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Happy New You!

Abdul Samad Khan

Like most people, you have probably written a New Year Resolution in the past that went unfulfilled. It’s
easy to give up on making resolutions because now you might be experienced and convinced that it
doesn’t work. I suggest not to be hard on yourself. Here are some practical tips to making it work for
Psychologically speaking, a new year is the best time to start thinking afresh, reflecting on the past life
and setting aims for the future. In this article, My 2020 Resolution Chart is given to facilitate you to
think about past and future. This exercise needs 20 quality minutes of yours to set some goals for 2020.

To start now, you need to find a place with no interruption, turn off your phone, have a cup of coffee or
tea, pen and diary or may be use the soft copy in your laptop.

Remember, to live a satisfactory and happier life, you don’t have just have to do some miracles and
make a U-turn in your life style. At times, small action meant a lot to others. Think of drinking more
water to stay healthier or happier, feed someone hungry at least once a month, plant a tree, recycle a
little more or may be try to avoid buying groceries in plastic shopping bag, have some time for prayers,
need to reward yourself with some break after busy week or month, giving a hug to your mother or
making her a cup of tea, make a painting for your room etc. may keep your spirit alive. You must have
heard that taking a rock out of the way is also a charity.

One thing that definitely helps in pursuing the following goals is to share with someone you trust.
Consider this person as your mentor. It’s better to ask this person be your mentor in achieving what you
have planned for this year. Ask them to keep reminding and asking you on the progress.

Don’t afraid to add new goals down the road, writing on the paper converts your wish into a goal. To
have one exciting and major goal for the whole year is a good idea. You may draw it and download a
picture that represents this goal. Print this picture and paste it in your bed room, hostel or workstation,
so that it keeps reminding you of what you have to do in this year.

Keep reviewing this document at least once a month to track your progress. If any goal achieved, feel
happy and reward yourself, may be with a bar of chocolate or a new shirt. If not achieved, have self
accountability – may be not allowing yourself to drink tea when you really want to.

Out of 12 months, dedicate one day in each month as ‘WOW’ day, where you should do something out
of routine. For example, hiking a mountain or volunteering at an orphan center or sweeping the
community mosque, or donate your clothes which have not worn in last two year, remember even your
smile is a charity.

Get inspiration from the saying of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) that ‘Your today must be better than
yesterday, or else you have deteriorated’.
My 2020 Resolution Chart

Following are the 20 questions you must answer while entering in to a new year of your life. There is a
chance that you may not get the answer right now, but at least it will put you on a track to seek clarity.

You may think of filling this chart tomorrow, if it is the case, you are trapped in procrastination. There
are certain things which have to be done at the right time and it is just today being the first day of the
new year. Take out you pen and keep writing in the column marked ‘Action’. You can also write more
than one bullet points in Action column against one goal.

Sr Goal / Field of Action Action

1 My professional / career goal
2 My fitness / health goal
3 My financial goal for 2020
4 My religious / spiritual goal
5 My traveling goal
6 My family / relationship /friends goal
7 My societal goal
8 My hobby / leisure goal
9 My personal development goal
10 My academics / learning goal
11 My volunteerism / activism goal
11 Best of 2019
12 Worst of 2019
13 Learning from the worst
14 Most exciting thing in 2020
15 1 thing I must do in 2020
16 1 thank I must say in 2020
17 1 sorry I must say in 2020
18 Challenges of 2020
19 My promises to self
20 1 thing I must Quit
21 Birthdays you must remember to wish / celebrate this

Happy New You 

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