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Lectured by :

H. Zainal Arifin, S.Pd, M.Pd.

Arranged by :

1. Briliantina Ova Lamada (173221090)

2. Faurnia Ayu Lestari (173221108)
3. Afifah Uswatun Khasanah (173221100)
4. Eni Lestari (173221098)
5. Wulan Indah Suari (173221101)
6. Santi Astuti (173221099)
7. Hafidzah Kalami (173221081)



School Name : SMPN 1 Surakarta

Teacher : Siti Rahayu, S.Pd

Subjects : English Class / VII C

Material : Introduction

Aspects/Skills : Speaking

Time Allocation : 2 x 40 minutes (1 meeting)

Core Competencies and Basic Competencies

Core Competencies Basic Competencies

1.1 Appreciate and respect the teachings of the 1.2 Grateful for the opportunity to learn
religion they hold. English as the language of instruction in
international communication.

2.1 Appreciate and respect honest behavior, 2.2 Appreciate polite behavior and care in
discipline, responsibility, caring (tolerance, carrying out interpersonal communication with
mutual cooperation,), polite, confident, in teachers and friends.
interacting effectively with the social and
2.3 Appreciating honest, disciplined, confident,
natural environment in the term of
and responsible behavior in carrying out
association and existence.
transactional communication with teachers and

2.4 Respect the behavior of responsibility,

care, cooperation, and peace in carrying out
functional communication
3.1 Understanding knowledge (factual, 3.2. Understanding social functions, text
conceptual, and procedural)based on his structure, and linguistic elements in
curiosity about science, technology, art, expressions self-introduction, and the response,
culture related to phenomena and events according to the context of its use.
seen in the eye.

4.1 Trying, processing and presenting in the 4.2 Composing texts and expressing simply,
realm of concrete (using, unraveling, asking questions, and responding to self-
composing, modifying, and making) and introductions in a very short and simple
abstract domains (writing, reading, manner, taking into account social
calculating, drawing, and composing) in functions, text structures, and correct
accordance with what is learned in school linguistic elements in context.
and other similar sources in point of view /
A. Learning Objectives ( The Purpose of Learning )

1. Students can arrange self-introduction texts orally.

2. Students can use the appropriate vocabulary related in composing self-introductory

oral texts.

3. Students can use correct and correct pronunciation in composing oral texts of self-

B. LearningMaterial

Hello, My name is ...

I am ... years old
I am from ...
I live in ...
I like ... (Hobby)
I Play ... (Sport)
I don’t like ... (Food)
My favorite color is/are ...
I want to be ….. (Dream)
Nice to meet you.
Vocabulary related to the material

a. Hobby

Words Meanings

Listening music Mendengarkan musik

Running Berlari
Playing soccer Bermain sepak bola
Dancing Menari
Watching Television Menonton TV
Cooking Memasak
Fishing Memancing ikan
Photography Fotografi
Traveling Wisata
Singing Menyanyi
Drawing Menggambar
Painting Melukis

b. Kinds of Sport

Words Meanings

Basketball Basket
Badminton Table Bulu tangkis Tenis
tennis Football meja Sepak bola
Basketball Basket
Volleyball Voli
Chess Catur
Skateboard Papan luncur
c. Food
Carrot Wortel
Spinach Bayam
Bitter melon Pare
Star fruit Belimbing
Shrimp Udang
Egg Telur
Eggplant Terung
Coffee Kopi
Banana juice Jus Pisang

d. Color

Words Meanings

Blue Biru
Red Merah
Green Hijau
Yellow Kuning
Grey Abu-abu
White Putih
Black Hitam
Purple Ungu
Pink Merah jambu
Orange Oranye

e. Dream

Words Meanings
Singer Penyanyi
Pilot Pilot
Dancer Penari
Doctor Dokter
Teacher Guru
Lecturer Dosen
Actress Artis
Athlete Atlit
Dentist Dokter Gigi
Journalist Jurnalis
Manager Manajer
Model Model
Notaris Notary
Marketer Pedagang
Pegawai Clerk
Pelaut Sailor
Pelukis Painter
Pemain Biola Violinist
Pemandu Guider
Pembuat Programmer
Pemusik Mucisian
Penasehat Advisor
Pengacara Lawyer
C. Learning Methods

Model: Discovery Learning

Approach: Scientific

Method: Learner-Centered Method

D. Media

1. PowerPoint Slides

2. Whiteboard

3. Video

4. Markers

5. Worksheets

E. Learning Steps

1. Pre Teaching (5 minutes)

a. The teacher greets the students and starts the learning activities by praying b. The
teacher asks the state of students

c. The teacher conducts student attendance

d. The teacher prepares texts related to the material to be studied

2. Observing (10 minutes)

a. Students observe the text (video) related to the use of expressions in introducing
themselves to others displayed by the teacher.

b. Students observe things or information used to express their identity simply (Hobbies,
Disliked Foods, Liked Sports, Favorite Colors, and Pets)

c. Students are asked to understand the purpose of the text (video).

3. Questioning (10 minutes)

a. The teacher gives the opportunity for students to ask about what information they want
to know related to the act of giving and asking for information related to the material

b. The teacher asks students what information they can relate to the act of giving and
requests information related to the material (self-introduction)

4. Experimenting (10 minutes)

a. The teacher gives an example related to giving information about identity verbally in
front of the class.

b. Students are asked to mimic what has been exemplified by the teacher.

c. Students are asked to provide information related to identity with a peer, and carried
out alternately.

5. Associating (10 minutes)

a. The teacher gives feedback or corrections to students.

b. The teacher and students conclude the lesson related to the information used to provide
identity information simply.

6. Communicating (20 minutes)

a. Students are asked to provide information related to identity verbally in front of the

b. Students take turns advancing in front of the class one by one giving information
related to identity verbally.

c. The teacher gives follow up or correction.

7. Post Teaching (5 minutes)

a. The teacher concludes the material that has been learned that day. b. The teacher asks
students difficulties.

c. The teacher provides motivation to students. d. The teacher ends the lesson by praying.
F. Learning Resources

1. English curriculum

2. English Rings a Bell Module SMP / MTs Class VII Curriculum 2013

3. Power Points given by the teacher with the theme "Introductio

G. Rating

Speaking Skill

No Rated Aspect

1 5 = Almost Perfect
4 = There are mistakes but it doesn’t disturb the meaning
3 = There are some mistakes but it disturbs the meaning
2 = Many mistakes and it disturbs the meaning

1 = Many mistakes and it it difficults to understand

2 5 = Very Fluent
4 = Fluent
3 = Fluent enough
2 = Less Fluent
1 = Not Fluent

3. 5 = Very Right
4 = Right
3 = Right Enough
2 = Less Right
1 = Not Right
The Scoring of (Speaking Skill)
No Name of Student Score Acquired Total score acquired
Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3

The formula for calculating student grades, as follows:

Student Total Score Acquired

X 100
Maximal Score/
Ideal Score

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