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Dentist: Sit down, please. What seems to be the problem?

Patient: I have a toothache.

Dentist: Which tooth is it? Which side of the mouth is the pain at?
Patient: It’s here at the back.
Dentist: When did the pain begin?
Patient: Two days ago.
Dentist: Does anything make the pain worse?
Patient: Yes, eating or drinking something cold or hot.
Dentist: Did you take any painkillers to relieve this pain?
Patient: Only some aspirin.
Dentist: Open your mouth wide, please. Does it hurt here?
Patient: Ouch, it really does.
Dentist: When did you last visit a dentist?
Patient: I think it was two years ago.
Dentist: What was it for?
Patient: A check-up.
Dentist: Did you receive any dental treatment then?
Patient: I had fillings replaced.
Dentist: Now, about your oral hygiene. How often do you brush your teeth?
Patient: Only in the morning, I am afraid.
Dentist: For how long?
Patient: About half a minute.
Dentist: Do your gums bleed when you brush your teeth?
Patient: No, no blood.
Dentist: Do you floss?
Patient: No, never.
Dentist: Do you eat a lot of sweets?
Patient: Yes, I’ve got quite a sweet tooth, I must admit.
Dentist: Do you have a problem visiting the dentist?
Patient: Frankly speaking, yes. It is the drill that I hate and that characteristic smell.
Dentist: Would you like me to give you an anaesthetic?
Patient: Yes, please. I wouldn’t let the dentist do anything without one.
Doctor: Relax, it won’t hurt.

What seems to be the problem? – Co Panu / Pani dolega?
a toothache – ból zeba
Which side of the mouth is the pain at? – Z której strony boli?
make worse – pogorszyć
take painkillers – zażywać tabletki przeciwbólowe
relieve pain – łagodzić ból
open your mouth wide – proszę otworzyć szeroko usta
Does it hurt here? – Czy tu boli?
a check-up – przegląd / badanie kontrolne
treatment – leczenie / zabieg
replace fillings – wymieniać plomby
gums – dziąsła
bleed – krwawić
Do you floss? – Czyści Pan / Pani zęby nicią dentystyczną?
have a sweet tooth – być łasuchem / lubić słodycze
I must admit – muszę przyznać
Frankly speaking – prawdę mówiąc

Let’s face it – spójrzmy prawdzie w oczy

perform – wykonywać
painful – bolesny
a stress ball – gniotek
be under anaesthetic – być znieczulonym
a sedation – środek uspokajający
nitrous oxide – gaz rozweselający
have fear of – bać się (czegoś)
a needle – igła
a dental drill – wiertło dentystyczne
immediately – natychmiast

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