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Always be on time
On That morning, there was a meeting about a new product from the company. All
meeting participants arrive on time before the meeting time starts.

2. Individualistic
Two friends are working. One of them, A, was confused by his work and asked his friend.
When asked, his friend was annoyed and refused to be asked.

3. Hardworkers
In a company, there are 2 workers, old workers and new workers. But when the
promotion has arrived, it turns out the new workers are promoted by the boss.

4. Typically talk in a very straightforward manner

One employee wants to talk to his boss about a salary increase. When meeting, this
employee makes small talk with sweet words, which makes the boss annoyed.

5. Focus on their task

Two friends (B and C) accidentally met in one of the parks. They planned to go out
tonight and planned to invite A. But the invitation to B over the telephone was rejected
by A because he was busy doing his work.

6. Always respect their senior

An employee is busy with so much work piled up. While this employee is busy doing his
work, his manager comes to give the employee another assignment.

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