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Advances in Physiotherapy.

2005; 7: 84 /91


Intra-rater reliability in measuring range of motion in infants with

congenital muscular torticollis


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Physical Therapy, Astrid Lindgren Children’s Hospital, Karolinska University Hospital, 2Neurotec Department, Division of
Physiotherapy, Karolinska Institute, 3Department of Pediatric Orthopedics, Astrid Lindgren Children’s Hospital, Karolinska
University Hospital, 4Neuropediatric Research Unit, Dept. of Woman and Child Health, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm,

The aim of this study was to test the intra-rater reliability of measures in rotation and lateral flexion of the head in infants
with congenital muscular torticollis (CMT). Twenty-three infants with CMT, aged 1 /5 months, were classified into two
groups. Group I was measured twice without time interval and Group II was measured with an interval of 1 h. All infants
For personal use only.

were examined supine. A goniometer was used to measure rotation and a protractor for lateral flexion. Photos were taken
simultaneously with the readings of range of motion. Repeated-measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to
determine any significant differences between test and retest. The intraclass correlation coefficient and the standard error of
measurement were calculated to determine intra-rater reliability. Results show high intra-rater reliability regardless of time
intervals between the two measures, measured movement directions and differences in the end-feel of the sternocleido-
mastoideus muscle. Least agreement was found when comparing measures on infants and on photos taken simultaneously.
The high intra-rater reliability found in this study indicates that evaluation of treatment effects over time can be made with
adequate reliability when the measures are performed by an experienced physiotherapist. The methods used could form a
good basis for performing a larger inter-rater reliability study.

Key words: Agreement, lateral flexion, movement directions, repeatability, rotation

Introduction recedes after a few months. However, in some

infants (10 /20%) the muscle may become fibrotic
Congenital muscular torticollis (CMT) is caused by
leading to a manifest contracture (8,9). Currently
a shortening of the sternocleidomastoid muscle
(SCM) in infants, inducing a lateral flexion of the intrauterine or perinatal compartment syndrome, as
head to the ipsilateral and a turning of the head to a result of the infant being confined for space in a
the contralateral side (Figure 1). The reported disadvantageous position in the womb, is considered
prevalence has ranged from 0.3% to 2.0% (1). The the cause (10). Experiments on animals indicate that
shortening of the SCM can either depend on a venous occlusion can result in fibrotic tissue (2,3).
contracture in the muscle or an exaggerated con- The infants are frequently referred to a phy-
traction of the muscle (2,3). The latter is often siotherapist, often between 1 and 3 months of age.
referred to as ‘‘postural torticollis’’ (1 /3). In some The physiotherapist instructs the parents how to
literature lately this condition has also been called stretch the short SCM muscle and how to gain better
positional torticollis (4,5). When the infant has a strength through active movements of the head using
contracture it is sometimes generated by a benign the non-affected, often weak, SCM muscle (5). The
sternomastoid tumour, often recognized when the parents are also instructed to support symmetrical
infant is 1/4 weeks old (6,7). The tumour always head and trunk movements of the child. Apart from

Correspondence: Eva Perbeck Klackenberg, Physical Therapy, Astrid Lindgren Children’s Hospital, Karolinska University Hospital, 171 76 Stockholm,
Sweden. E-mail:

(Received 7 October 2004; accepted 3 January 2005)

ISSN 1403-8196 print/ISSN 1651-1948 online # 2005 Taylor & Francis Group Ltd
DOI: 10.1080/14038190510010331
Reliability of ROM in infants with CMT 85

passive ROM on infants with CMT. To our knowl-

edge, no previous studies have evaluated the
reliability of goniometric measures on infants in
this position.
At the time of the study in Astrid Lindgren
Children’s Hospital in Stockholm, most measures
on infants with CMT were performed by one
specialized physiotherapist (EPK). This PT was
also mainly responsible for treatment and follow-up
of the infants with a serious form of CMT. There-
fore, the primary focus of this study was to evaluate
intra-rater reliability. Such a pilot study could also
provide a good basis for a study on inter-rater
reliability by shedding light on various sources of
measurement variability. The aim of this study was
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to test the intra-rater reliability of measures in

rotation and lateral flexion of the head performed
Figure 1. Boy with a left-sided congenital muscular torticollis. in supine on infants with CMT. The following
questions were asked: Is the reliability influenced
inducing an asymmetrical position of the head in the by: (i) the time interval between the measures;
upright position, an uncorrected CMT can also lead (ii) the measured directions of ROM; (iii) the end-
to positional plagiocephaly (11). Positional plagio- feel of the muscle? The first question is related to the
cephaly denotes that the infant’s head and skull has feasibility of performing an inter-rater reliability
become asymmetrical, because the infant has been study. A short time interval between measures is
obliquely positioned in supine. more practical, but a stretch of the muscle could
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The range of motion (ROM) and the strength in influence the ROM, giving rise to a systematic
the non-affected SCM muscle are continuously measurement error. The second question deals
followed throughout the treatment period. When with whether the reliability could be influenced by
the contracture is persistent, the infant is referred to the different procedures used when measuring lateral
surgical lengthening of the SCM muscle, which flexion vs. rotation. The third question is based on a
nowadays in Stockholm is preceded by at least hypothesis that the end-feel of a contract muscle
6 months of training. could influence the reliability, giving rise to larger
It is crucial to follow the change in ROM when variation when measuring the movement directions
evaluating treatment effects and for knowing when to of a contract SCM muscle than those of a non-
refer to surgery (1,2,12 /14). Also after surgery, affected muscle. Furthermore, we were interested in
during the intense treatment that follows, it is of determining the agreement between measures made
importance to follow the regain of ROM to avoid directly on the infants and measures made on photos
recurrence. Therefore the reliability of the measures taken simultaneously with the readings, i.e. we
is of importance. were interested in comparing the measurements
In adults, passive ROM in the neck is commonly made by a trained physiotherapist with an objective
measured in sitting position (15 /17). The degree of way of measuring ROM, i.e. a photo. (iv) Could a
reliability in measures performed in sitting is influ- photo taken in a standardized way provide an
enced by the kind of device used for measuring. Poor objective measure and, if so, how do the measures
to moderate reliability was obtained when assessing of the physiotherapist deviate from these ‘‘true’’
passive rotation and lateral flexion using a strap-on values?
goniometer [intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC
1.1) values ranging from 0.38 to 0.64] (16), whereas
good inter- and intra-rater reliability was reached Material and method
when the measures were performed with an electro-
goniometer (ICC values ranging from 0.90 to 0.98)
(17). Twenty-three infants aged 1 /5 months were referred
The sitting position is, however, not suitable for consecutively to a physiotherapist (EPK) from a
measuring infants with CMT, since they have not paediatrician or an orthopaedic surgeon for assess-
yet gained complete control of the head in the ment and treatment of CMT. All parents gave
upright position. The supine position is therefore informed consent and the study was approved by
probably the most suitable position to measure the Medical Ethical Committee of the Karolinska
86 E. Perbeck Klackenberg et al.

Hospital, Stockholm. Ten infants had a shortening

of the left SCM muscle and 13 had a shortening of
the SCM muscle on the right side of the neck. The
infants were randomly assigned into two groups
(Table I). The children in Group I (n /11) were
tested first. The median age of the children in this
group was 3 months (range 2 /5 months). Group II
contained 12 infants with a median age of 2 months
(range 1 /5 months). The measurements in Group II
were performed with an interval of approximately
1 h, whereas the measurements in Group I were
made adjacently.

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A standard goniometer with one stationary arm and

one movable arm (MEDEMA) was used for mea-
suring rotations. For measuring lateral flexion, a
measurement device, a protractor (Figure 2) fabri- Figure 2. The protractor used to measure lateral flexion.
cated from a hard, square cushion (75 /60 /9 cm)
was used. ROM of 608, depending on the thickness of the
infant’s cheek.
Initially the non-affected side was measured in
rotation to avoid irritating the infant. Furthermore,
All measures were performed supine, the head in the movements were performed slowly to prevent the
For personal use only.

midline and the head and body aligned along a child from getting tense and/or actively applying
sagittal axis marked with tape onto the support force against the stretch induced by the physiothera-
surface. Furthermore, a line was taped at 908 to pist. When full ROM was reached, the child
this line across the support surface, parallel to which exhibited a tendency to lift the shoulder. Under
the shoulders of the child were placed. One person these circumstances, the physiotherapist stopped the
(often the parent) fixated the shoulders of the infant stretching. After the rotations, lateral flexion was
to the support surface while the first author (EPK) measured, this time starting with the affected side,
performed the measures. When rotations were mea- again initially using a movement direction that did
sured, the goniometer was placed above the infant’s not irritate the infant. Thus four measures were
head with the movable arm of the goniometer in line taken initially, followed adjacently or after approxi-
with the nose of the infant, after which the head was mately 1 h by four comparable measures. If an exact
rotated (Figure 3). ROM in rotation was considered value could not be noted, which could happen if the
complete when the infant’s cheek attained the child was moving the head, two values were noted,
support surface, generally about 708 or 808 depend- i.e. 55/608. In the statistical analysis, the mean of
ing on the thickness of the infant’s cheek. During these two values was used.
lateral flexion, the infant’s head was placed on the Simultaneously with all measures, the ROM was
protractor, the position corresponding to zero on the registered with a camera (Kodak DC240/DC280
protractor scale (Figure 4). Lateral flexion was Zoom Digital). The photos were taken by a third
considered complete when the ear of the infant person when ROM was at its maximum (at the
reached the shoulder, generally corresponding to a point where the physiotherapist made a reading).
Two markers were placed on the head, one on os
frontale in line with the nose and the other on the tip
Table I. Infants included in the study. In Group I two measures
of the nose. The camera was placed on a stand
were performed adjacently and in Group II the second measure
was performed after 1 h. 85 cm above the protractor. When measuring rota-
tions, the camera was placed at the short side of
Group I, Group II, the bench, 50 cm from the taped line. The lowest
n/11 n/12 part of the camera objective was placed 4 cm above
this surface. The pictures were edited, deleting
Age (months) (median, range) 3 (2 /5) 2 (1 /5) the goniometer and the protractor. Thereafter the
Right-sided CMT (n ) 5 8
Left-sided CMT (n ) 6 4
angles were measured with a goniometer on the
Reliability of ROM in infants with CMT 87

Figure 3. Rotation measured with goniometer placed above the infant’s head.
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In Group II (n /12), all intended measures were Repeated-measures analysis of variance (ANOVA)
obtained (48 paired measures). In Group I (n /11), was used to determine any significant mean differ-
only 33 paired measures of 44 planned were ences, i.e. systematic bias, between measure 1 and 2;
achieved, since the close administration of measure- p B/0.05 was considered a significant difference.
ments irritated the infants. The ICC 1.1 was calculated, using the between-
and within-subject mean squares from the ANOVA,
Statistic analysis to determine intra-rater reliability (19). In this
study, ICC values of 0.90 /0.99 indicate high relia-
Reliability will be expressed as systematic bias, ICC bility, 0.80 /0.89, good reliability, 0.70 / 0.79
1.1 and random measurement error (18,19). The fair reliability, and 0.69 and below, poor reliability
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systematic bias refers to the mean difference between (21).

measure 1 and 2. The ICC is a ratio of variances. The standard error of measurement (Sw ) was
Briefly, a high ICC indicates that the within-subject calculated as the square root of the within-subject
variance is smaller than the between subject
variance from the ANOVA (20). Furthermore, the
variance. Therefore, as a complement to the ICC,
standard deviation of the differences (Sdiff ), was
for clinical purposes, it is recommended to use
calculated using the formula: Sdiff /â2 /Sw to
the random measurement error, e.g. the standard
determine the reproducibility of the method
error of measurement (Sw ), which is unaffected
by the range of the measured values of the subjects (20,22,23). The repeatability, as expressed by the
(18). difference between two measurements for the same
To inspect data, the individual differences between subject, is expected with 95% probability to be
measure 1 and 2 (diffwithin ) and the individual means within 1.96 /Sdiff (20,22,23). Since the interest in
of the two measures were plotted according to Bland this article is to describe the repeatability for future
& Altman (20). No relations between the diffwithin clinical use in treatment outcome, 1.96 /Sdiff will be
and the size of the values were found (i.e. data were presented in the results as a measure of random
homoscedastic) and conventional parametric statis- error. All calculations were made using Microsoft
tics could be used (18). Excel.

Figure 4. Lateral flexion measured with the infant placed on a protractor.

88 E. Perbeck Klackenberg et al.

Results Repeatability for the affected movement directions

was 5/68 and for the unaffected directions 3 /58
Group I (measures adjacently taken) and Group II (1 h
(Table II). No significant systematic bias between
between measures)
measure 1 and 2 was found. The ICC values were
In measures performed in close connection to each higher when measuring the affected movement
other (Group I) the repeatability (1.96 /Sdiff ) varied directions. For children with right-sided CMT, the
between 28 and 58 depending on the movement rotation to the right and the lateral flexion to the left
direction. A longer time interval between measures showed ICC values between 0.82 and 0.95, whereas
(Group II) affected the repeatability only slightly: 4/ the reliability when measuring the non-affected
68 (Table II). The ICC was high (0.97 /0.99) in rotation and lateral flexion was noticeably lower at
Group I and fair to high (0.77 /0.95) in Group II 0.58 /0.65. In children with left-sided CMT, the
(Table II). Although the ICC values varied slightly, same tendency was found (Table III). Movement
the clinically important repeatability expressed in directions with a good repeatability, i.e. a low 1.96 /
degrees (1.96 /Sdiff ) could be considered very small, Sdiff, , were connected to a low ICC (Table III). This
i.e. 2/68. Pooled data of Group I and II are found in seems to be due to an occasional small between-
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Table II. subjects variability demonstrated by the comparably

smaller standard deviations.
Movement directions / rotation vs. lateral flexion
Agreement infant/photo
For measures of rotation, the repeatability was
slightly better for Group I (2/38) than for Group The reliability between the measures made on the
II (5 /68). For measures of lateral flexion, the infant and those performed on photos taken simul-
repeatability varied between 48 and 68, similarly for taneously with the readings was somewhat lower
Group I and II. Although a significant systematic than the reliability for the test /retest. Repeatability
bias (p B/0.035) was found for rotation left in Group was 6 /108 and ICC was fair to good (0.74 /0.90)
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I, the mean difference was only 18. The lower ICC (Table IV). A significant systematic bias was found
for rotation in Group II could partly be due to a when measuring lateral flexion in both directions.
smaller between subject variance, as can be seen The readings taken from the photos were lower by
on the smaller standard deviations in Table II 2/38 degrees (p B/0.001), than those performed on
(SD 3.1 /4.6). the infant.

Right-sided and left-sided CMT / difference in end-feel Discussion

Data from Groups I and II were pooled to calculate The study showed, in principle, high intra-rater
the reliability for right-sided and left-sided CMT. reliability regardless of the time intervals between
Table II. Reliability of measures performed adjacently (Group I) and measures performed with a time interval of 1 h (Group II).

Movement Measure 1, Measure 2, 1.96/Sdiff ,

direction n mean (SD), degrees mean (SD), degrees ICC degrees p -value

Group I
RR 7 65.7 (5.3) 65.4 (6.2) 0.99 1.9 0.356
RL 9 65.3 (8.2) 66.4 (8.8) 0.98 3.3 0.035
LFR 9 53.1 (10.1) 53.1 (10.2) 0.97 4.6 1.0
LFL 8 49.1 (10.8) 48.1 (12.6) 0.98 4.6 0.285
Group II
RR 12 65.8 (4.6) 65.0 (4.5) 0.77 6,0 0.368
RL 12 67.7 (4.2) 68.3 (3.1) 0.79 4.7 0.389
LFR 12 53.3 (8.9) 53.4 (8.1) 0.95 5.5 0.809
LFL 12 50.2 (6.1) 49.6 (6.1) 0.94 4.2 0.339
Groups I/II
RR 19 65.8 (4.7) 65.1 (5.0) 0.87 4.9 0.262
RL 21 66.7 (6.2) 67.5 (6.1) 0.94 4.1 0.069
LFR 21 53.2 (9.2) 53.3 (8.8) 0.96 5.1 0.841
LFL 20 50.1 (8.0) 49.5 (8.9) 0.97 4.4 0.137

Movement directions are: RR, rotation to the right; RL, rotation to the left; LFR, lateral flexion to the right; LFL, lateral flexion to the left; n
indicates number of paired measures. Reliability is expressed as intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC 1.1). Repeatability is expressed as
1.96/Sdiff . p -values from repeated-measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) show the significance between measures 1 and 2.
Reliability of ROM in infants with CMT 89
Table III. Reliability of measures performed on infants with CMT in the right and left side SCM-muscle.

Movement Measure 1, Measure 2, 1.96/Sdiff ,

direction n mean (SD), degrees mean (SD), degrees ICC degrees p -value

Right-sided CMT
RR 10 63.0 (4.7) 62.5 (5.4) 0.82 5.8 0.619
RL 11 69.5 (1.9) 69.8 (0.8) 0.58 2.6 0.588
LFR 12 58.5 (2.9) 57.9 (3.4) 0.65 5.1 0.429
LFL 13 46.0 (7.2) 44.8 (8.3) 0.95 4.7 0.082
Left-sided CMT
RR 9 68.9 (2.2) 68.1 (2.4) 0.68 3.7 0.195
RL 10 63.5 (7.7) 65.0 (8.2) 0.94 5.4 0.081
LFR 9 46.1 (10.0) 47.2 (10.3) 0.97 5.2 0.225
LFL 7 56.8 (3.5) 56.8 (2.8) 0.82 3.7 1.0

Movement directions are: RR, rotation to the right; RL, rotation to the left; LFR, lateral flexion to the right; LFL, lateral flexion to the left; n
indicates number of paired measures. Reliability is expressed as intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC 1.1). Repeatability is expressed as
Adv Physiother Downloaded from by Nyu Medical Center on 06/03/15

1.96/Sdiff . p -values from repeated-measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) show the significance between measures 1 and 2. The number
of measures in bold indicate the affected movement directions.

the two measures, the measured movement direc- muscle during initial measurements would induce an
tions and differences in the end-feel of the muscle. elongation of the muscle and thus differences in
Least agreement was found when comparing mea- ROM, which persisted when the measures were
sures on infants and on photos taken simultaneously. performed a second time. This would thus create a
To follow the passive ROM in infants with CMT is systematic error with a higher value during the
of great importance when evaluating treatment second reading. This was, however, not the case.
effects and for knowing when to refer to surgery. Instead, the variation between measures performed
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The high intra-rater reliability found in this pilot after 1 h was to some extent larger. An inter-rater
study indicates that evaluation of treatment effects reliability study could thus be based on adjacently
and referral to orthopaedic surgery can be made performed measures, although care should be taken
with adequate reliability when the measures are to avoid irritating the infants.
performed by the physiotherapist in this study Repeatability (1.96 /Sdiff ) was larger, although
(EPK). The methods used could form a good ICC was higher when the ROM in the affected
basis for performing a larger inter-rater reliability movement directions was measured compared to
study. the non-affected directions. The finding is in line
The time that elapsed between the measures with our hypothesis that the different end-feel of
influenced the reliability only slightly with somewhat the affected muscle would cause more within-subject
better reliability when measures were made in close variability. The 1.96 /Sdiff did not, however, exceed
connection to each other. One possible explanation 68, indicating clinically satisfactory repeatability.
might be that the investigator partly remembered The lower ICC when measuring the non-affected
the values from the first reading. On the other hand, side was probably due to a smaller between-subjects
it could be hypothesized that the stretch of the variance. Very homogeneous groups can give rise to

Table IV. Reliability of measures performed on infants with CMT comparing goniometer readings on infants and on photos.

Movement Infant mean Photo mean 1.96/Sdiff

direction n (SD) degrees (SD) degrees ICC degrees p -value

RR Group I 18 65.4 (5.1) 64.1 (5.8) 0.80 6.7 0.093

RR Group II 16 64.8 (5.4) 64.3 (5.4) 0.74 7.7 0.561
RL Group I 19 67.0 (6.3) 67.2 (6.7) 0.90 5.6 0.787
RL Group II 18 67.1 (6.5) 67.2 (6.6) 0.86 6.7 0.921
LFR Group I 23 52.7 (8.9) 50.0 (8.9) 0.88 8.6 B/0.001
LFR Group II 21 53.3 (8.8) 50.0 (7.9) 0.84 9.5 B/0.001
LFL Group I 20 50.3 (8.3) 48.4 (8.8) 0.87 8.5 0.055
LFL Group II 20 51.0 (6.1) 49.2 (6.2) 0.79 7.9 0.042

Movement directions are: RR, rotation to the right; RL, rotation to the left; LFR, lateral flexion to the right; LFL, lateral flexion to the left. n
indicates number of paired measures. Reliability is expressed as intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC 1.1). Agreement infant/photo is
expressed as 1.96/Sdiff . p -values from repeated-measures ANOVA show the significance between measures on infant and photo.
90 E. Perbeck Klackenberg et al.

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