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FOREWORD Recruitment has transformed over the years from Newspaper adverts to Career Fairs to Job Boards to Social Hiring, Perusing social media profiles of candidates is fast becoming a mandate within a lot of HR departments. 85% of the recruiters and HR professionals say that an employee's personal brand influences their hiring decisions to some extent. Creating and nurturing a personal brand has become a matter of necessity. 95% of recruiters believe that the job market will become more competitive. In order to stand out from the crowd, it has become imperative that authority in a particular domain be showcased on relevant social media platforms. Job Referrals continues to be one of the cheapest and better modes of recruitment for employers. Hence, building a network is as important as ever, and everybody should strive connecting with as many relevant executives in the company that one aspires to joins well as the general industry, as some of them can move into the aspired firms. This e-book provides you with ideas to enhance your social presence and create/nurture your personal brand. Sandeep Vadnere VP - Engineering & Product Table of Contents WHY WHAT HOW What Will Job Search Look Like in 201 Let's Look at Stevel.... Personal Branding- I’m a Brand?! Benefits of Working on Your Personal Brant Establishing Me. Inc... Cheat Sheet- 7 Ways to Better Your Personal Brand. You're Ready to Go: What Will Job Search Look Like in 2018? Have You Googled Yourself Lately? Let's Look at Steve! What Will Job Search Look Like in 2018? Job search has become more aggressive with 2018 rolling in. While 60% of the recruiters plan to increase their headcount in 2018, 44% of professionals plan to leave their job because they aren't content with the career progression they experience in their job. Due to increased demand of new jobs, and an even greater demand for new workforce, about 85% of employers are willing to increase salary by 6% to 15%, and perks up to 27%. With the employers so willing to meet the employees demand, they expect the best candidates to apply for the role. Increased opportunities and perks lead to an increasing, number of people to appli for the same job. In fact, as of 2016, every job ‘opening in the corporate world attracted about 250 resumes. Piles of resumes built up in the recruiter's office, and they failed to figure out how to choose the best candidate for the role. The only way that they can think of is to tighten up the process further, by asking for a better degree, a better institute or a better previous job. However, when they increase the requirements for qualifications, people update their skills and catch up with the demand, Even with the increasing applications by overqualified candidates ,65% of recruiters claimed that a lack of skilled candidates in the market remained the largest obstacle to hiring. Why does this happen, despite the abundance of people who were qualified enough for their jobs? 87% of recruiters under 45 use Linkedin to recruit the job candidates. 75% of recruiters are using online portals to access candidates. 67% | of recruiters use Facebook in their search for prospective candidates. 68% of recruiters decide against hiring people with negative ‘comments online. People turn to certification and sites online to prove facts and to prove legitimacy. Your presence online, eventually, does become one of your qualifications, and help the recruiters and the people whowant to search for youvalidate your, authenticity and knowledge. Have You Googled Yourself Lately? ‘You may feel like Googling yourself is a redundant task unless and until you have some presence on the internet. Google is a vast space, ve and to make your way to the first page of results (unless you know co how to market your skills) seems pretty impossible. ; DID YOU KNOW? os . Nes ne 3 sn 75% of the people who are about to meet someone new Google them Regardless of how famous you are in your company,, those who want to find out more about you, like your peers and colleagues, will ‘Google you. Do you know what that means? ‘That means you have been Googled! That means that even if someone plans to Google you, and if you have some amount of online presence, it won't matter, much unless the results show up onthe first page. Recruiters are heavily relying on online portals for candidates and social networking websites for investigation of authenticity of those candidates. ga RE Top 3 pagesin Google results get Oo 50% One cof people who look for someone new, tend to stay onthe first page of Google. 99 f«g5% 1 of recruiters hire soe ae = [_ SEmETE agg J However, while verifying their authenticity, there are some things that turn up that can cause some concern. Hence, showing up on the first page is not the only requirement. Let's Look at Steve! Let's assume that you have areputed company thet the best candidates from allover thecountry are trying to apply to. An active job seeker, Steve Marcus applies to your company and waits patiently for two weeks to hear a reply from his prospective employer. You read through his resume and honestly, you can't find anything new or different about him. There's only so many background checks that you can do on him, and all the references seem to think that he's the best, But somehow, the sources say things that are a tad bit cliched. You need further information, so you decide to Google him, at ——s a There are 3 possible outcomes to the Google search: wW Steve Marcus Who? Your search yields no results. Steve Marcus is nowhere to be found. You find Steve & Jobs, you find Steve Madden. There's also a Steve who has a cooking channel on —— YouTube? But that's not the Steve who applied. That means he has no online presence, — given that your search did not yield any results. Steve Marcus.. NO! Your search threw up a few results about Steve. When you go through them, you find that Steve has nothing but negative comments on different posts. For instance, he has ‘Tweets that drip political and work related rants, which attracted many comments and replies from those who don't exactly disagree with him in a civilized manner. Steve Marcus - THE MAN The Linkedin profile shows up top. The second link shows his personal blog where he highlights all the insightful articles and projects he worked on, whereas the third linkis external, either related to another site or tohisown, showcasing all the awards Steve has won through his hard work. Personal Branding- I’m a Brand?! Benefits of Working on Your Personal Brand Personal Branding- I’m a Brand?! ersonal branding was a term first coined in 1997 by Tom Peters to signify the importance of one’s image in all aspects of their life, in order to keep a good word about thems s the practice of turning your intere: in circulation, Personal branding 's, hobbies, your career and your ersonality into an image that the world can define and identify you by. Simply put, personal brand management is all jout controlling and managing what shows up when someone Googles you! Over 1 billion names are Googled every day Look around you- how many brands can you see? SAMSUNG @ amazon hen : Fl« & ee Products are madeina factory, but are created in the mind. -Walter Landor People are brands too. Their work is their product, and the fact that they are recognizable for having done something in thei life, is a sign of, their brand, Imagine that you land up in Hollywood, How many brands do you see now? Including the people, Le. the celebrities, the producers and the directors, if your luck is great, you'll see a lot of brands. They, too, reach this stage through years of hard work. However, despite that fact, it is still very possible for anyone to land up on that very first page of Google. Abrandis what makes a user go back to a product. site or person. The fact that aperson’s brand makes him recognized all around his industry makes him a trusted service provider that people don't think twice before appointing, Bragging is not a bad idea-in fact, its leveraging your differences that make your brand, Benefits of Working on Your PERSONAL BRAND Pu ae aN Sot Ro Ree a cea morn een ea ner someone else does it for you. As you climb the ladder in your industry, an increasing number of people will have opinions about Reem Aim Made a are Caos a ol PoE) crs ea rk ores You can use the things you love, the fields that you excel in, and your Pee Mee nL mea ume nan cee Ae ss ee eee as esau etd ties ceca ra Re ne You can focus on the domains you are an expert in and showcase it for the world to see. Your online brand gets attached to your field ‘and you gain authority in the same. WV CN orca Car mun eC era eevee cag ae Wk) Toegatade anu heme lteter eee an RNs tmcon Menem eae ec ea) field. V. You Gain Recognition and Prestige You have aunique proposition, an insight into your field of expertise that ren eit MRC ena ero oe CMe Cat uios Ne Seer a ESE Moe uc cucig Ue a geno oe ges ne eee Te Penne omnes eeu Gece etces rar oa enc ee Ss Crema ne on pe ecu cae NT ara a oe eo Nene a et ea utc eet eg reo sel lect oem cae ake R Or Ros yourself and your product. And for someone who is one in a million, shouldn't you have the authority to charge higher for your services? Establishing Me. Inc Cheat Sheet- 7 Ways to Better Your Personal Brand All of us need to understand the importance of branding. We are CEOs of our own companies: Me Inc. To be in business today, our most important job is to be head marketer forthe | brand called you.—Tom Peters Me your company, your brand, where you are the CEO and the marketer. You need to establish your presence so that people come back to avail your services. To get started, you need to ask yourself these twoq lestions: What do you need to be known for? What is your present expertise? you can cater to the themes selected and create content relating to it. You need to ensure the elatability of your content to your brand. If you have content or comments online that are irrelevant to your domain or field, then people will have difficult time relating to your brand, Your brand is not only your name, its your immediate environment, your interests, your investments and everything that has helped you establish yourselt. Customise all content, social media profiles, and networks online to help people relate you to your brand and find you easier. It is, understandably, not wise to work on all the websites that the recruiters check. Prioritize afew so that the recruiters get a good image of you online. Facebook Twitter 43% 22% Linkedin 87% Instagram 8% Snapchat 3% Youtube a l 7 Ways to Perfect Your Personal Brand i | i ae Cheat Sheet ‘1 Identify the Keywords You Want to Be Associated With Arperufter leering tn lect yeu through these 4 things Keywords are words that are fed in to conduct searches. t cS z Make sure that you keep your social profiles, blogs, and content 2 NAME INDUSTRY Updated so that you shaw up when the relevant keywords are fed in g DESIGNATION 2.Do a Google Search using our Personal Branding Too! ‘The Personal Branding tool is made to exclusively show Unbiased results on Google. Through the Personal Branding tool, you can get the current status of your online presence. 3, Identify Which Social Media Accounts Really Matter and Why Choose the social media profiles that are most convenient for you to handle. Make sure you conduct a hygiene check and keep your profiles updated. f0ceb00% ‘iter inva 4, Maintain Consistency throughout Your Social Media People have a tendency to personalize one social media channel, while keeping another one completely prafessionalized. Keep in mind, that if you wish to use any site as a depiction of your brand, then it should be worthy of being seen. Otherwise, set it to private. 5. Create a Killer Signature for Emails Never manually type in your signature. Use a predefined aa signature to help people contact you, so that your credibility ec) increases. Use sites such as to create an amazing HTML email signature. 6.Share Relevant Stories to Help People Connect with You Tokeep every social media channel updated, you need to have followers/readers who connect with the content that you produce. Look at the trend of the likes/retweets that you may have received, and try posting along the same lines, 7. Create Original Content about the Things You Love Show your readers that you have ample knowledge waiting tobe shared. It may or may not be about your industry, but it has to pertain to a theme consistently, and should be shared on a regular basis. References 41) Top HR Statistics, The latest stats for HR & Recruiting Pros |httpss/ htm 2) 2016 Recruiter Nation Survey wun,recruiter_nation_survey/ 3) Number of Employers Passing on Applicants Due to Social Media Posts Continues to Rise, According to New CareerBuilder Survey- hnetpx/ 148id=pr829Sed=12%2F31%2F2014 44) 13 Recruiting Stats HR Pros Must Know in 2016 itto:/ 5) The Growth of Social Media v2.0 |httos:// 16) Hiring & Onboarding Done Right -NKY |ittp// 7), How to Get Your New Business on the First Page of Google /ittps/thrivehive.comvhow-to-get-your-new-business-on-the-fist-page-of-Google 8) 2013 Recruiter nation survey results |http:/Plog Results png 9) Interbrand rankings http:/ 110) Robust hiring outlook for India in 2017: Michael Page Survey |

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