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2.1 Review of Related Literature

The religion is important, because conflict between and within different religions is rising globally.
The strength of an individual's religious attachment or commitment to a particular faith commonly
measured as religious belief, ritual and experience (Tan, 2006). Moreover, Religion is the one element of
life that has connected the races and societies of the world for hundreds of years. It has given meaning to
lives that may seem otherwise hopeless. Religion has provided for a universal language and culture
among those who believe in a higher power. It is really proven that we need to go in church in some
reasons: It is a way of showing our love for God, It builds us up spiritually, The Lord comes in the midst of
people who gathers to worship Him, It strengthens relationship with fellow Christians, It is a way of showing
our obedience to God, It provides accountability to spiritual leadership, Our prayers become stronger,
and It is a way of honoring the Lord’s Day. Although, Here also some reason why the person don’t go to
church, According to Pew research, here’s the top reason survey respondents gave for skipping regular
religious services in some reasons: They practice their faith in "other ways.", They are not believers, They
haven't found a house of worship they like, They don't like the sermons, They don't feel welcome, They
don't have the time, Poor health or mobility, and No house of worship in their area.

By the fact that, We need to have beliefs, Tony Robbins(2004), Beliefs have the power to create
and the power to destroy. Human beings have the awesome ability to take any experience of their lives
and create a meaning that disempowers them or one that can literally save their lives. However, Beliefs
are a set of values, deeply rooted in the psyche of an individual. They are preconceptions and
generalizations regarding some really fundamental issues of one's life and of the entire world. According
to Albert Einstein, A man's moral worth is not measured by what his religious beliefs are but rather by what
emotional impulses he has received from Nature during his lifetime".

Today, Religion is the first sense of community, where the religious sense of community and with it
real trust and integrity can be destroyed then. Many people adhere to religion for the sake of their souls,
but it turns out that regular participation in faith-based activities is good for the body and mind, too.
Although, religion can make people happier and healthier. It is noticeable that it is important to having
beliefs because it is showing a guidance for all situations. Going to church most of the time are the
cultural habit that the Filipino have, and were so lucky of that.

2.2 Related Studies

According to Jesus Reigns Ministries Inc. (2007), attending church is part of the life of a true follower
of Christ. So, it is therefore discouraged that you plan other non-church related activities that will be in
conflict with Sunday services and other church-related programs. Affiliated person are the people who
will going in church every Sundays and Saturdays, it is mentally in mind that one community are consist of
different churches and it is obviously observe. Most of the people who are highly religious are more
engaged with their extended families, more likely to volunteer, more involved in their communities and
generally happier with the way things are going in their lives (Pew Research studies).

Basically, Religion is the adherence to codified beliefs and rituals that generally involve a faith in
a spiritual nature and a study of inherited ancestral traditions, knowledge and wisdom related to
understanding human life. The term "religion" refers to both the personal practices related to faith as well
as to the larger shared systems of belief. It is longer influence our current behavior as long as our attitude
and in depth status standard. According to Wikipedia, Religious practices may include rituals, sermons,
commemoration or veneration (of deities), sacrifices, festivals, feasts, trances, initiations, funerary
services, matrimonial services, meditation, prayer, music, art, dance, public service, or other aspects of
human culture.

Typically, Different people have different experiences with their religion. While each belongs to a
particular religion, each one’s experience does not fully represent that religion as a whole. In a survey of
religion and public life done by the Pew Forum in (2007), it was found that the ways in which Americans
practiced their religion was changing. There has been a trend of moving toward less dogmatic
approaches to religion. In connection with that, the current study was designed to understand the
religious and spiritual behaviors in university students in order to develop methods to better cultivate
religious and spiritual growth. The researcher explored the idea of religiosity and spirituality as protective
factors and aids to successful development. A sample of undergraduate students was recruited from a
small, religiously affiliated university in the Midwest. The researcher used an existing survey called the Brief
Multidimensional Measure of Religiousness/Spirituality and added demographic questions and also
researcher apply thematic analysis to classify those different beliefs and practices of one’s religion. The
results showed that there was no relationship between religiosity and spiritual and current academic

Religiosity is a term that is used to describe practices that relate to institutional and social
expressions of connectedness to sacredness. Poulin, Silver, & Holman (2002) defined religiosity as a
participation in social structures related to religion. According to Hill and Pargament (2003) religion is
defined as principally “institutional, formal, [and] outward” (p. 64). In a study done by Koenig, Parkerson,
and Meador (1997) they identified three dimensions of religiosity which were organizational, non-
organizational, and intrinsic.

In correlational in the precent study, Researcher use an evaluative observations, to analyze the
data researcher use also thematic analysis to classify their stand and their beliefs in one’s respective

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