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Exploring The Boundaries of Nanofiction


Note: Nanofiction, as I define it, is a type of Flash Fiction that consists of a complete Short
Story told with one sentence. Occasionally, in my experiments with this form, I have been en-
couraged to reduce the word count, although word count is not an integral part of my defini-
tion, and I have been reluctant to do so when I felt that parts of the story would be lost.
(Maybe I’m just not clever enough …) This experiment is an attempt to write a Nanofiction
story that would be impossible to shorten. Here, I have allowed myself the liberty of letting the
title and the illustration tell part of the story. For this new version I have changed the title,
which I hope will be clearer, and added this note.

© B. W. Reed (November 30th & December 1st 2010)

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