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Having worked there for under 2 years I’m not LEGALLY entitled to

redundancy pay nor do I have any contract terms so acas cannot

really help with that, however lynsey did mention it/ promise it to
me, so I may be able to negotiate that. I am definitely entitled to one
week’s notice which I did not get, and therefore am entitled to pay
in lieu. Additionally I am entitled to whatever outstanding holiday
pay there is for the leave year. Can also bring forth the issue of her
not providing wageslips if I open a claim because employers are
required to provide those. Acas cannot force her to give me my P45
however if I contact HMRC maybe they can advise. Also, while it is
standard/good business practise, she does not legally have to
provide written (formal) notice or a reference if she does not want
to. However a reference can be a stipulation / request as part of the
conciliation process if I so desire.

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