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1. Lets submit one record see how the defaults are used .

To create a master item, this is the minimum number of columns that must be imported to create an item
“organization_id or organization_code , process_flag, set_process_id, transaction_type,segment1 or item_name,
EXAMPLE : minimum insert statement.
INSERT INTO mtl_system_items_interface
(organization_id, process_flag, set_process_id, transaction_type,segment1, description)
( 204, -- organization_id
1, -- process_flag the value "1" mean the item ready to be imported.
1, -- set_process_id, this is group id and is used as the "Process Set" in the IOI report submission
'CREATE', -- transaction_type
'Master_Item', -- segment1 the Item name that is displayed or printed.
'Demo of item creation'); -- description

After inserting into mtl_system_items_interface , we can look at what we have

SELECT msii.organization_id , msii.segment1, msii.process_flag , msii.set_process_id , msii.*

FROM mtl_system_items_interface msii
where segment1 = 'Master_Item'
We have our item ready to import :
Path ” Items : Import : Import Items”

The Organization id is 204 .

Delete process rows is set to No so we can look at the item afterward
Process set is 1 the same as the set_process_id.
We are creating items

Looking at the request to verify is completed successfully.

After Import into mtl_system_items_interface , we can look at what we have

SELECT msii.organization_id , msii.segment1, msii.process_flag , msii.set_process_id , msii.*

FROM mtl_system_items_interface msii
where segment1 = 'Master_Item'
The process_flag has gone to 7 meaning the item was successfully imported. The INVENTORY_ITEM_ID has been assigned the
value 627007

Let view the item in the form.

The item is created with the UOM “Each” and the Item Status is “Active”
What categories were assigned None . None of the default attribute were set by our simple script.

The revision created is “**A” the default revision even though the item is not revision controlled.

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