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ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR, 2000, 60, 27–33

doi:10.1006/anbe.2000.1447, available online at on

Sex identification and mating in the blue-ringed octopus,

Hapalochlaena lunulata


Department of Integrative Biology, University of California, Berkeley

(Received 28 August 1996; initial acceptance 3 November 1996;

final acceptance 10 January 2000; MS. number A7691)

We studied the reproductive behaviour of the blue-ringed octopus, Hapalochlaena lunulata, in the
laboratory by examining 15 male–male and nine male–female interactions. The initiation of physical
contact was independent of sex, size or residency status, and there were no noticeable changes in
behaviour such as sexual displays associated with courtship or aggression prior to contact. Males did not
distinguish between females or other males and copulated (defined as the insertion of the hectocotylus
into the mantle cavity of another octopus) readily with both. Spermatophores were released in all
copulations with females but not with males. The duration of copulation was significantly longer in
male–female interactions (median 160.5 min) than in male–male interactions (median 30 s). Although
male–male copulations ended passively with the withdrawal of the hectocotylus by the initiating animal,
male–female copulations were always terminated by the females following an intense struggle. These
studies suggest the inability of male H. lunulata to determine the sexual identity of potential mates prior
to the insertion of the hectocotylus and demonstrate the active role of the female during copulation.
 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour

Although mating has been observed in a few select species (modified third right arm of males), in O. digueti upon
of octopuses (see Hanlon & Messenger 1996 for an over- approaches to females, but did not mention whether this
view of octopus mating systems), few studies have been display was given during male–male encounters.
designed specifically to examine precopulatory behaviour In some species of octopuses, male sexual dimorphism
and the differences between male–male and male–female includes the presence of enlarged suckers on the second
encounters. Courtship behaviour in the form of sexual and third pairs of arms. Based on encounters between
displays has been described in only three, or possibly small males and larger females, Packard (1961) proposed
four, species of octopuses. A striped body pattern the display of these enlarged suckers as a means of mate
display in male Octopus cyanea was first reported by Van recognition in O. vulgaris. Wells & Wells (1972) were not
Heukelem (1966) along with a similar yet more limited able to substantiate these findings. Voight (1991a) further
display occasionally seen in females. Wells & Wells (1972) proposed that, because some octopuses copulate out of
reported that this display was given by male O. cyanea at visual range of one another (Wells & Wells 1972; Forsythe
the approach of either sex, but that it tended to be more & Hanlon 1988), enlarged suckers may function primarily
pronounced in male–male encounters and those involv- as chemoreceptors rather than visual cues in sexual
ing resistant females. However, the display has also been recognition. Therefore, the function of the enlarged
observed during fights between foraging animals and in suckers as a courtship display in O. vulgaris or other
the absence of other octopuses (Forsythe & Hanlon 1997; sexually dimorphic species is unclear.
Hanlon et al. 1999). Because this display occurs both That there are so few observations of sexual displays
intra- and interspecifically, it is more likely a threat and courtship behaviour in octopuses is surprising, given
than a sexual display (Hanlon & Messenger 1996). A their highly developed sensory systems (Wells 1978),
similar striped display by a male O. horridus (probably visual acuity (Messenger 1981) and potential for a variety
O. abaculus, C. L. Huffard, personal communication) of body patterns and textures (Roper & Hochberg 1988).
mating with a female was figured by Young (1962). Furthermore, incidental reports of hectocotylus insertion
Voight (1991b) reported a sexual display of the ligula, between males in O. cyanea (Van Heukelem 1966; Wells
the intromittent organ at the tip of the hectocotylus & Wells 1972), Hapalochlaena maculosa (Tranter &
Correspondence: R. L. Caldwell, Department of Integrative Biology, Augustine 1973; this species is most likely H. fasciata),
University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-3140, U.S.A. (email: and even interspecifically (Lutz & Voight 1994) cast doubt on the ability of male octopuses to distinguish
0003–3472/00/070027+07 $35.00/0 27  2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour

between the sexes prior to copulation. In studies on from the tank during the first hour. After 1 h, we removed
another cephalopod, a cuttlefish, Boal (1996) showed the introduced octopus and returned it to its own tank
that animals were not capable of individual recognition. unless the two were in physical contact. If physical
Octopuses of the genus Hapalochlaena are characterized interaction was still occurring at the end of the hour, we
by the presence of iridescent blue rings and markings over allowed the animals to continue their activities and
the dorsal body surface. This aposematic coloration is videotaped them until they separated and remained apart
thought to be associated with an extremely potent toxin, for at least 10 min. In one instance when physical contact
tetrodotoxin produced by symbiotic bacteria found in exceeded 5 h, we reprogrammed the video recorder to
Hapalochlaena salivary glands. Although lethal to most monitor 5 s of activity at 3-min intervals throughout
organisms and responsible for several human fatalities, the day and night (under a 25-W red light during the
salivary gland extracts and injections of tetrodotoxin dark phase). We later analysed video recordings in
have no ill effects on the blue-ringed octopuses them- conjunction with observer notes to verify details of
selves (Flachsenberger & Kerr 1985). The aposematic col- interaction and behaviour.
oration in conjunction with extensive chromatophore
use make this group of octopuses a candidate for studies
on visual displays and signalling. A variety of colour and Precopulatory Behaviour
body patterns in this genus has been reported by Roper &
We observed precopulatory behaviour for signs of
Hochberg (1988) and aspects of postembryonic develop-
aggression or courtship. We measured ‘latency until con-
ment including specific body patterns have been
tact’ as the time period from the introduction of an
described (Stranks & Lu 1991). The pygmy nature of these
octopus into another’s tank until the first physical
species facilitates behavioural studies in captivity because
encounter between them. Sex and the residency status of
small octopuses can be maintained in relatively large
the animal initiating contact were noted. We recognized
aquaria under seminatural conditions.
three general categories of contact based on the actions of
We designed this study to test whether precopulatory
the initiating animal. ‘Arm touch’ was scored if the initial
courtship behaviour occurs in the blue-ringed octopus,
contact was made by the distal half of one or more arms.
and whether males of this species are able to determine
‘Web touch’ occurred if initial contact was made with a
the sexual identity of novel individuals prior to physical
loose draping of the interbrachial web rather than a tight
contact. We also describe the mating behaviour of
clasp. ‘Mounting’ was designated if one individual
H. lunulata before, during and after copulation and com-
pounced upon another, wrapping its arms and web
pare male–male and male–female interactions.
tightly around the mantle.

Copulatory Behaviour
We obtained 12 male and four female H. lunulata from
the Philippines via a commercial supplier. Additional The hectocotylus, the modified third right arm of male
males and females were obtained from Indonesia after octopuses, functions in copulation and spermatophore
this study was completed and qualitative observations on transport. In females, all arms are essentially identical.
their mating will also be included. Male mantle length We defined ‘copulation’ as the placement of the hecto-
averaged 21 mm (range 11–31 mm); female mantle cotylus into the mantle cavity of another animal irrespec-
lengths averaged 29 mm (range 15–38 mm). We housed tive of spermatophore transport. In these studies,
animals individually in closed artificial sea water aquaria placement of the hectocotylus into the mantle cavity
(503025 cm) at 26C under a 12:12 h light:dark occurred immediately or within seconds following
cycle. We fed the octopuses shore crabs (Hemigrapsus mounting; therefore, the ‘latency until mounting’ was
and Pachygrapsus) every other day and allowed them to measured as the ‘latency until copulation’. Although
acclimate to their new environment for 2 weeks prior to other octopus species have been observed copulating in
the onset of behavioural experiments. Hapalochlaena both a ‘mounted’ and at a ‘distance’ position (Hanlon &
lunulata are diurnally active and show slight crepuscular Messenger 1996), H. lunulata copulated exclusively in a
peaks (M. W. Cheng, personal observation). We con- mounted position throughout these experiments. During
ducted studies during the daylight hours, using animals the copulatory episode, we described the activity of the
that had been fed the previous day. We never tested mounted animal as either ‘at rest’ or ‘crawling’ based on
octopuses on consecutive days or with individuals they its overall movement around the aquarium.
had previously encountered. We excluded one female We determined spermatophore release based on the
from experiments because she spawned and began ‘arch and pump’ behaviour described by Wells & Wells
brooding. (1972) in which male octopuses inflate their mantle
We studied 15 male–male and nine male–female inter- cavities and release spermatophores in a large exhalation
actions by introducing an octopus into the home tank of accompanied by a wave of contractions along the hecto-
another animal. We randomly assigned the roles of intro- cotylus. Although this action may be very dramatic and
duced versus home-tank animals by sex and we made no distinguishable from a deep respiratory exhalation in
attempt to size-match individuals. During an interaction, larger species, it is sometimes not as obvious in pygmy
we continuously videotaped activity using a colour cam- octopuses, especially when the length of the hectocotylus
corder with an observer stationed approximately 1 m is obscured from view. Consequently, we counted as a

spermatophore release only the most exaggerated mantle 60

exhalations followed by corresponding heavy contrac-
tions of the recipient animal’s mantle. Over 75% of these
were confirmed by the expulsion of what appeared to be
part of the spermatophoric capsule from the recipient 50
octopus’ mantle.
The ‘latency until initial or subsequent struggles’ was

Time until initial contact (min)

measured as the time from onset of copulation until the 40
first attempts by the mounted individual to remove the
other octopus from its mantle. ‘Duration of copulation’
was the period from mounting and introduction of the
hectocotylus until its withdrawal from the mantle cavity. 30
If withdrawal occurred as a result of an intense struggle by
the mounted octopus to remove the other octopus from
its mantle, we considered the struggling octopus to have
initiated the termination. If copulation ended in a more
passive manner with the mounting individual simply
withdrawing its hectocotylus, we credited this individual
with terminating copulation. 10

Postcopulatory Behaviour
Following copulation, we observed three categories of Male–Female Male–Male
behaviour: ‘avoidance’, ‘remounting’ and ‘attack’. During Type of interaction
‘avoidance’, animals remained apart and did not attempt Figure 1. The latency in minutes until initial contact during
further contact. If ‘remounting’ occurred, copulation was male–female (N=8) and male–male (N=12) interactions.
reinitiated, although individual roles could potentially be
reversed. ‘Attack’ could also be initiated by either or both
individuals when an octopus attempted to envelop the In the 12 cases of male–male interaction, there were no
other octopus under its interbrachial web. Unlike mount- noticeable behavioural changes prior to contact. First
ings, there were no attempts at hectocotylus placement physical contact was initiated by the larger animal in nine
into another animal’s mantle cavity during attacks. (75%) cases. Subsequent contact was often initiated by
the other octopus later during the observation period.
Residency status of the initiating animal was divided
Ethical Note equally between introduced and home-tank octopuses.
Agonistic encounters leading to injury are rare in Although ‘latencies until contact’ ranged from less than
octopuses. During preliminary observations on mating in 1 min to 59 min (median 3.5 min), 75% of all initial
H. lunulata, we observed no interactions producing contacts occurred within the first 10 min (Fig. 1).
injury. We therefore did not interfere when we observed Approaches were sudden and devoid of any observable
four females ‘attack’ males following copulation. In three behavioural changes. There were no associated changes in
cases, the males escaped unscathed. However, one female body pattern, display of the ligula or body position. A
did envelop and hold her former mate in her inter- mounting pounce followed by probing and insertion of
brachial web making it impossible to see the male. the hectocotylus into the mantle cavity was the most
Attempts to intervene physically would have risked common form of initial contact, occurring in 11 of 12
injury to both the octopuses and the observer. The female cases. In the one exception, the initiating animal also
bit and killed the male. We allowed her to keep and attempted to mount by pouncing, but the recipient
cannibalize the body. changed its body position and met the oncoming animal
with web spread leading to arm and web entanglement.
The only noticeable change in body pattern during
RESULTS these interactions occurred early with the onset of
mounting. Upon initial contact, the individual being
Male–Male Interaction
mounted often darkened its body and briefly flashed its
Physical contact occurred in 12 of 15 (80%) male–male iridescent blue rings while spreading its arms and inter-
interactions. In the remaining three, animals did not brachial web. Similar intensifications of colour often
react to the presence of one another and we detected no occur when H. lunulata are startled (R. L. Caldwell,
changes in body pattern, ventilation rate or body position personal observation).
aside from a tentative exploration around the tank by the Copulation, the introduction of the hectocotylus
introduced animal. The octopuses did not come into within the mantle cavity of the other animal, was
physical contact, nor were there any attempts to typically brief, ranging from 5 s to 6 min (median 30 s).
approach or move away from the other individual during One pair remained mounted with hectocotylus inserted
the 1-h observation period. for 44.5 h, however (Fig. 2). In 50% of the observations,

300 changes in body pattern prior to the initiation of contact.

‘Latencies until contact’ ranged from less than 1 min to
23 min (median 4.1 min); 50% of all initial contacts
occurred within the first 10 min (Fig. 1). There was no
significant difference between ‘latencies until initial
contact’ in male–male and male–female pairs (Mann–
Whitney U test: U=48, N1 =8, N2 =12, NS). Sex of the
Duration of copulation (min)

200 initiating animal was divided evenly between males and

females and also between the larger and smaller of the
paired octopuses. In six of the eight observations,
the residency status of the initiating animal was the
home-tank individual.
Of the four interactions initiated by males, three initial
contacts were in the form of ‘mounting’ and one was with
‘web spread’. Female-initiated contacts followed a similar
pattern with three in the form of an ‘arm touch’ and one
with ‘web spread’. Females never attempted to mount
males. In addition, female-initiated contact immediately
triggered male mounting behaviour and hectocotylus
insertion. The only noticeable change in coloration also
occurred during the initial mount when the recipient
* female responded with a brief flash of colour, which
Male–Female Male–Male included chromatophores and irridescent rings, and
Type of interaction extended arms and web apart. In its most extreme form,
the female elevated the tips of her arms and fully
Figure 2. The duration in minutes of copulation for male–
female (N=8) and male–male (N=12) interactions. *One outlying extended the web similar to the shape of an inverted
male–male copulation lasted 2760 min and is not shown. umbrella. In this instance, the iridescent rings were filled
completely with a deep blue colour while the overall body
colour was a pale yellow.
remounting and reinsertion occurred within 20 min of Duration of copulation in male–female interactions
the initial contact. These second copulatory events lasted generally exceeded 90 min, but ranged from 25 to
less than 1 min and half were initiated by the other 246 min (median 160.5 min; Fig. 2). Duration of copu-
male. There were no simultaneous insertions of the lation between male–male and male–female pairs differed
hectocotylus between paired males. significantly (Mann–Whitney U test; U=8, N1 =12, N2 =8,
We found no behavioural or physical evidence of P<0.05). Figure 3 depicts a typical copulatory posture and
spermatophore release in any of the male–male inter- clearly shows the placement of the male’s hectocotylus
actions. During the brief period of copulation, the into the female’s mantle cavity. Evidence of spermato-
recipient animal remained very active and crawled con- phore release occurred in all eight male–female copu-
tinuously around the tank but did not struggle or attempt lations. First spermatophores appeared as early as 10 min
to remove the other animal from its position on the after introduction of the hectocotylus to as late as
mantle. In all cases, copulation was terminated by the 129 min. The number of spermatophores released ranged
passive withdrawal of the initiating male’s hectocotylus from one to four in these studies. Females remained very
from the other male’s mantle cavity. active during copulation and frequently crawled around
After separation, animals actively crawled around the the aquarium with the male firmly attached and with his
tank or twirled the distal portions of their arms rapidly hectocotylus in her mantle cavity.
while vigorously rubbing their bodies. They either Females terminated copulation in all eight obser-
avoided one another by moving away if the other vations. Termination resulted from intense struggles
approached, or they remounted. There were no attacks by where females reached behind with their arms and
either individual. forcefully pulled the male from their body. Females
generally assumed an inverted posture with web spread
and suckers outward while releasing their attachment to
Male–Female Interaction aquarium walls and tumbling down as they struggled
with the males. Often several attempts were necessary
Physical contact and copulation occurred in eight of before a female could dislodge the male from her
nine male–female pairings. Although the male and mantle. In other observations that we made keeping
female came within proximity to one another in H. lunulata in aquaria with several pieces of coral rubble,
the remaining case, there were no attempts at contact. females would often attempt to squeeze through small
The octopuses simply passed one another without any openings in the rubble trying to scrape the mounted
detectable change in behaviour. male from their mantle.
Similarly, in the eight male–female interactions Following termination, postcopulatory behaviour was
observed, there were no behavioural displays or divided primarily between ‘avoidance’ and ‘attack’. In the

Figure 3. This line drawing was made from a photograph of a male H. lunulata (shaded) copulating with a female. The arrow points to the
male’s hectocotylus, which is being inserted into the female’s mantle cavity. The colour image from which this drawing was made is available
at: An image of a female displaying as she is mounted by a male is also available at this Web site.

eight male–female interactions, copulation was followed DISCUSSION

by ‘attack’ in four cases, ‘avoidance’ in three, and
‘remounting’ in one. Attacks were initiated by the female Lack of Courtship and Sex Recognition
and never by the male. During an attack, the female
pounced on to the male while enveloping him tightly Mating occurred during the day and in the open.
under her interbrachial web. In most cases, males man- Hanlon & Wolterding (1989) speculated that males might
aged to break free and escape, although complete avoid- visually assess the receptivity of females and thereby
ance was limited by the confines of the aquarium. In one decrease the risk of cannibalism from encounters with
instance, the female killed the male by pinning him nonreceptive animals. Our study indicates that male
down against the aquarium wall for over 10 h while H. lunulata do not differentiate between the sexes prior
cannibalizing most of his arms. This was also the to insertion of the hectocotylus. Precontact behaviour
male–female pair in which duration of copulation was by males in male–male and male–female encounters is
noticeably shorter, lasting only 25 min. identical and devoid of any detectable courtship or sexual
While filming an interaction between a female and displays. There are no changes in ventilation rate, body
male H. lunulata obtained from Indonesia, one of us pattern or position, and neither the ligula nor any other
(R.L.C.) had the opportunity to observe another portion of the hectocotylus is displayed upon approach.
instance of multiple mating. The resident female Although courtship may serve a multitude of functions
approached the male within 2 min after he was intro- including species identification, sexual recognition,
duced into her aquarium. He immediately mounted her reproductive receptivity, intrasexual competition and a
and the copulating pair retreated into a coral cavity. mechanism for mate choice (Krebs & Davies 1987), the
After approximately 45 min, the male emerged from the lack of courtship behaviour in itself is not an indication
cavity. A few minutes later, while he was moving along of the inability to determine the sex of another octopus
the wall of the aquarium 15 cm from the female’s cav- prior to contact. However, the fact that male H. lunulata
ity, she rapidly jetted out of the cavity, seized the male copulate readily with both sexes does support this
in her interbrachial web and pulled him back to the argument that they do not distinguish between the sexes
cavity. As she reached the narrow cavity entrance, the prior to physical contact.
male moved on to her mantle and began a second In both male–male and male–female encounters, initial
copulation that lasted for over 2 h. Because both contact by either sex resulted in the immediate place-
copulations took place inside the cavity, it was not ment of the hectocotylus into the mantle cavity of the
possible to determine whether spermatophores were other animal by the male. Latencies until physical con-
transferred. tact and subsequent mounting and copulation did not

differ in these studies. Male–male copulation was clearly female’s oviduct until sperm are released after 1–2 h
evident and could not be confused with aggressive behav- (Mann et al. 1970). In octopuses with relatively short
iour because visual confirmation of the introduced mating durations like O. joubini, which averages 5 min,
hectocotylus was made in all cases. Van Heukelem (1966) spermatophores may be held within the oviduct after
considered his single observation of male–male copu- copulaiton has ended by a mechanical process such as the
lation in O. cyanea to be an artefact of confinement based swelling of the spermatophore case (Mather 1978). In
on the smaller animal’s inability to escape and the ‘hyper- addition to ensuring transfer of sperm, prolonged copu-
sexuality’ of the larger male because it had been isolated lation may also be involved in sperm competition and
for 6 months. This explanation is not applicable to the mate guarding. Sperm storage occurs within the sper-
present study, however, for several reasons: (1) males did matheca of the female’s oviducal glands (Froesch &
not attempt to avoid one another prior to initial contact, Marthy 1975). Cigliano (1995) reported that male pygmy
(2) the recipient male was passive during the entire octopuses of an undescribed species increased mating
copulatory episode and did not attempt to resist or duration in copulations with recently mated females and
remove the mounted individual, (3) although the larger suggested that they might be removing or displacing a
male initiated copulation in the majority of these trials, previous male’s sperm.
copulatory roles were often reversed within the same In H. lunulata, termination of copulation is primarily
hour, (4) male–male interaction studies were intiated initiated by the female. If duration of copulation is
within the first 3 weeks of an animal’s arrival, and (5) related to sperm transfer or associated with sperm com-
males tested in male–male interactions also copulated petition and mate guarding, female choice may play a
with females during the study period. greater role in octopus reproductive behaviour than pre-
Although sexual recognition may be an age-dependent viously thought. These studies reveal the active role of
phenomenon with male–male copulations limited to female H. lunulata throughout the copulatory process
juveniles and subadults, the fully developed hectocotylus from the initiation of physical contact in half of the
and the ability to transfer spermatophores during copu- male–female interactions, to the termination of copu-
lation with females confirmed the reproductive maturity lation in all cases. In addition, both the mobile nature of
of males in this study. Similarly, female maturity was females during copulation and the eventual struggle to
confirmed by later spawning events. terminate mating by dislodging the male may have
Differences between male–male and male–female inter- driven male H. lunulata to copulate exclusively in the
actions did not occur until after placement of the hecto- mounted position, rather than at a distance. Following
cotylus within the mantle cavity, suggesting that males copulation, octopuses generally avoided one another or,
did not distinguish sex until after copulation was initi- in two cases, remounted. In both remounts, the female
ated. Stimulation received through the tip of the hecto- vigorously initiated the second copulations, which fol-
cotylus may be essential for spermatophore release to be lowed relatively short initial mounts. Also, attacks were
initiated (Wells & Wells 1972). The proper stimulus may only initiated by the female.
be present within a female’s mantle cavity and absent in
a male’s, thereby explaining the difference in copulatory
Male–Male Copulation
behaviour in these interactions. Male–male copulations
were brief, ended with the passive withdrawal of the The degree to which male–male copulations occur
initiating animal’s hectocotylus, and transfer of sper- among the different species of octopuses is unknown. In
matophores never occurred. Male–female copulations, one of the few studies reporting male–male interaction,
however, lasted over 2 h on average and involved sper- Wells & Wells (1972) observed one incidence of hecto-
matophore transfer in all cases. These interactions were cotylus insertion out of six O. cyanea interactions and
always terminated by the female. It is unclear why none out of four O. vulgaris interactions. Within the
copulation lasted for 44 h in one male–male interaction. blue-ringed octopus complex, Tranter & Augustine (1973)
However, this may be associated with the lack of active mention males frequently initiating copulation with
termination, which is usually initiated by the female. one another, but soon withdrawing. Even between
Although Cigliano (1995) found that prior mating history species, Lutz & Voight (1994) have reported male–male
may affect mating duration, possibly through male copulation of deep water octopuses.
assessment of sperm presence in females, this would Whether the frequency of male–male copulation as
not account for differences in duration within same-sex shown by H. lunulata is a universal phenomenon among
copulations. the different octopuses, or relatively unique to this group
remains to be seen. However, the potential for a more
common occurrence of this behaviour may be attributed
Duration of Copulation
to general characteristics of many cephalopod life his-
The duration of male–female copulations is quite vari- tories, such as a relatively short life span (Mangold 1987),
able in octopuses, 1–2 min in O. chierchiae (Rodaniche which could be a driving force for octopuses to mate at
1984) and Bathypolypus arcticus (Wood et al. 1998), and every encounter. In addition, if population densities are
2–4 h in O. dofleini (Hartwick 1983). During the long relatively low (which is not known for the majority of
mating periods of O. dofleini, males remain in the copu- octopuses, including H. lunulata), encounters between
latory position with the hectocotylus inserted to hold the individuals may be infrequent and reflect low mate
spermatophore in place within the opening of the availability. Furthermore, octopuses are solitary and

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