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August 27, 2014

Jeri Ann Lee (XXXX)

Customer Service Agent

Dear Ms Lee,

This is to inform you that after due deliberation on the subject administrative case wherein you were given an opportunity to explain
your side with respect to the charge leveled against you. You were placed on preventive suspension effective June 25, 2014 for alleged
violations of the Company’s code of conduct, specifically on the following sections:

a. 6A – 1 Any deviation from standard process or procedure provided by the account, client, unit and/or department
without prior authorization from the proper approving authority.
b. This shall include any rule, regulation or business requirements provided for in the contract between the company
and its client(s) and subsequent client instructions or directives (e.g. Zero Tolerance Policies, Account House Rules and
Regulations, etc.)
c. 6B – 1 Any act or omission that is in violation of applicable laws, rules or regulations of the Philippines or any other
country, nation, state or other law-making authority
d. 6B – 2.6 Failure to follow Fair Debt Collection Practices Laws, Do No Call (DNC) legislation and other similar laws, rules
and regulations.
e. 6E – 7 Critical work/ procedural error which has financial impact, results to penalty or loss of revenue, puts the
business at risk or negatively affects Company’s reputation
f. 6E – 8 Any violation enumerated under Section 6 of the Code of Conduct which results to a financial impact, results to
a penalty or loss of revenue, puts the business at risk of negatively affects the business or company reputation shall
warrant the penalty under this section

The said show cause memo/notice of preventive suspension was sent to your address at XXXX. On July 14, 2014, we received your
written explanation in response to the charges leveled against you. In that response, you said:

o You spoke to a customer and asked for the total amount due. The customer said that there was a third party who was the one
who paid the due balance
o You informed him that he is still responsible for the account, it being in his name
o The customer informed you that he is represented by an attorney
o The customer gave you the name and the number twice before he hung up
o You were not able to get that so instead; you wrote the account number on a small piece of paper and asked your TL to listen to
the call and get the name and number to do a call flow
o You alleged that she said she will do that

To further afford you the right to be heard, we scheduled an administrative hearing last July 21, 2014 at 10:30 PMP. A notice of admin
hearing was sent to you in the same address above via courier and registered mail. You, however, requested to have the hearing
rescheduled as you were not available at that time and that you preferred to do the hearing in the morning. Thus, we send another set
of notices indicating the change of schedule of the hearing to July 25, 2014. In consideration of your request, the hearing was scheduled
at 6:00am. In attendance of the hearing were XXXX, Manager, Account Operations and XXXX, Sr. Manager, Site HR (also the facilitator of
the hearing).

During the hearing, the following were discussed:

• You understood the allegations that were leveled against you and were given an opportunity to clarify the notice that was
issued to you
• When asked, you clearly outlined the proper steps in call handling, specifically in instances where the customer mentions
anything that would imply any legal action against XXXX
• You again reiterated that you gave the account number to your TL (XXXX) and expected her to listen to the call and do the
• The facilitator of the hearing presented the memo containing the procedure on handling ATTY/DNCC/DNCB/CDUP/DNC
Requests from 3rd parties which, you acknowledged, was discussed with you and the rest of your teammates; you
acknowledged as well that you affixed your signature on the said document
• Upon asking what you should have done when you heard the customer mention an attorney, you said that you were supposed
to click on the X button and flag the account as DNC. You further added that a workflow has to be done which will send the
account to another department for proper handling
• When asked if you did these steps, you admitted that you didn’t and again reiterated that you informed your TL about it
• When asked if you had negligence on your end, you denied and said no, however, when you were asked if there were steps you
were supposed to do but failed to do so, you said yes
• When the facilitator asked if you were aware of the repercussions of not flagging the account, you said yes and went on to
explain that the customer’s number would go back to the queue and would then be called back again
• Further, you also acknowledged that you were aware that the customer pursued a legal case with XXXX and that XXXX was
penalized monetarily

Our investigation was completed with the following findings of fact and evidence:

▪ You were aware of the proper steps to follow for cases such as this
▪ While you were able to notify your TL about the account, you still failed to follow proper procedure in flagging the account as
DNC which prevented the proper escalations department to properly handled the request
▪ Upon review of the account, there were indeed no notes, thus the number was called again
▪ Because of the negligence on your end to follow proper procedure, the customer proceeded with the lawsuit that impacted the
client and XXXX financially

After a careful evaluation of your case, there is sufficient basis to subject you to disciplinary action for the charge leveled against you,
particularly on failing to properly handle a transaction and follow call process as a Customer Service Agent.

Employees’ adherence to standard process and any deviation from the said, translates to non-delivery of service to our customers or non-
compliance in our contractual requirements to our clients. Whenever the company fails to deliver in accordance to the prescribed
standards, it poses a grave threat to the business due to lost revenue.

The said facts also constitute just causes for disciplinary action, including dismissal, under Article 282 paragraphs (a) and (b) of the Labor
Code, as amended, particularly “Serious misconduct or willful disobedience by the employee of the lawful orders of her employer or
representative in connection with her work” and “Gross and habitual neglect by the employee of his duties.”

Considering the foregoing, we do not find any mitigating reason to consider your continued employment with XXXX and we are
compelled to terminate your employment effective August 27, 2014.

Please note that the termination of your employment is without prejudice to the filing of appropriate legal action that the company may
opt to take to protect its interest.

<<Manager Name>>
Manager, Account Operations

Sr. Manager, Site Human Resources

Received by: _________________________

(Signature over printed name)

Date: _ ______________________________

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