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Actividad No.

2 Mapa Conceptual English Activity Model Canvas

Juego Gerencial

Laura Vanessa Castaño Baquero

Admiración de Empresas.
Vicerrectoría Regional Bogotá Sur
Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios

Bogotá, 11 de julio 2019


What is it
It is a tool to analyze and create business models in a simplified way. It is displayed globally on a canvas divided into the main aspects that involve the
business and revolves around the value proposal that is offered, It focuses on nine basic blocks that reflect the company's logic to earn revenue

These are
Key resources
Sources of
Value proposals Channels Relationships
Defines the Shows the
different Represents most
Describe the Describe how Indicates the
groups of important
package of
the company types of the money
people or products and assets
communicates relationships that the
organizations services that that a company required to
and reaches its company
to which a create establishes with operate the
company market segments generates
value for a a specific
from each model of
intends to specific for deliver the segment of
customer proposal value. market deal
reach and serve customers
segment segmen

Key activities Key partners Cost structure

Indicate the activities Indicates all costs in

Indicates the network
more what the company
of suppliers, alliances
important that a incurs to
and partners that
company manage the business
make a business
must do to make a
business model work
model works mode

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