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com 25 Aug 2018

Josh Truex
Sarah Truex

A 2 week detox guide using a modified version of the Master

Cleanse to eliminate toxic waste and inflammation in our bodies
and focus solely on the vitamins and minerals we get from raw
whole foods. 25 Aug 2018

Hi everyone! First we want to thank you for purchasing our 5 day cleanse guide. We appreciate each and
every one of you and want you to know that we are here for you as you go through the process. Feel free to email us
with any questions and concerns you may have.
I am not your doctor, nor your dietician, so when it comes to your current protocols given to you by either
make sure you stick with them. Do not cut out medications without being told to by your health professional. This
guide is built upon 14 years of my own experience as a health professional. I hope that through you following our detox
that you need less medications, feel better, and have more energy, less pain, etc…One thing at a time though. If you
are currently taking any medications or following instructions from your doctor stay with it and let’s see how it changes
over time. If you are feeling like you don’t need to do something they are suggesting, make an appointment and find
out what they think before cutting anything out. I will say that we have seen hundreds of clients going back to the
doctor to find out they don’t need any help from medications, therapy, etc...after making lifestyle changes like this. We
hope this is the case with many of you following this. 25 Aug 2018

What is a cleanse?
Why do we need to do it?

With the way life is for most people and how much food and water has changed our bodies end up taking a
beating. Cleansing when done properly is the best way we can defend ourselves from harmful toxins we have trapped inside
of our body. Food and water has changed so much that we need to be careful not only with what we are eating and drinking,
but also preventing adding any more toxins through things we do on a daily basis. Since Sarah and I have begun this new
lifestyle we have changed everything. The first things we changed after our diet and water was our home care products.
Toothpaste, deodorant, facial scrubs, etc…all went out the window and were exchanged for natural based products. Men for
example have more hormone issues from these products than probably anything else in our lives. We will go over more of
this later in this guide.
Acid is a precursor to pretty much all toxicity and we should plan our diet and water based around offsetting the PH
of our body. Yes, alkaline diets are real. We need to be educated on what these things mean and how to properly use them to
defend our bodies best. Water is one of the biggest farces there is today. Changing to distilled water can instantly change
issues people have with digestion, acid reflux, acne, joint and muscular pain, headaches, etc…HYDRATION IS EVERYTHING!
It is the lifeline of our body and effects each and every process in it. 25 Aug 2018

In this particular cleanse we do a modified version of the master cleanse, but in this one you will still have
food to look forward to. It is a 2 week process with the weekends left to yourself. So many people fear the master
cleanse, but when done properly it is one true way to detox your body. Most who do it aren’t drinking the drink
enough and therefore are feeling like they are starving. Always remember eating doesn’t mean you have to be
chewing. Many of us are very familiar with protein shakes and juicing and that would be another example of not
chewing, while still feeding your body. The drink includes 52 calories per serving and I do doubles every hour which
equates to me having about 1500 calories a day not counting my meal at night. Cleansing should never be about
starvation, it is about nourishing with the right things while freeing up a ton of energy for the body to use to fix
things it otherwise wouldn’t be able to. My goal in every person I coach through this is to restore your metabolism to
its optimal state and rid your body of harmful toxins dragging them down. While doing this cleanse through the day
your body is not being filled with more food for it to digest because the drink is basically a version of a raw diet using
ingredients that don’t need to break down. Digestion is arguably the most taxing process the body goes through and
saving that energy will allow the body to take care of countless tasks that it wouldn’t have been able to prior. This is
the best method to getting into those deep layers of buildup in our gut without using harmful detox supplements.
For all of you out there who think you have a gut because of simply fat, that’s not the case at all. When you back up
your colon and intestines you begin to see a bulge in your gut. Regardless of the fat you have, doing this will cut
things down from the inside and make that belly look a lot better while you work towards burning the belly fat you
actually do have. 25 Aug 2018

Benefits of Cleansing:
▪ Help you learn a routine for proper ▪ Pain, inflammation, ailments, injuries,
hydration using the right water. sickness and emotions will all improve
to some degree.
▪ Balance acidic levels in the body and
remove harmful toxins. ▪ The more you do this over time the
more you will see from your body. All
▪ Restore your metabolism back to its of the things you struggle with or that
optimal state. bother you will begin to disappear.
People who struggle with weight,
▪ Yes, you will lose weight. The bad symmetry in their muscle, pain,
weight from your gut and some fat as etc…all see much more progress from
well. their body each time they cleanse. It
▪ You will feel amazing, and see what doesn’t matter what size you are or
your energy levels should be like. what goal you have, it improves each
and every person. 25 Aug 2018

So most people love doing this cleanse and the results it brings, but we need to realize how the body works and why the
cleanse would be tough on you if it is. The more toxic you are from how you have been living or lived in the past all affects how tough
cleansing is initially. Depending on how healthy you are and what you have been eating and drinking makes a big difference in how
much sticks around in our gut when we eat, drink, etc…When you cleanse you will be breaking up these layers and your body has to
flush them out. This will make you feel weaker than normal and sometimes edgy. This is ok, appreciate that feeling because it means
all of that junk will soon leave your body. I strongly recommend that you don’t go into the days before your cleanse eating up all of the
stuff you won’t be able to eat while on the cleanse. It will only make it harder when your body is kicking everything up the first few
days. Try and eat cleaner the 4 days up to cleansing to make it much easier on yourself. Again, don’t hesitate to contact us with
whatever concerns you have and we will comfort and guide you through the process. It is life changing and things that come with
such a reward take effort, but I promise you it is well worth it. It’s crazy to me that the world today believes they have to live with all of
these negative feelings of no energy, sickness, pain and any other limitations. It’s so far from the truth. Many clients we have worked
on this with turned into an entirely different person after only 5 days, literally. They don’t look the same, feel the same, or struggle
with many of the same physical and emotional issues they did before. I made this cleanse protocol in order to make it as a stepping
stone to more intense cleanses. Simply because through my 14 years in the industry I’ve seen how sick people really are, even without
knowing it. Sarah and I thought we were relatively healthy until we started implementing things like this. Man, what a huge
difference it made. This cleanse is meant to help those who don’t realize what their body is holding inside of it and allows everyone to
start the cleaning process without having such a rough experience with it. So many have been turned off to any type of cleanse or
detox because of not being informed properly on how to do it, or how aggressive they were going into it not realizing how tough it is
to finish. We can’t wait to see how much better life is for you after completing this and would love to work with you going forward
when you’re ready to take it to the next level. Now let’s get on to the cleanse and some delicious recipes of mine you can look forward
to each day. 25 Aug 2018

You’ll Need:
 Organic Grade A Dark Maple Syrup
 Organic Lemons
 Organic Cayenne Pepper
 Distilled Water
 Digestive Enzymes

The Drink:
o 2 Tablespoons Fresh Squeezed Organic Lemons
o 2 Tablespoons Grade A Dark Maple Syrup (The lemon and syrup should come
out to 2 oz.)
o 1/10 Teaspoon Organic Cayenne Pepper
o 8 Ounces Distilled Water
Double the amount of lemons and syrup to 4 tbsp. each for a double drink and 16 oz
of water (the lemon and syrup should be 4 oz.) 25 Aug 2018

About The Recipe

 Although people think citrus means acid, it’s not the case 100% of the time. Lemons are actually an Alkaline food
and have huge enzymatic (Enzymes) function that helps with our gut during this process and also helps balance
those acids I spoke about earlier. Make sure you are ONLY using fresh lemons, this does not work with any bottled
lemon juice you may find.
 So touching on the whole not chewing thing. Not chewing does not equal not nourishing. The Grade B Maple Syrup
has all the essential vitamins and minerals our body needs, and when doing this cleanse the sugar goes right to our
brain, unlike other sugars when we eat. Do not substitute the maple syrup with honey or others things like that.
This is meant to work specifically the way I have it setup.
 Cayenne pepper burns, right?! Regardless of what it seems, cayenne breaks up all harmful mucus and bacteria,
while also healing any damage in our stomach, intestines and colon. It calls for a 1/10 teaspoon but I urge anyone to
use as much as you can tolerate. In this case, the more the better is true.
 We must use Alkaline water. The entire drink mixture is meant to help balance acids while feeding our body all the
energy it needs to get things done. If you can’t find any of the waters I listed, please contact me and we will figure
out something that works for you. 25 Aug 2018

Instructions: How to do this cleanse

*First I would suggest getting an electric lemon juicer. One that you press the half lemon down on and it spins. It will make
your life much easier. Fancy modern “Juicers” aren’t really good with this I’ve found.
*The drink must always be made in glass. Lemon will break down plastic extremely fast, causing you to drink toxic plastic
every time.
*If you can make the drink fresh every hour (Must drink one each hour) that is the best way, for me that is extremely hard
while working, so we make a concentrate most days.
*If you are going to make a concentrate use a mason jar so it’s glass. It’s very simple. Juice as many lemons as you are going to
use and then add the same amount in maple syrup. A 1 to 1 ratio mixture. The big mason jars hold 1 ½ cups lemon juice and 1 ½ cups
maple syrup very well. That’s the amount I make normally. Try not to leave it overnight, make it in the morning for your day if possible.
DO NOT add anything to the concentrate. Keep it only lemons and maple syrup and add the cayenne and water when you make the drink
each time. This will make it very easy to get your drinks in consistently every hour.
*MOST IMPORTANT PART - The drink must be made every hour, and when it is made you must drink it within 10 minutes to
keep all the enzymatic function of the lemons. This is not about starving or being hungry. The second you feel hungry make another
drink. I tend to make them every 45 minutes as my workday goes on. You can modify the amount of servings you do each out. I do
doubles every time in order to keep me ok for the hour. It is very important you keep these going every hour. For some who don’t each
much it’s tough at first, but trust me when I say your metabolism will perk up and want to eat more after doing this. Sometimes you may
feel like you just drank one and are still hungry. That feeling is how much your metabolism is boosting. It resembles hunger, but isn’t. It
also can be things shifting and the pressure/bloat leaving your body. 25 Aug 2018

*Sometimes the cayenne can feel like it’s burning in your stomach, so for myself I like to add 1 ounce of “Whole
Filet Aloe Vera Juice” to my drink. Tastes a little funky at first, but it makes a huge difference in how amazing your stomach
feels. Cayenne also can be uncomfortable as you begin going to the bathroom a bunch. We use Organic Coconut Oil
topically after using toilet paper and it takes any burn right away and prevents it getting worse.
*In the evening you can have that amazing meal you are looking forward to. Keep the meals raw, nothing
cooked. I make heaping salads and substitute beans for protein. Some nights we will snack on veggies and hummus for a
couple hours and then go back to the drink if we aren’t going to bed anytime soon. I have had clients who had salads but
added chicken, but the reason I urge not to do this is because of how heavy that is on your system after not having any
substance from food all day. It’s not the end of the world if you do, but you will get much much more out of your week if
you stay away from it. It is amazing how pulling these toxins from your body changes your cravings and desires. It might
surprise you how much you want more natural foods. You will have your weekends to look forward to as your treat.
*Since I like this to be a two week process, the weekends are for you to enjoy yourself while trying to make
better choices. On Saturday you are trying to have the best of both worlds. What I mean by that is try and go out to eat
and make a lighter choice, or make your favorite foods at home and try and make lighter versions of them. Remember,
you have been cleansing all week so your system is going to want lighter foods. If you put a heavy caloric dense meal into
your system you may pay for it. Won’t be the end of the world, but may feel very uncomfortable while it breaks down.
Sunday is your cheat day, but I caution you to tread carefully. Enjoy your day, but challenge yourself to make better
decisions on portions or what you’re eating. By the second week you will see what I mean. The more you clean your body,
the more aware you become of what you’re eating. Those same heavy foods you enjoyed before may punish your body
when you eat them now, but that’s the point of all I’m teaching you. The cleaner you are the more you notice, the less you
crave, and the more selfish you get with how good you’re feeling and not messing it up. 25 Aug 2018


Last Little Part – Go to a health food store and ask for a digestive enzyme
they recommend. I have most clients ask for the best bang for your buck because
every region is different and you can’t expect to find the same everywhere. Take
10 of them first thing in the morning. These enzymes are like little pacmans to
help break everything up. It will make things feel much better in your gut as things
begin to move. It essentially speeds the process of many things breaking down
and leaving our body. 25 Aug 2018

I personally grew up on lots of salad with fresh greens, but I also had a whole bunch of
crap along the way. The thing I love most about this cleanse is how much it makes you value the
food you are eating. Too much we just eat without really caring about what we are eating. That is
not the case with this. After a day of the drinks you will truly love what you are eating. We want to
stay raw and I try and find as many different salad ideas as I can. We will be updating this and
our social media with new recipes as we are trying them ourselves with the cleanse. Reading this
will leave some feeling like it may be a boring option to end their days. That’s why I really get into
dressings. Dressings can spice up and change any salad into something new. Feel free to email
us with what you’re considering. We can help modify any recipe you want to try. It’s been
awesome to see so many clients who used to avoid any wholesome meal change to where they
look forward to something so light, but yet so flavorful. Each day will leave you wanting more
wholesome and natural meals. You may use organic ingredients as well for your salads and
dressings. 25 Aug 2018

Cuban Salad
This salad is something so simple yet so delicious. A few ingredients makes it easy for you to prepare it
 2 Avocados Sliced and Cut In Half For Smaller Slices
 3 Roma Tomatoes Diced
 ½ Red, White or Yellow Onion In Thin Slices. (Cut Onion in Half and Then Slice Off)
 4 Cloves Garlic Minced
 ¼ Head of Fresh Chopped Cilantro
 Juice of ½ Fresh Squeezed Lime
 Red Wine Vinegar
 Extra Virgin Olive Oil
 ½ Teaspoon Ground Cumin
 Fresh Ground Salt and Pepper to Taste
Combine all veggies, avocado, garlic and cilantro in a bowl. Add cumin, salt and pepper. Drizzle a good amount of
red wine vinegar and olive oil and then lime juice before mixing. Mix and enjoy. 25 Aug 2018

Salads Cont.
Fiesta Salad w/
Greek Salad with Beans Beans

This is possibly my favorite meal to have when This is the salad that brings it home with Mexican
cleansing. It smells so fresh and delicious. flavors.
 2 Cucumbers Diced in Quarters  Bed of lettuce of your choice (Equivalent of 1 10oz
 5 Tomatoes On The Vine Diced Bag)
 1 ½ Red, White or Yellow Onion Diced  1 Half Red Pepper Sliced
 1 Can Organic Garbanzo Beans  1 Half Green Pepper Sliced
 1 Tablespoon Fresh Minced Dill  ½ Red, Yellow or White Onion Sliced
 ½ Head Chopped Fresh Italian Parsley  1 Can Salad Beans (12oz Kidney, Pinto and
 3 Cloves Fresh Minced Garlic Garbanzo Beans)
Mix Everything In a Bowl and Served Over a Small Bed  1/2 Head Chopped Cilantro
of Lettuce & Tossed in my Greek Dressing  Optional – ½ Diced Avocado
Mix in a Bowl and Serve w/My Cumin Vinaigrette
*Optional**I added organic gluten free croutons and
mashed avocado to mine in this picture* 25 Aug 2018

Avocado Salad
 You can use any greens you’d like. I personally mix butter
lettuce, romaine, and some red cabbage together. We try and
stay organic and sometimes grab bags for our salads.
 Use the equivalent to one 10oz Bag of Mixed Lettuce
 ½ Cucumber Diced
 ¼ Red, Yellow or White Onion Diced
 ¼ Red and Green Pepper Diced Into Small Chunks
 Cut ¼ Avocado Into Chunks For Each Bowl as You Serve
 One Pickled Jalapeno Minced and Added as You Serve
 Add one of my dressings Hummus & Veggies
This was always so boring to me, until I started cleansing. It’s
incredible the appreciation this cleanse give you towards food. What you
would otherwise stick your nose up to will make you drool for after just one
day of cleansing. This cleanse is about raw in order to reset your body and
this is a good one because instead of a planned meal you can look forward
to snacking on a veggie and dip plate for the end of your night.
Simply find your favorite humus (Make sure you don’t have any
roasted goodies or anything outside of being raw in it) and add your
favorite veggies to it. Enjoy this all evening unless you want to switch back
to the drink before heading to bed. 25 Aug 2018

This is the recipe that Sarah’s brother managed to eat 5
lbs of in just one evening. I guess that makes it good! It’s
rich in essential fatty acids and good fats make a huge
difference in how fast we get hungry. Really good thing
for snacking at the end of a cleanse day.
 Take 4 Avocados, peel them and toss in a bowl.
 Dice 3 Roma Tomatoes
 ½ Red, White or Yellow Onion Diced Small
 1/2 Bunch Of Cilantro Chopped Fine or
 ½ Bulb Garlic (Big one, not a clove)
Finely Minced
 ½ Jalapeno Seeded and Minced
 Juice of ½ Fresh Squeezed Lime
 Dash Of Red Wine Vinegar
 ½ - 1 Tablespoon Ground Cuming (To Taste)
 ½ Teaspoon Fresh Ground Salt and Pepper (To
 Mash Avocado In a Bowl with Garlic, add all other
ingredients and mix together. 25 Aug 2018

My Pico De Gallo (w/Optional Pineapple)

I love Mexican food, it’s by far my favorite, hence the reason I married a Mexican woman! Sarah’s
Mom looks at me funny every time we are together for vacation and I know that means “Get me my pico!”
Apparently her Mom and Nana are in love with my pico so I guess I did something right.
 8 Roma Tomatoes Diced Small
 2 Red, Yellow or White Onions Diced Small (I like to switch it up, you’ll find over time which kind and how
much of each ingredient you like)
 1 Jalapeno. Cut in half and take out the seeds, then mince small before adding. (Optional for all those who
don’t like any kind of spice. Certain spicy foods like this will help in cleaning you out)
 1 Bunch of Cilantro Chopped Small or Medium
 ½ Bulb Minced Garlic (Half of the entire big bulb)
 Juice of 1 Lime Freshly Squeezed
 Drizzle Over Everything With Red Wine Vinegar, White Wine Vinegar or White
Vinegar (About 1-3 Tablespoons)
 1 Tablespoon Ground Cumin (We love Cumin, but if it’s too intense do ½ teaspoon.
You will find ways to use Cumin in many dishes. It blends flavors in an amazing way)
 ½ Teaspoon Fresh Ground Salt and Pepper
 OPTIONAL PINEAPPLE – Add ½ Fresh diced pineapple before mixing around 25 Aug 2018

My Greek Salad Vinaigrette
 2/3 Cup White or Red Wine Vinegar
 ½ Cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil
 3 Cloves Fresh Minced Garlic (Smash into a paste if you can with this garlic also)
 1 Teaspoon Dried Oregano
 1 Teaspoon Dried Basil (If using this on my greek dressing don’t use this, I put fresh basil in the salad)
 1 Teaspoon Dried Parsley (If using this on my greek dressing don’t use this, I put fresh parsley in the salad)
 1 Teaspoon Onion Powder
 2 Teaspoons Fresh Squeezed Lemon Juice
 ¼ Teaspoon Yellow Mustard
 ½ Tsp Himalayan Salt
 1 Tsp Fresh Ground Pepper (Or less if you prefer less pepper)
I use an emulsifier found off amazon to mix salad dressings. It’s great to have around, but you can use a jar to
shake it thoroughly or blend it if you prefer it that way. The mustard acts as an emulsifier and mixes the oil and
vinegar. Let it sit overnight in the fridge if possible, or I make my dressings for the cleanse in the morning and let it
sit in the fridge all day. 25 Aug 2018

More Vinaigrettes…

*I use an emulsifier found off amazon to mix salad dressings. It’s

great to have around, but you can use a jar to shake it thoroughly or blend it
if you prefer it that way. The mustard acts as an emulsifier and mixes the oil
and vinegar. Let it sit overnight in the fridge if possible, or I make my
dressings for the cleanse in the morning and let it sit in the fridge all day.*

My Balsamic Vinaigrette My Cumin Vinaigrette

 ½ Cup Extra Virgin Oil
 ½ Cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil  1 Tsp Dijon Mustard
 1/3 Cup Balsamic Vinegar  ¾ Tsp Ground Cumin
 4 Cloves Fresh Minced Garlic  2-3 Cloves Finely Minced Garlic (I like to grind salt
 1 Teaspoon Onion Powder over it and then smash and mush it before adding it
 1 Teaspoon Dried Parsley to the dressing. Helps to flavor quicker)
 1/4 Teaspoon Dijon Mustard  About ¼ Cup Red Wine or White Wine Vinegar
 ½ Tsp Himalayan Salt  ½ Lemon Freshly Squeezed
 1 Tsp Fresh Ground Pepper (Or less if you prefer  ¼ Tsp Onion Powder
less pepper)  ½ Tsp Himalayan Salt
 1 Tsp Fresh Ground Pepper (Or less if you prefer
less pepper) 25 Aug 2018

Before &

Thank you for your continued support! We hope you have found
this guide a great preparation and beneficial information for you
to start your next detox. Looking forward to hearing and seeing
your results!

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