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Sales (X) ANSWERS Interpret the follow

1 69 1 mean 184.58
2 77 2 median 164.50
3 78 3 mode 133.00 In this given problem, the me
4 79 4 maximum value 390.00 right (that is, bunched up to
5 85 5 minimum value 69.00 more sales
6 86 6 Range 321.00
7 88 7 Variance 6059.38
8 88 8 Standard Deviation 77.84
9 89 9 Skewness 0.61
Based on the given data, th
10 94 10 Kurtosis -0.60 Meaning the compan
11 95 11 Decile 10 10.74
12 97 12 First Quartile 119.75
13 99 13 Third Quartile 234.75 3
14 107 14 20th Percentile 115.00 In statistics, for a moderatel
15 107 15 40th Percentile 149.20 mean median and mode relat
16 109
17 111
• Mean is the average of the d
18 112
19 112 20th Percentile • Median is the middle v
20 115 0
21 115 0 115 • Mode is the number from a
22 115
23 116
24 117
25 119
26 120
27 124
28 126
29 128
30 133
31 133
32 133
33 133
34 133
35 134
36 136
37 138
38 142
39 145 40th Percentile
40 145 7
41 152 4.2 149.2
42 153
43 153
44 154
45 155
46 155
47 156
48 156
49 163
50 164
51 165
52 167
53 172
54 175
55 177
56 177
57 183
58 186
59 190
60 194
61 196
62 200
63 202
64 203
65 211
66 211
67 212
68 212
69 213
70 215
71 217
72 225
73 227
74 231
75 234
76 237
77 243
78 243
79 243
80 268
81 275
82 277
83 277
84 278
85 287
86 288
87 290
88 297
89 297
90 298
91 300
92 312
93 313
94 319
95 327
96 335
97 335
98 344
99 347
100 390
Interpret the following scenario and state your strategies to address the situation.
1.Relationship of computed mean with median.

his given problem, the mean is greater than the median. This is common for a distribution that is skewed to the
ht (that is, bunched up toward the left and with a "tail" stretching toward the right) which means that there are
more sales which exceeded the middle score that gave the mean a higher score.

2.The result of your standard deviation.

ased on the given data, there is a small standard deviation which means that the sales are close to each other.
Meaning the company has sales which indicates that more of the data is clustered about the mean.

3. The Relationship of the Mean, Median and Mode.

statistics, for a moderately skewed distribution, there exists a relation between mean, median, and mode. This
an median and mode relationship is known as the “empirical relationship between mean, median, mode” which
have been discussed in detail below.
To recall,
ean is the average of the data set which is calculated by adding all the data values together and dividing it by the
total number of data sets.
• Median is the middle value among the observed set of values and is calculated by arranging the values in
ascending order and then choosing the middle value.
Mode is the number from a data set which has the highest frequency and is calculated by counting the number of
times each value occurs.

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