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The employer: FABIAN PEREZ

Good morning

Candidate 1:MARISOL

Candidate 2: CAMILO MENDEZ

The employer: What is your name?

Candidate 1: My name is Marisol Bello

Candidate 2:

The employer: How old are you?

Candidate 1:
MARISOL:I am thirty-four years old

Candidate 2:

The employer

Bien venidos a nuestra compañía es un gusto contar con profesionales como ustedes Nuestra

compañía se dedica al comercio he importación de insumos para plóter .

Welcome to our company, it is a pleasure to have professionals like you Our company is

engaged in trade and import of inputs for plotters

¿cuéntame de ti? = Tell me about you?

Candidate 1
MARISOL: I am a systems engineer, I have work in different companies in equipment
maintenance,,I like my work and I am very committed to what I do .

Candidate 2

¿Por qué estas interesado el puesto? = Why are you interested in the position?

Candidate 1
MARISOL: I am interested in this job because it fits my needs in this momento of my life.

Candidate 2

3. ¿Qué sabes de nuestra empresa? = What do you know about our company?

Candidate 1
MARISOL: It is a legal and nationally recognized company .

Candidate 2

4. ¿Qué te gusta hacer en tu tiempo libre? = What do you like to do in your free time?

Candidate 1
MARISOL: I like to go the movies and share with the familiy.

Candidate 2

5. ¿Cuál es tu meta en la vida? = What is your goal in life?

Candidate 1
MARISOL: My goal in life is to be able to provide welfare to my family.

Candidate 2
6¿Por qué duraste tan poco en tu anterior empleo? = Why did you last so little in your

previous job?

Candidate 1
MARISOL:The economic compensation was not appropriate.

Candidate 2

7. ¿Qué me puedes decir de tu jefe anterior? = What can you tell me about your previous


Candidate 1
MARISOL:He is a kind intelligent person.

Candidate 2

8¿Cómo manejas la presión? = How do you handle the pressure?

Candidate 1
MARISOL: I work calmly ,Idon´t stress.

Candidate 2

9. ¿Cuáles son tus pretensiones salariales? = What are your salary claims?

Candidate 1
MARISOL: fair wage

Candidate 2

10 ¿Cuál es tu mayor debilidad o defecto? = What is your biggest weakness or defect?

Candidate 1
MARISOL:I like the perfect things.

Candidate 2

11¿Cómo describirías tu trabajo ideal? = How would you describe your ideal job?

Candidate 1
MARISOL:My job is one that meets all my expectations.
Candidate 2

12. ¿Cuál es el mayor riesgo que has tomado? = What is the biggest risk you have taken?

Candidate 1
MARISOL: I have taken several risks ,I like to explore life.
Candidate 2

13. ¿Por qué deberíamos contratarte? = Why should we hire you?

Candidate 1
MARISOL: I think that I am a person whit experience in the position , responsable and
committed, I like team work.

Candidate 2

14¿Tienes alguna pregunta? = Do you have any question?

Candidate 1
MARISOL:in the moment no .thanks.

Candidate 2

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