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Reflection paper about SOGIE Bill

Attending the talk about SOGIE Bill really enlightened me what SOGIE Bill is about. Before

attending the talk, I have no comment whether I agree to SOGIE Bill or to disagree.

Now that I know what SOGIE Bill is, there are many flaws about it, while they are

fighting for their rights. We, who aren’t members of the LGBTQ+, are being deprived of our

right to talk, right to privacy (concerning the comfort room issue), and more. A person can’t

choose their own gender, we are born either man or a woman and we can’t change that.

To be honest, I respect every member of the LGBTQ+. At first, acceptance is all they were

asking for, and the society accepted them (most of it). And now, they are asking for too much!

There are certain laws for women only, and if the bill is going to be approved, then the laws that

are supposedly for women only, became for everyone who thinks and feel like they are a


God said that the purpose of man and a woman, is to be one and bear fruit. Changing one’s

sexual organ doesn’t change anything, they look like it but the purpose is to bear a child and that

can’t bear a child. It is said that there are five (5) ways to distinguish that a real woman and a real

man has, and being a real woman having fallopian tube, having uterus is one of them and it is

important in bearing a child.

After attending the talk, what I can say about SOGIE Bill is that I disagree with it. Sexual organ

can be changed, way of thinking can be changed, how you look at yourself is up to you, so it can
be changed, but we can’t change is what we are when we were born, our main purpose when we

were born. Sure, in sports, a man who thinks that he is a woman can be put into the same

division, but the man is much stronger than the woman, so it is unfair and it can’t really be done.

Accept and love who you really are, don’t try to change it. Let’s not disrespect our creator. Say

NO to SOGIE Bill.

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