed slash attack VFX used by some enemies being the wrong size in high
Fixed Spit Web move's VFX appearing from wrong spot in high resolutions.
Fixed the opening of Input Settings allowing skipping of unskippable screens and
potentially getting to an unplayable state.
Fixed the seedSet flag not resetting, preventing Achievements from unlocking in
subsequent runs before game is reloaded.
Fixed Wrist Blade not affecting Sword Boomerang, Rip and Tear, and Thunder Strike.
Game and Input Settings panels are now taller so the input rows stay within the
Improved precision of volume sliders with a controller so that values can be set
precisely back to 50%.
Knowing Skull event can no longer give you a potion if you have the Sozu relic.
Leaderboard filters labels are now displayed for the options selected when opening
the screen.
Library event can no longer contain duplicate cards.
Neow's Lament relic now grays out when it is used up.
No longer possible to interact with the map with a controller while single card
view screen is open.
Relic Collection menu no longer scrolls erratically in some cases when using
Removed note about Leaderboards being reset weekly as Early Access is over.
Reptomancer no longer creates daggers with more HP than intended.
Reset To Defaults option in Option Menu now resets all controller mappings
Run History screen's cards and floor nodes can navigated easier with controllers.
Shop and Boss BGM now correctly mutes when game is minimized with the Mute While in
BG option on.
Slider in the Character Stats menu no longer gets stuck before reaching the bottom
with a controller.
Torch particles in Exordium now rise at the same speed on all resolutions.
Twitch plugin now works if language isn't English and system encoding isn't set to
Various card selection effects that don't update RNG are now seeded.
When a dropdown menu is open in RunHistory screen, the controller up/down no longer
affects selection outside the dropdown menu.
WobblyLine VFX used in Snecko's glare is now larger and scales correctly with

Thai and Turkish languages are now available. Big thanks to our community
translators :D.
New languages and localization improvements, hooray!

Portuguese Brazilian was out-of-date so it has been removed from main branch.
JPN translation overhaul by Kakehashi Games.
JPN and THA now have translated Merchant Shop images.
THA fonts updated.
Updated credits for JPN, POL, THA, and TUR.
Added logic to disallow periods to cause line breaks in Asian languages.
Rewrote how Asian languages are rendered, fixing several formatting issues.
Asian languages now utilize lineSpacing variable in renderSmartText.
Asian languages no longer have A~Z sorting filters in Card Library screen.
JPN renders card descriptions from left to right.
Rest Site options' rest option info text now uses localized period character.
Run History and Daily Screens now use YEAR/MONTH/DAY by default for dates except in
Run History date format in JPN utilizes localized AM/PM.

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