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TEST # 9, January 11TH Time: 2.30 hours TOTAL MARKS: 60


Q.1:- The revocation of Article 370 and 35-A relating to the special status of IOK by Indian Government
has posed serious threats to strategic stability in South Asia. Provide concrete measures to pacify the
current situation.

Q.2:- How do you see the escalating tensions in the Middle East, particularly with reference to the
deteriorating relations between USA and Iran? What role, if any, Pakistan could play in reducing the
tensions between a neighbor and a superpower? Discuss .

Q.3:- Without a peaceful Afghanistan, the dream of regional connectivity cannot be materialized. Can
the Afghan Peace Process be ever achievable? Evaluate the situation by considering the recent
developments in the issue.

Q.4:- OIC has lost its efficacy to cope up with the contemporary challenges confronting Muslim World.
Will the new bloc of Muslim countries gathered at Kuala Lumpur Summit provide the alternate forum or
the situation may get even worse? Substantiate your stance by valid argumentation.

Q.5:- Pakistan is struggling hard to meet the challenges set by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) in
order to clean its image in the comity of Nations. What further steps does Pakistan need to control
‘terror financing & money laundering’ in order to avoid going into the black-list.

Q.6:- Discuss in detail the recent developments in Palestine Issue. Without resolving this issue, world
peace remains in vacuum.

Q.7:- Critically examine the impact of ongoing trade war between the USA and China on international
economic markets, especially on major Asian Stock Markets.

Q.8:- Syria and Yemen have been the scars on the face of humanity because of serious violations of
human rights. What steps do you suggest to bring peace and development in the countries?

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