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35th “G” BATCH

This is to certify that the project titled“COMPARATIVE STUDY OF KENT AND BOGER
intern of 35th G-Batch in partial fulfillment of the degree of BACHELOR OF HOMOEOPATHIC
MEDICINE AND SURGERY. This project is the bonafide piece of work carried out by intern
during their internship in the year 2018-19 at BHARATI VIDYAPEETH DEEMED TO BE
your guidance and supervision.


35TH ‘G’ batch


Project Incharge I.C.T.P Incharge Principal

(Dr. R.E.Shinde) (Dr. M.A.Nerlekar) (Dr.A.B.Jadhav)

I am thankful and obliged to one all for the help and coordinated extended for the successful
completion of this project. Student gets rare opportunities in life to work on such projects. I am
fortunate to have got a chance to do some good research work.

I would like to express our sincere gratitude to Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, founder of the
Homoeopathy, for giving to the world such a great system of medicine.

I am deeply grateful to Dr. A.B Jadhav, Principal of BVDUHMC Pune, for his permission to carry
out this study in the institute and for providing us all the facilities.

I am also thankful to ICTP Incharge Dr. M.A.Nerlekar, Dr. S.S.Nadgauda, and Dr. S.R.Jagtap for
kind support and encouragement.

Our sincere thank to Dr. R.E Shinde, for the successful completion of this project would not
have been possible without the help and guidance of our project incharge.

Last but not the least, I would like to thank our patients who placed their trust in me and also
gave me their precious time.








Joints are the parts of your body where your bones meet. Joints allow the bones of your
skeleton to move. Joints include:
Joint pain refers to discomfort, aches, and soreness in any of the body’s joints. Joint pain is a
common complaint.
Sometimes, joint pain is the result of an illness or injury. Arthritis is also a common cause of
joint pain.
One of the most common causes of joint pain is arthritis. The two main forms of arthritis are
osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA).
According to the American College of Rheumatology, OA is most common in adults over age 40.
It progresses slowly and tends to affect commonly used joints like the:
Joint pain due to OA results from a breakdown of the cartilage that serves as a cushion and
shock absorber for the joints.
The second form of arthritis is RA. According to the Arthritis Foundation, RA affects about 1.5
million Americans. It more commonly affects women than men.
It can deform and debilitate the joints over time. RA causes pain, inflammation, and fluid
buildup in the joints as the body’s immune system attacks the membrane that lines the joints.
Other causes: - Joint pain can be caused by:
bursitis, or inflammation of the cushioning pads around joints
certain infectious diseases, such as mumps, influenza, and hepatitis
chondromalacia of the patella, or a breakdown of the cartilage in the kneecap
an injury
tendinitis, or inflammation of the tendon
an infection of the bone or joint
overuse of a joint
Symptoms of joint pain
1.The area around the joint is swollen, red, tender, or warm to the touch
2.The pain persists for three days or more
3. Fever but no other signs of the flu
4. Swelling of the joint occurs suddenly.
5. The joint is completely immobile.
6. Severe joint pain.
By performing a physical examination.
A joint X-ray may be necessary to identify arthritis-related joint damage.
Blood test to screen for certain autoimmune disorders.
They may also request a sedimentation rate test to measure the level of inflammation in the
body or a complete blood count.
Treatment:-Use of topical pain relievers or take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce pain,
swelling, and inflammation.
Stay physically active and follow a fitness program focusing on moderate exercise.
Stretch before exercising to maintain a good
Kent’s Totality of Symptoms is erected by the following hierarchy:
These may occur among mental, generals, or particulars and must therefore be of varying
1. MIND: - Will
2. PHYSICAL GENERALS: - Things affecting the whole body.
Ailments from aggravation and amelioration.
Symptoms related to sex, appetite, desire and aversion to food, weather, positions, food
aggravations and amelioration’s, reactions to heat and cold, etc.
3. PARTICULARS: - Symptoms related to the parts.
From Generals to Particular: - Kent argues that whole problem, like any other scientific
problem, must be gone into and followed from generals to particulars”, what is in
correspondence with his rule of government from center to circumference. There is one center
that rules, controls and is supreme. All true diseases flow from center to circumference and the
order of repair in the economy is also from center to circumference.
The importance of the MIND
Among the Generals the symptoms of the Mind are of prime importance based on the
assumption that disease has its origin in the mind.
Kent classified disease symptoms into three main categories whose value is classified into three
grades: General Symptoms
Particular Symptoms
Common Symptoms
Symptoms are classified into generals and particulars to evaluate their importance and upon
correct generalizing depends all successful work as a homeopathic prescriber”. Both kinds of
symptoms can be either common or uncommon
General symptoms relate to the patient as a whole. They characterize the patient and are
therefore of higher value than the particulars which affect only a given organ. With generals the
patient refers certain symptoms or conditions of symptoms to himself, inner consciousness and
ego and so etc. The highest rank of all belongs to those symptoms, that are not only peculiar,
but also general. They are broadly classified in mental and physical generals.

All mental symptoms are classified as Generals as they reflect the inner self and individuality of
the patient, the sub consciousness or involuntary action of the mind. Kent regarded Mental as
belonging to the highest grade as they express the inner-most of the patient most absolutely
and the symptoms around which other symptoms revolve – hence, they are most characteristic
of the individual.

Mental Symptoms are graded. Of the highest importance are those that relate to the will. Of
second grade, those that affect the understanding, and of the third grade, those that relate to
the memory. Will and emotions deal with excitements, determinations, weaknesses, loves and
hates, moods and temperaments, traits, suspicion, fear, jealousy etc. These are of the highest
importance among the mental. Understanding deals with perversions of understanding,
intelligence, perceptions, illusions, delusions, dreams, loss of sense of proportions etc.Physical
generals are an expression of the reaction of the patient to the environment. They stand next to mental
and deal with the body as a whole under various physical conditions or circumstances, like disorders of
sexual function, cravings and aversions of food and drink, menstrual state, sleep, symptoms caused by
external influences like heat, cold, weather, climate, motion, time, position, posture etc. Kent also
writes, that modalities, or conditions of aggravation and amelioration applying to the case as a whole or
the patient himself, are generals of high rank

Particulars express the disturbance and suffering of some part, organ or function of the body,
indicating the concentration of the disease in a certain part of the body. They can be qualified
by location, sensation, modalities and concomitants.

OPD No.:11899

DOCT: 21.2.19


Age: 47 yrs.

Sex: Male

Address: Balaji Nagar,Dhankawadi, Pune.

Occupation: Businessman

Physician Incharge -: Dr. R. E. S.

Chief complaints-
Pain in knee joint of both leg since 3month

Pain in calf muscles since 1week

Aggravation on standing.

Amelioration by rest & pressure

Personal History:

Diet- VEG.

Appetite- 2Meals /day

Aversion- - Nothing significant

Craving- - Nothing significant

Thirst- 1-2lit/day

Urine - 3-4/0-1 D/N

Bowel- Once, satisfactory

Perspiration- On exertion on forehead.

Thermals-Thermally Chilly

Dream- - Nothing significant

Mind: -Anger on contradiction

Anger express by shouting

Irritable on slight things



Physical examination

Height -5’8”

Weight -69kg

Built & Nourishment-well built, well nourished

Gait- Normal

Vital data Pulse-78/min

Blood pressure- 120/80 mm of Hg


General examination -







Systemic examination

P/S -Soft ,non-tender

CVS - S1 S2 Heard

RS- AEBE, Clear

CNS - conscious and oriented

Local Examination- Knee Joint

Right Knee Joint Left Knee Joint
Pain Present Present
Movement Mild painful Mild painful
Swelling - -
Crepitus - -
1 1234 1 MIND - ANGER - contradiction; from 51

2 1234 1 MIND - IRRITABILITY 545

3 1234 1 MIND - QUARRELSOME 189

4 1234 1 MIND - ANGER - answer; when obliged to 9

5 1234 1 GENERALS - COLD - agg. 243

6 1234 1 EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Knee 203

7 1234 1 EXTREMITIES - PAIN - tearing - Knee 112

8 1234 1 EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Knee - walking 63

9 1234 1 EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Knee - walking - after 9

10 1234 1 EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Knee - standing, while 12

11 1234 1 EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Knee - pressure - amel. 5

bry. nux-v. sulph. ars. lach. merc. nat-m. nit-ac. petr. thuj.

8/14 7/17 7/15 7/13 7/12 7/12 7/12 7/12 7/12 7/12

1 2 2 1 1 - 1 - 1 1 2

2 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 3

3 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 2

4 1 3 - 1 - - 1 - - -

5 2 3 2 3 1 2 2 3 2 2

6 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1

7 1 - 2 - 2 2 1 1 1 1
8 2 - - - 2 1 1 1 1 1

9 - - - - - - - - - -

10 - 1 2 - 1 - - - - -

11 - - - 1 - - - - - -


Nux Vomica
Final remedy– Bryonia Alba
Prescription: - Rx
Bryonia Alba200 powder stat dose

1 follow-up: 27/2/19

Pain in knee joint of both leg reduced

Pain in calf muscles of both leg reduced

Cramping type of pain in both leg

Aggravation on Standing& walking

Amelioration by rest

O/E- Pulse-78b/min

Blood Pressure-120/80mmhg

Systemic examination

P/S –Soft, non-tender

CVS - S1 S2 Heard

RS- AEBE, Clear

CNS - conscious and oriented

L/E: -Knee Joint

Right knee joint Left knee joint

Pain While standing While standing
Movement Not restricted Not restricted
Swelling - -
Crepitus - -
Bryonia Alba200 powder dose stat

2 Follow up: 5/3/19

Pain in both knee joint reduced

Pain in calf muscle of both leg reduced

Cramping type of pain

Aggravation on Standing & walking

Amelioration by rest

O/E- Pulse-78b/min


Local Examination: - Knee joint

Right knee joint Left knee joint

Pain While standing While standing
Movement Not restricted Not restricted
Swelling - -
Crepitus - -

Bryonia Alba200 powder stat dose

3 Follow up: - 10/3/19

Pain in knee joint of both leg reduced

Pain in calf muscle of both leg reduced

O/E: - Pulse-78b/min

B.P- 120/78 mmHg

L/ E: - Knee joint

Right knee joint Left knee joint

Pain Reduced Reduced
Movement Not restricted Not restricted
Swelling - -
Crepitus - -

Bryonia Alba200 powder stat dose

4 Follow up: 15/3/19

Pain of both knee joint reduced

Pain of both calf muscles is reduced

Cramping type of pain reduced

O/E- Pulse-72bpm

Blood Pressure-120/80mmhg

L/E- Knee joint

Right knee joint Left knee joint

Pain Not present Not present
Movement Not restricted Not restricted
Swelling - -
Crepitus - -

Sac lac 200 x 3pils tds x 7days

5 Follow-up - 19/3/19

No pain in knee joint

No any fresh complaints

O/E- Pulse-78b/min


L/E- Knee joint

Right knee joint Left knee joint

Pain Not present Not present
Movement Not restricted Not restricted
Swelling - -
Crepitus - -

Sac Lac 200 X 3pills tds for 7 days

Learning From the Case:

In this case patient came with the complaints of pain in both the knee joint since 3 months&
cramping type of pain in calf muscle since 2-3 month which is progressive in nature and pain is
aggravated by standing, while walking & pain get ameliorated by rest & by pressure. I have also
learned about the local examination of knee joint. I have used Kent’s Repertory to work on a
case to prescribe the patient. While working on the case, I learned a lot of things such as
proper repertorisation of a case by using Kent repertory. According to Kent’s Repertory, in
which mental symptoms has more importance, & then physical generals & particulars
symptoms are consider. The Kent’s Repertory helps me a lot in proper repertorisation of mind
symptoms with proper rubric, physical generals and also in particular symptoms where
modality was well given in repertory. While considering the symptoms’ for repertorisation, I
took first mind symptoms then physical generals and then particulars with its modality. So with
such plan, I repertorised the case and after repertorsing the remedy that came was Bryonia
Alba. So, I prescribed Bryonia Alba in 200 potency in powder form in stat dose. Simultaneously,
I started reading a remedy from Materia Medica book which was well indicated for this case of
joint complaints. The remedy worked well. And patient got cured from the complaints. The
patient was co-operative & he was regular with his follow-ups. By regular follow-ups of patient
it was well easy to understand the how the remedy is working. As this case was acute the
patient was started getting improved from 2nd follow-up, the intensity of pain of knee joint was
reduced & also of pain of calf muscle was also improved. After 4th follow-up the pain was
absent and patient was satisfied with the treatment. So for 4 th & 5th follow-up, I prescribed a
Sac lac 200 x 3pills x tds x 7days. By continuous observing of a case the symptoms started
decline and patient feels better physically also and no any new complaints was present. So,
from this case, I understood how well the remedy works with proper use of the repertory. With
the well result of this case, I got the confidence about on the Kent’s repertory which, I have
used in the treatment of joint complaints.


0OPD No.: 12063

DOCT: 28/3/19

Name: Mrs. S. R. P.

Age: 41yrs

Sex: Female

Address: Balaji Nagar, Dhankawadi, Pune.

Occupation: Housewife

Chief complaints-

Pain in both knee joint since 2years

Pain in ankle joint & foot of both legs since 6month

Aggravation on Walking, Standing

Amelioration by rest

Swelling present

Personal History:

Diet- Veg.

Appetite- 3 meals/day

Aversion- - Nothing significant

Craving- - Nothing significant

Thirst- 3-4lit/day

Micturation- 4-5/0-1 D/N

Bowel-once, satisfactory

Perspiration-On exertion

Thermals-Thermally Chilly

Dream- Nothing significant

Mind:- Angry on contradiction


Anger, violent, shouts on others in anger

Tensed about younger daughter future

Once done abortion so she feels of wrong done

She feels regret about it.


Physical examination

Height -5’4”

Built & Nourishment-well built, well nourished

Gait- Normal

Vital data: - Pulse-62b/min

Blood pressure- 110/80 mm of Hg

Resp. rate- 15 cycles /min


General examination -


Oedema-Present on both knee joint





Systemic examination

P/A-Soft, non-tender

CVS- S1 S2 Heard

RS- AEBE, Clear

CN S- conscious and oriented

L/E- Knee joint

Right knee joint Left knee joint

Pain Present Present
Movement Not restricted Notrestricted
Swelling Present Present
Crepitus Present Present

1 1234 1 MIND - DELUSIONS - wrong - done wrong; he has 41

2 1234 1 MIND - SADNESS - fault, as if in 1

3 1234 1 MIND - EMOTIONS - suppressed 12


5 1234 1 MIND - ANGER - contradiction; from 51

6 1234 1 MIND - TENSION, mental 22

7 1234 1 GENERALS - WALKING - agg. 179

8 1234 1 GENERALS - REST - amel. 155

9 1234 1 EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Knee - cold - exposure to, on 3

10 1234 1 EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Knee - walking 63

11 1234 1 EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Knee - standing, while 12

12 1234 1 EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Ankle - walking - while 26

13 1234 1 EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Foot - walking - while 34

sulph. lach. nit-ac. caust. bry. sep. aur. cocc. ars. ferr.

8/12 6/10 6/9 6/8 5/11 5/10 5/9 5/9 5/8 5/8

1 1 2 - - - - 2 1 2 1

2 - - - - - - - - - -
3 - - - 1 - 1 - - - -

4 2 2 - - - - - - - -

5 1 - 1 - 2 3 3 1 1 3

6 - - - - - - - 2 2 -

7 3 2 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 2

8 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 2 1 1

9 - - - - - 2 - - - -

10 - 2 1 1 2 - 2 - - -

11 2 1 - - - - - - - -

12 1 - 1 1 1 - - - - -

13 1 - 1 1 - - - - - 1

Probable remedy: - Sulphur

Nitric acid
Final remedy:-Sulphur
Prescription: - Rx
Sulphur 200 powder stat dose
Bryonia 200 3pills tds x 7days
1 follow-up: 24/4/19

Pain in both knees joint are reduced

Pain in both ankle joint & foot are reduced

Aggravation on Walking & Standing

Swelling present

O/E- Pulse-62b/min

Blood pressure- 110/80 mm of Hg

Right knee joint Left knee joint

Pain Reduced Reduced
Movement Painful Painful
Swelling Present Present
Crepitus Present Present

Sulphur 200 powder stat doses

Bryonia 200 3pills tds x 7days
2 Follow up: 27/4/19

Pain in both knee joints are reduced

Pain in both ankle joint & foot are reduced

Aggravation on Walking& Standing

Swelling present

Vitals- Pulse-74bpm

Blood Pressure -120/80mm of Hg


Right knee joint Left knee joint

Pain Reduced Reduced
Movement Painful Painful
Swelling Present Present
Crepitus Present Present

Sulphur 200 powder stat doses

Bryonia 200 3pills tds x 7days

3 Follow up: 2/5/19

Pain in both knees joint are reduced

Pain in both ankle joint & foot are reduced

Swelling absent

Vitals- Pulse- 78bpm

Blood Pressure -120/84mmhg

Local Examination: - Knee joint

Right knee joint Left knee joint

Pain Reduced Reduced
Movement Painful Painful
Swelling Absent Absent
Crepitus Present Present

Sulphur 200 powder stat doses

Bryonia 200 3pills tds x 7days

4 Follow up: 8/5/19

Pain in both knee joint are reduced

Pain in both ankle joint & foot are reduced

Swelling absent

Vitals- Pulse- 78bpm

Blood Pressure -120/84mmhg

Local Examination: - Knee joint

Right knee joint Left knee joint

Pain Reduced Reduced
Movement Mild Painful Mild Painful
Swelling Absent Absent
Crepitus - -

Sulphur 200 powder stat dose

Bryonia 200 3pills tds x 7days

5 Follow-up: 19/5/19

Pain in both knees joint are reduced

Pain in both ankle joint & foot are reduced

Swelling Absent

Vitals- Pulse- 78bpm

B.P.-120/84mm of hg

Local Examination: - Knee joint

Right knee joint Left knee joint

Pain Reduced Reduced
Movement Mild Painful Mild Painful
Swelling - -
Crepitus - -

Sulphur 200 powder stat dose

Bryonia 200 x 3pills tds x 7days

Learning From the Case:

In this case patient came with the complaints of in both the knees joints since 2years and pain
in ankle joint & foot of both legs since 6months. The pains get aggravated by walking and on
standing and ameliorated by rest and swelling were also present on knee joints. It was a chronic
case and there are some mental symptoms were also present. So in this case mind was most
important part which helps me in selection of remedy by using Kent’s Repertory. So while
taking mind symptoms of the patient, I came across the symptoms like delusion of wrong done,
suppressed emotions. In Kent’s Repertory mind has given a most importance with well defined
rubric, so it was very helpful to work with this repertory. I repertories a case by considering
mind, physical general & particular symptoms with modality. After proper repertorisation of
case the remedy which came was Sulphur. So, I prescribed Sulphur in 200 potency in powder
form as a stat dose. With Sulphur in stat form, I also prescribed a Bryonia Alba 200 3pills x tds x
7days to a patient as a specific remedy for joint complaints. I started reading both remedy from
Materia Medica book and understood the action of remedy in this case. Both the remedy
worked well and patient started feeling better after 4th follow-ups the intensity of pain was
reduced and swelling were also absent. By continuous observing of a case the symptoms
started decline and patient feels better physically also and no any new complaints was present.
So, in this case I learned proper use of Kent Repertory in chronic case of joint complaints. I got
the confidence to treat the chronic joint complaint with the help of Kent’s Repertory.


OPD No.:13186

DOCT: 17.4.19

Name: Mr. N. D.

Age: 48yrs.

Sex: Male

Address: Dhanori Road, Vishrantwadi, Pune

Occupation: Business

Physician Incharge: Dr. R.E.S.

Chief complaints:

Pain in both knees joints since 6 months

Aggravation on Walking & Standing

Amelioration by rest & hard pressure

Pain in calf muscle of both legs since 1month

Cramping type of pain

Tingling & numbness

Personal History:

Diet- Veg

Appetite- 2meals/ day

Aversion- Nothing Significant

Craving- Tea & tobacco

Thirst - 2 – 3 Lit/day

Micturation- 4-5/0-1 D/N

Bowel- Once satisfactory

Perspiration- Nothing Significant

Sleep – Sound & refreshing

Dream- Nothing Significant

Thermal –Chilly

Mind: - Fastidious

Angry easily, irritable on contradiction


Biting nails when get nervous

Physical examination

Height -6’4”

Weight -75kg

Built & Nourishment-well built, well nourished

Gait- Normal

Vital data: - Pulse-68/min

Blood pressure- 120/80 mm of Hg

Resp. rate- 16 cycles /min


General examination -







Systemic examination

P/A-Soft, non-tender

CVS- S1 S2 Heard
RS- AEBE, Clear

CNS- conscious and oriented

Local Examination: - Knee joint

Right knee joint Left knee joint

Pain Present Present
Movement Painful Painful
Swelling Present Present
Crepitus Present Present
Repertorial totality:-

1 1234 1 MIND - LOQUACITY 172

2 1234 1 MIND - ANGER - easily 45

3 1234 1 MIND - POMPOUS, important 17

4 1234 1 MIND - EXPRESSING oneself - desire to express oneself 4

5 1234 1 MIND - BITING - nails 61

6 1234 1 GENERALS - FOOD and DRINKS - tea - desire 32

7 1234 1 GENERALS - TOBACCO - desire for tobacco 53

8 1234 1 EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Knee - walking - after 9

9 1234 1 EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Knee - warmth - amel. 4

phos. lyc. plat. ars. nux-v. bell. thuj. calc. verat. hyos.

5/8 4/8 4/7 4/6 4/6 4/5 4/5 4/4 3/7 3/6

1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 3

2 2 3 2 1 3 1 2 1 - -

3 1 2 3 - - 1 - 1 2 1

4 - - - - - - - - - -

5 1 2 - 2 - - - 1 3 2
6 - - - - 1 - 1 - - -

7 2 - 1 2 1 1 1 - - -

Probable remedy: - Phos

Final remedy- Bryonia Alba
Prescription: - Rx
Phosphorus 200 powder stat dose
Byonia Alba 200x 3pills tds x 7days
1 follow-up: - 29/4/19

Pain in both knees joint

Aggravation Walking, Standing

Amelioration by rest

Tingling & Numbness

Cramping type of pain in calf muscle

Vitals- Pulse – 87bpm

Blood Pressure-130/80 mm of hg

Local Examination: - Knee joint

Right knee joint Left knee joint

Pain Present Present
Movement Painful Painful
Swelling Present Present
Crepitus Present Present

Bryonia Alba 200 x 3pills x 7days

2 Follow up: - 8/5/19

Pain in both knees joint are reduced

Aggravation Walking, Standing

Tingling & Numbness

Cramping type of pain in calf muscle are reduced

Vitals- Pulse – 84bpm

Blood Pressure-130/80 mm Hg

Local Examination: - Knee joint

Right knee joint Left knee joint

Pain Reduced Reduced
Movement Painful Painful
Swelling Absent Absent
Crepitus - -
Bryonia Alba 200 x 3pills x 7days
3 Follow up: 15/5/19
Pain in both knees joint are reduced

Tingling & Numbness are reduced

Cramping type of pain in calf muscle are reduced

Vitals- Pulse – 84bpm

Blood Pressure-120/80 mm of hg

Local Examination: - Knee joint

Right knee joint Left knee joint

Pain Reduced Reduced
Movement Painful Painful
Swelling Absent Absent
Crepitus - -
BryoniaAlba 200 x 3pills tds x 7days
4 Follow-up:21/5/19
Pain in both knees joint are reduced

Tingling & Numbness are reduced

Cramping type of pain in calf muscle are reduced

O/E: - Pulse – 82 bpm

Blood Pressure – 120/80 mm of Hg

Local Examination: - Knee joint

Right knee joint Left knee joint

Pain Reduced Reduced
Movement No Painful No Painful
Swelling Absent Absent
Crepitus - -
Bryonia Alba 200 x 3pills tds x 7days
5 Follow up: 28/5/19
Pain in both knees joint are reduced

Tingling & Numbness are reduced

Cramping type of pain in calf muscle are reduced

O/E: - Pulse – 82 b pm

Blood Pressure – 120/80 mm of hg

Local Examination: - Knee joint

Right knee joint Left knee joint

Pain - -
Movement Not painful Not painful
Swelling - -
Crepitus - -

Bryonia Alba 200 3pills tds x 7days

Learning From the Case:

In this case patient came with the complaints of pain in both knees joints since 6 months and
also with Pain in calf muscle of both legs. Cramping type of pain with Tingling & numbness.
Aggravation on walking & standing & amelioration by rest & hard pressure. I learned about the
local examination of the case. I have used Kent’s Repertory for the repetorization of the case. It
helps me a lot in working of the cases to prescribe the remedy. I prescribed the remedy was
Bryonia Alba which was given in 200 potency in powder form as a stat dose. This has given well
result to patient. Patient got relief from the complaints. . By continuous observing of a case the
symptoms started decline and patient feels better physically also and no any new complaints
was present.


OPD No: 13322

DOCT: 07.3.19

Name: Mr. S.N.

Age: 43yrs.

Sex: Male

Address: Balajinagar, Pune.

Occupation: Teacher

Physician Incharge: Dr. R.E.S.

Chief complaints-

Pain in left knee joint since 5 months

Aggravation Walking, Standing

Amelioration by applying hot oil massage & rest

Tearing type of pain

Difficulty in walking

Personal History:

Diet- vegetarian

Appetite- 2meals /day

Aversion- N.S

Craving- N.S

Thirst- 3-4lit/day

Micturation- 5-6/0-1 D/N

Bowel- Once, satisfactory

Perspiration-On exertion

Thermals-Thermally Hot
Sleep- Sound & refreshing

Dream- N.S.

Mind- Irritability

Anger on contradiction


Get easily mixes with everyone

Physical examination

Height -5’6”

Weight -55kg

Built & Nourishment-Thin built, average nourished

Gait- Normal

Vital data: -Blood pressure- 110/70 mm of Hg


Resp. rate- 14 cycles /min

Temperature- Afebrile

General examination -







Systemic examination

P/A –Soft, non-tender

Cardio Vascular System- S1 S2 Heard

RS- AEBE, Clear

CNS- conscious and oriented

Local Examination: - Knee joint

Right knee joint Left knee joint

Pain - Present
Movement No pain Painful
Swelling - -
Crepitus - Present
Repertorial totality:-

1 1234 1 MIND - ANGER - contradiction; from 51

2 1234 1 MIND - IRRITABILITY - contradiction; from 2

3 1234 1 MIND - IRRITABILITY - himself; with 5


5 1234 1 MIND - COMPANY - desire for - friend, of a - close 1

6 1234 1 EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Knee - left 30

7 1234 1 EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Joints - left 1

8 1234 1 EXTREMITIES - PAIN - walking - on 10

9 1234 1 EXTREMITIES - PAIN - tearing - Knee - left 7

sulph. rhus. aur. lyc. apis ars. ham. kola merc. nat-sil.

¾ ¾ 2/4 2/4 2/2 2/2 2/2 2/2 2/2 2/2

1 1 3 3 - 1 1 - 1 1

2 - - - 1 - - 1 - -

3 - - 1 - - 1 - - - -

4 2 - - - - - - - - -

5 - - - - - - - - - -

6 - 1 - - 1 - 1 1 - 1
7 - 1 - - - - - - - -

8 - 1 - 1 - - - - 1 -

9 1 - - - - - - - - -

Final remedy: - Sulphur

Prescription: - Rx
Sulphur 200 powder stat dose
Rhus tox 200x 3pills tds x 7days
1 follow-up:-15/3/19
Pain in left knee joint are reduced

Aggravation Walking, Standing

Amelioration by applying hot oil massage & rest

Tearing type of pain

Difficulty in walking

Vital data: - Pulse-74b/min

Blood pressure- 110/70 mm of Hg

Local Examination: - Knee joint

Right knee joint Left knee joint

Pain - Reduced
Movement No pain Painful
Swelling - -
Crepitus - Present
Rhus tox 200 x 3pills tds x 7 days
2 Follow up: 22/3/19
Pain in left knee joint are reduced

Aggravation Walking, Standing

Tearing type of pain

Difficulty in walking are reduced

Vital data: - Pulse-74b/min

Blood pressure- 110/70 mm of Hg

Local Examination: - Knee joint

Right knee joint Left knee joint
Pain - Reduced
Movement No pain Painful
Swelling - -
Crepitus - Present
Rhus tox 200x 3pills tds x 7days
3 Follow up: - 29/3/19
Pain in left knee joint are reduced

Tearing type of pain are reduced

Difficulty in walking are reduced

Vital data: - Pulse-74b/min

Blood pressure- 110/70 mm of Hg

Local Examination: - Knee joint

Right knee joint Left knee joint

Pain - Reduced
Movement No pain Painful
Swelling - -
Crepitus - Present
Rhus tox 200x 3pills tds x 7days
4. Follow up: -5/4/19
Pain in left knee joint are reduced

Tearing type of pain are reduced

Difficulty in walking are reduced

Vital data: - Pulse-64b/min

Blood pressure- 110/70 mm of Hg

Local Examination: - Knee joint

Right knee joint Left knee joint

Pain - Reduced
Movement No pain No Pain
Swelling - -
Crepitus - Absent
Rhus tox 200x 3pills tds x 7days

5. Follow up: -10/4/19

Pain in left knee joint are reduced

Tearing type of pain are reduced

Difficulty in walking are reduced

Vital data: - Pulse-64b/min

Blood pressure- 110/70 mm of Hg

Local Examination: - Knee joint

Right knee joint Left knee joint

Pain - Reduced
Movement No pain No Pain
Swelling - -
Crepitus - Absent

Rhus tox 200 x 3pills tds x 7days

Learning From the Case:

In this case patient came with the complaints of pain in left knee joint since 5moths &
complaints gets Aggravated by walking, standing & gets ameliorated by applying hot oil
massage & rest. There was also tearing type of pain with difficulty in walking. I learned the
proper local examination of case. So by using Kent’s Repertory, I got the remedy was Sulphur.
So, Sulphur in 200 potency in powder from stat dose and also, I prescribed Rhus tox 200 3pills
tds x 7 days. Both these remedy well came after proper repertorisation of case by using Kent’s
Repertory. This acted well on patient’s complaints and patient got relief of his complaints. By
continuous observing of a case the symptoms started decline and patient feels better physically
also and no any new complaints was present.


OPD No: 13092

DOCT: 24/4/19

Name: Mrs. K. S. Y.

Age: 48yrs.

Sex: Female

Address: Pratiknagar, Yerwada, Pune

Occupation: Housewife

Physician incharge: Dr. R.E.S.

Chief complaints-

Pain in both knees joints since 6 months

Aggravation rising from sitting position & Walking

Amelioration by Massage of hot oil

Tearing type of pain

Difficulty in walking

Pain in right shoulder joint since 6months

Aggravation while combing

Amelioration by rest

Pain in lower back since 15 days

Aggravation on Walking, Cold weather

Amelioration by rest

Personal History:

Diet- veg. & non- veg

Appetite- 2meals/day

Aversion- N.S
Craving- N.S

Thirst- 1Lit/day

Micturation- 5-6/0-1 D/N

Bowel- Once satisfactory

Perspiration-On exertion on underarms

Thermals-Thermally Hot

Dream- N.S.

Mind: - Extrovert & easily get mixed with people

Anger on contradiction


Physical examination

Height -5’6”

Weight -52kg

Built & Nourishment-Thin built, average nourished,

Gait- Normal

Vital data – Pulse-68b/min

Blood pressure- 100/70 mm of Hg

General examination -







Systemic examination

P/A - Soft, non-tender

CVS - S1 S2 Heard

RS- AEBE, Clear

CNS - conscious and well oriented

Local Examination: - Knee joint

Right knee joint Left knee joint

Pain Present Present
Movement Painful Painful
Swelling - -
Crepitus Present Present
Local Examination: - SHOULDER joint

Right Shoulder joint Left Shoulder joint

Pain Present -
Movement Painful Not painful
Swelling - -
Crepitus Present -
Repertorial totality:-

1 1234 1 MIND - ANGER - easily 52

2 1234 1 MIND - ANGER - contradiction; from - plans; changed 1

3 1234 1 MIND - IMPULSIVE 52

4 1234 1 MIND - IRRITABILITY - easily 25

5 1234 1 EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Knee - walking - after 9

6 1234 1 EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Knee - sitting - after 9

7 1234 1 EXTREMITIES - WALKING - difficult 11

8 1234 1 EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Shoulder 206

9 1234 1 EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Shoulder - motion - on 33

10 1234 1 BACK - PAIN - walking - while 68

11 1234 1 BACK - PAIN - cold - agg. 1

12 1234 1 PERSPIRATION - EXERTION - after 6

rhus-t. cham. ran-b. nux-v. phos. sep. zinc. ferr. psor. caust.

5/10 5/9 5/9 5/8 5/8 5/6 5/6 4/8 4/7 4/6

1 - 3 1 3 2 - 2 2 2 -

2 - - - - - - - - - -

3 1 2 - 1 1 1 - - - 1

4 - 2 - - - - 1 - 2 -

5 2 - - - - - - - - -

6 3 - - 1 - 1 1 - - -

7 - - - - - - - - - -

8 3 1 2 2 2 1 1 3 1 2

9 - - 2 - 2 - - 2 - 1

10 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 2

11 - - 1 - - - - - - -

12 - - - - - 2 - - - -

Probable remedy: - Rhus tox

Final remedy: -Rhus tox
Prescription: - Rx
Rhus tox 200 powder stat dose
1 follow-up: 1/5/19
Pain in both knees joints

Aggravation rising from sitting position & Walking

Amelioration by Massage of hot oil

Tearing type of pain

Difficulty in walking

Pain in right shoulder joint

Aggravation while combing

Amelioration by rest

Pain in lower back

Aggravation on Walking, Cold weather

Amelioration by rest

Vital data – Pulse-68b/min

Blood pressure- 100/70 mm of Hg

Systemic examination

P/A - Soft, non-tender

CVS - S1 S2 Heard

RS- AEBE, Clear

CNS - conscious and well oriented

Local Examination: - Knee joint

Right knee joint Left knee joint

Pain Present Present
Movement Painful Painful
Swelling - -
Crepitus Present Present
Local Examination: - SHOULDER joint

Right Shoulder joint Left Shoulder joint

Pain Present -
Movement Painful Not painful
Swelling - -
Crepitus Present -
Rhus tox 200 powder stat dose
2 Follow up: 8/5/19
Pain in both knees joints are reduced

Aggravation on rising from sitting position & Walking

Amelioration by Massage of hot oil

Tearing type of pain

Difficulty in walking
Pain in right shoulder joint are reduced

Aggravation while combing

Amelioration by rest

Pain in lower back

Aggravation on Walking, Cold weather

Vital data – Pulse-68b/min

Blood pressure- 100/70 mm of Hg

Systemic examination

P/A - Soft, non-tender

CVS - S1 S2 Heard

RS - AEBE, Clear

CNS - conscious and well oriented

Local Examination: - Knee joint

Right knee joint Left knee joint

Pain Reduced Reduced
Movement Painful Painful
Swelling - -
Crepitus Present Present
Local Examination: - SHOULDER joint

Right Shoulder joint Left Shoulder joint

Pain Reduced -
Movement Painful Not painful
Swelling - -
Crepitus Present -
Rhus tox 200 powder stat dose
3 Follow up: 14/5/19
Pain in both knees joints are reduced

Difficulty in walking

Pain in right shoulder joint are reduced

Aggravation while combing

Pain in lower back are reduced

Vital data – Pulse-68b/min

Blood pressure- 100/70 mm of Hg

Systemic examination

P/A - Soft, non-tender

CVS - S1 S2 Heard

RS - AEBE, Clear

CNS - conscious and well oriented

Local Examination: - Knee joint

Right knee joint Left knee joint

Pain Present Present
Movement Painful Painful
Swelling - -
Crepitus Present Present
Local Examination: - SHOULDER joint

Right Shoulder joint Left Shoulder joint

Pain Present -
Movement Painful Not painful
Swelling - -
Crepitus Present -
Rhus tox 200 powder stat dose
4 Follow up: 21/5/19
Pain in both knees joints are reduced

Difficulty in walking are reduced

Pain in right shoulder joint are reduced

Pain in lower back are reduced

Vital data – Pulse-68b/min

Blood pressure- 100/70 mm of Hg

Systemic examination

P/A - Soft, non-tender

CVS - S1 S2 Heard

RS - AEBE, Clear

CNS - conscious and well oriented

Local Examination: - Knee joint

Right knee joint Left knee joint

Pain Reduced Reduced
Movement Painful Painful
Swelling - -
Crepitus - -
Local Examination: - SHOULDER joint

Right Shoulder joint Left Shoulder joint

Pain Present -
Movement Painful Not painful
Swelling - -
Crepitus - -
Rhus tox 200 powder stat dose
5 Follow up: 27/5/19
Pain in both knees joints are reduced

Pain in right shoulder joint are reduced

Pain in lower back are reduced

Vital data – Pulse-78b/min

Blood pressure- 110/70 mm of Hg

Systemic examination

P/A - Soft, non-tender

CVS - S1 S2 Heard

RS - AEBE, Clear

CNS - conscious and well oriented

Local Examination: - Knee joint

Right knee joint Left knee joint

Pain - -
Movement Not painful Not painful
Swelling - -
Crepitus - -
Local Examination: - SHOULDER joint

Right Shoulder joint Left Shoulder joint

Pain - -
Movement Not painful Not painful
Swelling - -
Crepitus - -

Sac lac 200 x 3pills tds for 7 days

Learning From the Case:

In this case patient came with the complaints of pain in knee joint since 6months which gets
aggravated by rising from sitting position & by walking and amelioration by massage of hot oil,
there is also difficulty in walking with tearing type of pain and also pain in right shoulder since
6month which gets aggravated while combing and amelioration by restand backache since
15days the complaints use to aggravate while standing, walking. So in this case learned proper
local examination of shoulder joint and knee joint which was very helpful for me in learning
process. I used the Kent’s repertory for the proper working and repertorisation of case. By using
Kent’s Repertory the remedy which came was Rhus tox, which was well indicated for joint
complaints. So, I prescribed Rhus Tox in 200 potency in power form stat dose. In Kent’s
repertory complaints and its modalities are well given which helped me repertorisation of case.
Kent’s repertory helps me a lot in selection of remedy by which patient got satisfied with the
treatment. By continuous observing of a case the symptoms started decline and patient feels
better physically also and no any new complaints was present.


OPD No: 11900

DOCT: 21.2.19
Name: Mrs. V. A. M.
Age: 48yrs.
Sex: Female
Address: Pratiknagar, Yerwada, Pune
Occupation: Housewife
Physician incharge: Dr.R.E.Shinde.
Chief complaints:
Pain in right knee joint since 2 months
Aggravation Standing & walking
Aggravation Morning
Amelioration by rest
Backache since 15days
A/F:-Fallen from steps
Radiating type of pain
Aggravation Walking, Standing
Amelioration by rest
Personal History:
Diet- veg. & non- veg
Appetite- 3 meals /day
Aversion- Nothing Significant
Craving- - Nothing Significant
Thirst- 2-3 lit/day
Micturation- 3-4/0-1 D/N
Bowel- Once, satisfactory
Perspiration-Nothing Significant
Thermals-Thermally Chilly
Dream- - Nothing Significant

Irritable on slight thing

Gets angry easily

Shouts on others when angry

Physical examination

Height -5’6”

Weight -64kg

Built & Nourishment-WELL built, well nourished

Gait- Normal

Vital data – Pulse-64b/min

Blood pressure- 110/70 mm of Hg

Resp. rate- 14 cycles /min


General examination -






Eruptions- Absent

Systemic examination:

P/A -Soft, non-tender

CVS - S1 S2 Heard

RS - AEBE, Clear

CNS- conscious and oriented

Local Examination: - Knee joint

Right knee joint Left knee joint
Pain Present -
Movement Painful Not painful
Swelling - -
Crepitus - -
Repertorial totality:-

1 1234 1 MIND - IMPATIENCE 187

2 1234 1 MIND - IMPULSIVE 49

3 1234 1 MIND - ANGER - contradiction; from 51

4 1234 1 MIND - ANGER - violent - things don't go as he wishes; when 1

5 1234 1 MIND - IRRITABILITY - easily 22

6 1234 1 GENERALS - COLD - agg. 243

7 1234 1 EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Knee - right - motion agg. 2

8 1234 1 EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Knee - morning 19

9 1234 1 EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Knee - standing, while 12

10 1234 1 EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Knee - squatting, when 1

11 1234 1 BACK - PAIN - aching 204

lach. rhus t sep. sulph. calc. ars. bry. cham. nat-ar. med.

7/15 7/9 6/14 6/11 6/10 5/10 5/10 5/10 5/7 5/6

1 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 3 1 2

2 1 1 1 1 - 2 - 2 - 1

3 2 - 3 1 - 1 2 - 1 1

4 - - - - - - - - - -

5 - 1 - - - - - 2 - -

6 3 1 3 2 3 3 2 2 3 1

7 - - - - - - - - - -
8 2 2 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 -

9 1 1 - 2 1 - - - - -

10 - - - - 1 - - - - -

11 3 1 3 2 2 2 3 1 1 1

Probable remedy: - Lachesis

Final remedy: - Lachesis
Prescription: - Rx
Lachesis 200 powder stat dose
1 follow-up: 27/2/19
Pain in right knee joint are reduced

Aggravation Standing & walking

Amelioration by sitting & rest

Backache are reduced

A/F:-Fallen from steps

Pain radiates towards right leg

Radiating type of pain

Aggravation Walking, Standing

Amelioration by rest

Vital data –– Pulse-64b/min

Blood pressure- 110/70 mm of Hg

Systemic examination:

P/A -Soft, non-tender

CVS - S1 S2 Heard

RS - AEBE, Clear

CNS- conscious and oriented

Local Examination: - Knee joint

Right knee joint Left knee joint

Pain Present -
Movement Painful Not painful
Swelling - -
Crepitus - -
Lachesis 200 powder stat dose
2 Follow up: 4/3/19
Pain in right knee joint are reduced

Aggravation Standing & walking

Amelioration by sitting & rest

Backache are reduced

A/F:-Fallen from steps

Pain radiates towards right leg

Radiating type of pain

Aggravation Walking, Standing

Amelioration by rest

Vital data – Pulse-64b/min

Blood pressure- 110/70 mm of Hg

Systemic examination:

P/A -Soft, non-tender

CVS - S1 S2 Heard

RS - AEBE, Clear

CNS- conscious and oriented

Local Examination: - Knee joint

Right knee joint Left knee joint

Pain Reduced -
Movement Mild Painful Not painful
Swelling - -
Crepitus - -
Lachesis 200 powder stat dose
3 Follow up: 9/3/19
Pain in right knee joint are reduced

Backache are reduced

A/F:-Fallen from steps

Pain radiates towards right leg

Radiating type of pain

Vital data - Pulse-64b/min

Blood pressure- 110/70 mm of Hg

Systemic examination:

P/A -Soft,non-tender

CVS - S1 S2 Heard

RS - AEBE, Clear

CNS- conscious and oriented

Local Examination: - Knee joint

Right knee joint Left knee joint

Pain Reduced -
Movement Mild Painful Not painful
Swelling - -
Crepitus - -
Lachesis 200 powder stat dose
4 Follow up: 15/3/19
Pain in right knee joint are reduced

Backache are reduced

Vital data - Pulse-64b/min

Blood pressure- 110/70 mm of hg

Systemic examination:

P/A -Soft, non-tender

CVS - S1 S2 Heard

RS - AEBE, Clear
CNS- conscious and oriented

Local Examination: - Knee joint

Right knee joint Left knee joint

Pain Reduced -
Movement Mild Painful Not painful
Swelling - -
Crepitus - -
Sac lac 200 x 3pills TDS X 7 DAYS
5 Follow up: 22/3/19
Pain in right knee joint are reduced

Backache are reduced

Vital data - Pulse-64b/min

Blood pressure- 110/70 mm of Hg

Systemic examination:

P/A -Soft, non-tender

CVS - S1 S2 Heard

RS - AEBE, Clear

CNS- conscious and oriented

Local Examination: - Knee joint

Right knee joint Left knee joint

Pain - -
Movement Not Painful Not painful
Swelling - -
Crepitus - -

Sac lac 200 x 3pills TDS x 7 days

learning From the Case:

In this case patient came with the complaints of pain in right knee joint since 2months with the
modalities like aaggravation on standing, walking and morning and amelioration by rest. And
also there was history of fall 15 days back, but there was no any major injury was present just
pain started in back since 15days and which was radiating type of pain was present which get
aggravated on walking and standing and amelioration by rest. I used Kent’s repertory for
reportorisation of case and the remedy which came was Lachesis. So, I prescribed the remedy
was Lachesis in 200 potency in powder form stat dose. After the 3 rd follow-up patient started
feeling better from his complaints.By continuous observing of a case the symptoms started
decline and patient feels better physically also and no any new complaints was present.


OPD No: 11906

DOCT: 21.2.19
Name: Mrs. R.A.M.
Age: 45yrs.
Sex: Female
Address: Pratiknagar, Vishrantwadi, Pune
Occupation: Teacher
Physician Incharge: Dr. R.E. S.
Chief complaints-

Pain in both shoulders joint since 6months

Aggravation while combing

Amelioration by rest

Pain in both knees since 2-3 months

Clicking sound while walking

Aggravation Walking, Standing, Morning

Amelioration by rest

Personal History:

Diet- veg. & non- veg3

Appetite- 2meals/day

Aversion- milk

Craving- Spicy food

Thirst- 1-1.5lit /day

Micturation- 5-6/0-1 D/N

Bowel- Once, satisfactory

Perspiration-On exertion
Thermally Hot

Dream- Nothing Significant

Mind- Stressof financial problem athome

Anger on contradiction

Irritable on slight things

Fear, worry about future of daughter

Physical examination

Height -5’4”

Weight -68kg

Built & Nourishment-well built, well nourished

Gait- Normal

Vital data- Pulse-64b/min

Blood pressure- 110/70 mm of Hg

Resp. rate- 15 cycles /min

Temperature- Afebrile

General examination -







Systemic examination

P/A - Soft, non- tender

CVS - S1 S2 Heard

RS - AEBE, Clear
CNS - conscious and oriented

Local Examination: - SHOULDER joint

Right Shoulder joint Left Shoulder joint

Pain Present -
Movement Painful Not painful
Swelling - -
Crepitus Present -
Local Examination: - Knee joint

Right knee joint Left knee joint

Pain Mild Present -
Movement Mild Painful Not painful
Swelling - -
Crepitus - -
Repertorial totality:-

1 1234 1 EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Shoulder - Joint 12

2 1234 1 EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Shoulder - motion - on 33

3 1234 1 EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Knee 209

4 1234 1 EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Knee - walking - after 9

5 1234 1 EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Knee - standing, while 13

6 1234 1 EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Knee - morning 19

7 1234 1 GENERALS - FOOD and DRINKS - milk - aversion 89

8 1234 1 GENERALS - FOOD and DRINKS - spices - desire 13

9 1234 1 MIND - FEAR 285

10 1234 1 MIND - ANGUISH 148

11 1234 1 MIND - IRRITABILITY - easily 25

12 1234 1 MIND - ANGER - contradiction; from 51

13 1234 1 PERSPIRATION - EXERTION - after 6

calc. phos. nux-v. sep. bry. lach. merc. ars. ign. nat-c.

8/15 8/14 8/13 7/13 7/11 7/9 6/9 5/11 5/10 5/9

1 1 1 1 - - - - - 1 1

2 - 2 - - 2 - - - - -

3 3 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 - -

4 - - - - - - - - - -

5 1 - 1 - - 1 - - - -

6 1 1 2 1 1 2 - - - -

7 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 3

8 - 1 - - - - - - - -

9 3 3 2 3 2 1 2 3 3 3

10 3 2 2 1 1 1 2 4 1 1

11 - - - - - 1 1 - - -

12 - - 2 3 2 - 1 1 3 1

13 1 - - 2 - - - - - -

Probable remedy:-Calc phos

Final remedy–Calc phos
Prescription- Rx
Calc phos 200 powder stat dose
1 follow-up: 27/2/19
Pain in both shoulders joint are reduced

Aggravation while combing

Amelioration by rest

Pain in both knees are reduced

Aggravation on Walking, Standing, Morning

Amelioration by rest
Vital data - Pulse-78b/min

Blood pressure- 130/80 mm of Hg

Systemic examination

P/A - Soft, non- tender

CVS - S1 S2 Heard

RS - AEBE, Clear

CNS - conscious and oriented

Local Examination: - SHOULDER joint

Right Shoulder joint Left Shoulder joint

Pain Present -
Movement Painful Not painful
Swelling - -
Crepitus Present -
Local Examination: - Knee joint

Right knee joint Left knee joint

Pain Mild Present -
Movement Mild Painful Not painful
Swelling - -
Crepitus - -
Calc phos 200 powder stat dose
2 Follow up: 4/3/19
Pain in both shoulders joint are reduced

Pain in both knees are reduced

O/E- Pulse- 82bpm

Blood pressure- 130/80 mm of Hg

Systemic examination

P/A - Soft, non- tender

CVS - S1 S2 Heard

RS - AEBE, Clear

CNS - conscious and oriented

Local Examination: - SHOULDER joint

Right Shoulder joint Left Shoulder joint

Pain Reduced -
Movement Painful Not painful
Swelling - -
Crepitus Present -
Local Examination: - Knee joint

Right knee joint Left knee joint

Pain Mild Present -
Movement Mild Painful Not painful
Swelling - -
Crepitus - -
Calc phos 200 powder stat dose
3 Follow up: 10/3/19
Pain in both shoulders joint are reduced

Pain in both knees are reduced

O/E- Pulse- 82bpm

Blood Pressure-130/80mmhg

Systemic examination

P/A - Soft, non- tender

CVS - S1 S2 Heard

RS - AEBE, Clear

CNS - conscious and oriented

Local Examination: - SHOULDER joint

Right Shoulder joint Left Shoulder joint

Pain Present -
Movement Painful Not painful
Swelling - -
Crepitus Present -
Local Examination: - Knee joint

Right knee joint Left knee joint

Pain Mild Present -
Movement Mild Painful Not painful
Swelling - -
Crepitus - -
Calc phos 200 powder stat dose
4 Follow up: 16/3/19
Pain in both shoulders joints are reduced
Pain in both knees are reduced
O/E- Pulse- 72bpm
Blood Pressure-120/80mmhg

Systemic examination

P/A - Soft, non- tender

CVS - S1 S2 Heard

RS - AEBE, Clear

CNS - conscious and oriented

Local Examination: - SHOULDER joint

Right Shoulder joint Left Shoulder joint

Pain Present -
Movement Painful Not painful
Swelling - -
Crepitus Present -
Local Examination: - Knee joint

Right knee joint Left knee joint

Pain Mild Present -
Movement Mild Painful Not painful
Swelling - -
Crepitus - -
Calc phos 200 powder stat dose
5 Follow up: 21/3/19
Pain in both shoulders joint are reduced

Pain in both knees are reduced

O/E-Pulse- 72bpm

Blood Pressure-120/80mmhg

Systemic examination
P/A - Soft, non- tender

CVS - S1 S2 Heard

RS - AEBE, Clear

CNS - conscious and oriented

Local Examination: - SHOULDER joint

Right Shoulder joint Left Shoulder joint

Pain - -
Movement Not painful Not painful
Swelling - -
Crepitus - -
Local Examination: - Knee joint

Right knee joint Left knee joint

Pain - -
Movement Not painful Not painful
Swelling - -
Crepitus - -
Sac lac200 x 3pills tds x 7 days
Learning From the Case:

In this case patient came with the complaints of pain in knee joints since 2-3 months and pain in
shoulder joints since 6month which gets aggravated while combing.

In generals patient has craving for spicy food and aversion to milk and mentally patient has
stress of financial loss of & fear and worry about the future.

So, in this case all mental symptoms, physical symptoms were present which was useful in
repertorization of case. I used the repertory was Kent’s repertory in which mental symptoms
and physical generals symptoms are given. I remedy which came after reportoristion of case
was Calcarea phos. I prescribed Calcarea phos in 200 potency in powder form stat dose.

After 3RD follow-up patient’s symptoms where reduced and patient was stable physically By
continuous observing of a case the symptoms started decline and patient feels better physically
also and no any new complaints was present.


OPD No: 12595

DOCT: 26.3.19

Name: Mrs. M. S. P.

Age: 62yrs.

Sex: Female

Address:-Chaitanyanagar, Katraj, Pune

Occupation: - Housewife

Physician Incharge: Dr. R.E. S.

Chief complaints-

Pain in right knee joint since 5months

Tearing type of pain

Aggravation Walking, Standing, morning, Cold weather

Amelioration by hot fomentation & oil massage

Swelling present

Clicking sound while walking

Personal History:

Diet- veg

Appetite- 2 meals/day

Aversion- Nothing significant

Craving- Nothing significant

Thirst- -1-2lit/day

Urine- 4-5/0-1 D/N

Bowel- once satisfactory

Perspiration-On exertion
Thermals- Hot

Mind - Loquacity

Friendly nature, Likes to make friends

Anger, easily on slight things stops talking with person

Suppress her anger

Doesn’t like anybody’s sympathy

Fear of dark

Physical examination

Height -5’6”

Weight -55kg

Built & Nourishment-Thin built, average nourished

Gait- Normal

Vital data:-Blood pressure- 100/70 mm of Hg


Resp. rate- 16 cycles /min

Temperature- Afebrile

General examination -







Systemic examination

P/A -Soft, non-tender

CVS - S1 S2 Heard
RS- AEBE, Clear

CNS - conscious and oriented

Local Examination: - Knee joint

Right knee joint Left knee joint

Pain Mild Present -
Movement Mild Painful Not painful
Swelling Present -
Crepitus Present -
Repertorial totality:-

1 1234 1 EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Knee - right - motion agg. 2

2 1234 1 EXTREMITIES - PAIN - tearing - Knee - right 8

3 1234 1 EXTREMITIES - PAIN - tearing - Knee - standing - while 6

4 1234 1 EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Knee - squatting, when 2

5 1234 1 EXTREMITIES - SWELLING - Knee - right 11

6 1234 1 MIND - LOQUACITY 180


8 1234 1 MIND - FEAR - dark; of 76

9 1234 1 MIND - ANGER - contradiction; from 51

10 1234 1 PERSPIRATION - EXERTION - after 6

sulph. bry. calc. nat-sil. stram. phos. lyc. sep. acon. agar.

5/8 5/7 4/5 4/4 3/8 3/7 3/6 3/6 3/4 3/4

1 - - - - - - - - - -

2 - - - - - - - - - 1

3 1 - - - - - - - - 2

4 - - 1 - - - - - - -
5 3 2 - 1 - - - - - -

6 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 - 1 1

7 2 - - - - 3 - - 1 -

8 1 2 2 - 4 2 2 1 2 -

9 - 1 - 1 1 - 3 3 - -

10 - 1 1 1 - - - 2 - -

Probable remedy: - Sulphur

Bryonia Alba
Calc phos
Final remedy–Sulphur
Prescription- Rx
Sulphur 200 powder stat doses
1 follow-up: 4/4/19
Pain in right knee joint are reduced

Tearing type of pain

Aggravation Walking, Standing, morning, cold weather

Amelioration by hot fomentation & oil massage

Swelling present

Clicking sound while walking

Vital data - Pulse-68b/min

Blood pressure- 100/70 mm of Hg

Systemic examination

P/A -Soft, non-tender

CVS - S1 S2 Heard

RS- AEBE, Clear

CNS - conscious and oriented

Local Examination: - Knee joint

Right knee joint Left knee joint

Pain Mild Present -
Movement Mild Painful Not painful
Swelling Present -
Crepitus Present -
Sulphur 200 powder stat doses
2 Follow up: 10/4/19
Pain in right knee joint are reduced

Tearing type of pain

Aggravation Walking, Standing, morning, cold weather

Amelioration by hot fomentation & oil massage

Swelling present

Clicking sound while walking

Vital data-Pulse-68b/min

Blood pressure- 100/70 mm of Hg

Systemic examination

P/A - Soft, non-tender

CVS - S1 S2 Heard

RS- AEBE, Clear

CNS - conscious and oriented

Local Examination: - Knee joint

Right knee joint Left knee joint

Pain Mild Present -
Movement Mild Painful Not painful
Swelling Present -
Crepitus Present -
Sulphur 200 powder stat doses
3 Follow up: 15/4/19
Pain in right knee joint are reduced

Tearing type of pain

Swelling absents `

Clicking sound while walking absent

Vital data -Pulse-68b/min

Blood pressure- 100/70 mm of Hg

Systemic examination

P/A -Soft, non-tender

CVS - S1 S2 Heard

RS- AEBE, Clear

CNS - conscious and oriented

Local Examination: - Knee joint

Right knee joint Left knee joint

Pain Mild Present -
Movement Mild Painful Not painful
Swelling Mild present -
Crepitus Absent -
Sulphur 200 powder stat doses
4 Follow up: 1/5/19
Pain in right knee joint are reduced

Tearing type of pain

Swelling absent

Clicking sound while walking absent

Vital data -Pulse-68b/min

Blood pressure- 100/70 mm of Hg

Systemic examination

P/A -Soft, non-tender

CVS - S1 S2 Heard

RS- AEBE, Clear

CNS - conscious and oriented

Local Examination: - Knee joint

Right knee joint Left knee joint

Pain - -
Movement Not painful Not painful
Swelling - -
Crepitus - -
Sulphur 200 powder stat dosse
5th Follow up: - 21/5/19
Pain in right knee joint are reduced
Swelling absent
Clicking sound while walking absent
Vital data -Pulse-68b/min
Blood pressure- 100/70 mm of Hg
Systemic examination

P/A -Soft, non-tender

CVS - S1 S2 Heard
RS - AEBE, Clear
CNS - conscious and oriented
Local Examination: - Knee joint

Right knee joint Left knee joint

Pain - -
Movement Not painful Not painful
Swelling - -
Crepitus - -

Sulphur 200 powder stat dose

Learning From the Case:

In this case patient came with the complaints of pain in right knee joint since 5 months and
swelling also present since 15days. The pain gets aggravated by standing, while walking and
gets ameliorated by rest, pressure and hot fomentation. Mentally patient is loquacious and has
fear of dark. In this case Kent’s repertory helps me a lot in mind section. So by using Kent’s
repertory the remedy came was Sulphur. I have prescribed Sulphur in 200 potency in powder
form stat dose. By regular follow-up of the patient the condition of the case well understand
and the action of the remedy in that condition. By continuous observing of a case the
symptoms started decline and patient feels better physically also and no any new complaints
was present.


OPD No: 13093

DOCT: 24.2.19
Name: Mrs. M. S. M.
Age: 47yrs
Sex: Female
Address: Pratiknagar, Yerwada, Pune
Occupation: Housewife
Physician Incharge: Dr. R.E. S.
Chief complaints-

Pain in left knee joint since 6month

Aggravation Morning, working in water, cold weather

Amelioration by hot fomentation, rest

Stiffness in left knee joint

Difficulty in walking

Personal History:

Diet- veg. &non-veg

Appetite- 2meals/days

Aversion- Nothing significant


Thirst- 1-1.5Lit/day

Urine- 4-5/0-1 D/N

Bowel- Once, satisfactory

Perspiration-Nothing Significant

Thermally Hot

Mind: - Anger on contradiction

Easily gets angry, shouts on others

Mood swings, sometimes becomes happy & sometimes become sad

Indifferent to the family

Sense of responsibilities

Physical examination

Height -4’5”

Weight -45kg

Built & Nourishment-Well built, well nourished

Gait- Normal

Vital data: -Pulse-64b/min

Blood pressure- 110/70 mm of Hg

Resp. rate- 15 cycles /min


General examination -







Systemic examination

P/A -Soft, non-tender

CVS - S1 S2 Heard

RS - AEBE, Clear

CNS - conscious and oriented

Local Examination: - Knee joint

Right knee joint Left knee joint
Pain Mild Present -
Movement Mild Painful Not painful
Swelling Present -
Crepitus - -
Repertorial totality:-

1 1234 1 EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Knee - left 37

2 1234 1 EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Knee - morning 19

3 1234 1 EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Knee - standing, while 13

4 1234 1 EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Knee - walking - after 9

5 1234 1 EXTREMITIES - STIFFNESS - Knee 105

6 1234 1 EXTREMITIES - SWELLING - Knee - left 4

7 1234 1 GENERALS - FOOD and DRINKS - pickles - desire 36

8 1234 1 MIND - ANGER - contradiction; from 51

9 1234 1 MIND - INDIFFERENCE 340

10 1234 1 MIND - RESPONSIBILITY - taking responsibility too seriously 22

11 1234 1 MIND - MOOD - changeable 191

12 1234 1 MIND - IRRITABILITY - pain, during 19

ign. ars. sep. lach. nux-v. calc. symph. lyc. sulph. alum.

7/13 7/10 6/13 6/9 6/9 6/8 6/8 5/12 5/10 5/8

1 - - - - - - - - - -

2 - - 1 2 2 1 1 - - -

3 - - - 1 1 1 1 - 2 -

4 - - - - - - - - - 1

5 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 3 3 1
6 - - - - - - - - - -

7 1 1 2 2 - - 1 - 2 1

8 3 1 3 - 2 - - 3 - -

9 2 2 3 2 1 2 2 2 2 3

10 1 1 - - - 1 - 1 - -

11 3 2 2 1 1 2 2 3 1 2

12 1 1 - - - - - - - -

Probable remedy:-Ignatia
Final remedy–Ignatia
Prescription- Rx
Ignatia 200 powder stat dose
Rhus tox 200 x 3pills tds x 7days
1 follow-up: -1/3/19
Pain in left knee joint are reduced

Aggravation Morning, working in water, cold weather

Amelioration by hot fomentation, rest

Stiffness in left knee joint

Difficulty in walking

Vital data: -Pulse-64b/min

Blood pressure- 110/70 mm of Hg

Systemic examination

P/A -Soft, non-tender

CVS - S1 S2 Heard

RS - AEBE, Clear

CNS - conscious and orSiented

Local Examination: - Knee joint

Right knee joint Left knee joint

Pain Mild Present -
Movement Mild Painful Not painful
Swelling Present -
Crepitus - -
Rhus tox 200 x 3pills tds x 7days
2 Follow-up: 25/4/18
Pain in left knee joint are reduced

Stiffness in left knee joint are reduced

Swelling absent

Vital data: -Pulse-64b/min

Blood pressure- 110/70 mm of Hg

Systemic examination

P/A -Soft, non-tender

CVS - S1 S2 Heard

RS - AEBE, Clear

CNS - conscious and oriented

Local Examination: - Knee joint

Right knee joint Left knee joint

Pain Mild Present -
Movement Mild Painful Not painful
Swelling Absent -
Crepitus - -
Rhus tox 200 x 3pills tds x 7days
3 Follow up: -9/3/19
Pain in left knee joint are reduced
Stiffness in left knee joint absent
Vital data:-Pulse-64b/min
Blood pressure- 110/70 mm of Hg
Systemic examination
P/A -Soft, non-tender

CVS - S1 S2 Heard
RS - AEBE, Clear

CNS - conscious and oriented

Local Examination: - Knee joint

Right knee joint Left knee joint

Pain Mild Present -
Movement Mild Painful Not painful
Swelling Present -
Crepitus - -
Rhus tox 200 x 3pills tds x 7days
4 Follow-up:17/3/19
Pain in left knee joint are reduced
Swelling absent
Vital data: - Pulse-64b/min
Blood pressure- 110/70 mm of Hg
Systemic examination
P/A -Soft, non-tender
CVS - S1 S2 Heard
RS - AEBE, Clear
CNS - conscious and oriented
Local Examination: - Knee joint

Right knee joint Left knee joint

Pain Reduced -
Movement Not Painful Not painful
Swelling Absent -
Crepitus - -
Rhus tox 200 x 3pills tds x 7days
5 Follow up: 25/3/19
Pain in left knee joint are reduced
Swelling absent
Vital data: - Pulse-64b/min
Blood pressure- 110/70 mm of Hg
Systemic examination

P/A -Soft, non-tender

CVS - S1 S2 Heard
RS - AEBE, Clear
CNS - conscious and oriented
Local Examination: - Knee joint
Right knee joint Left knee joint
Pain - -
Movement Not painful Not painful
Swelling - -
Crepitus - -
Rhus tox 200 x 3pills tds x 7days
Learning from the Case:
In this case patient came with the complaints of pain in left knee joint since 6 month with
stiffness & difficulty in walking and get aggravate on walking and standing and gets ameliorated
by rest. Mentally patient is disturbed due to pain complaints & has sense of responsibilities
with mood swings. For the working of the case Kent’s repertory was used. It helps me a lot in
finding proper rubrics in relation to mind symptoms which has been described well in Kent’s
repertory. And after the repertorisation of case the remedy which came was Ignatia. I
prescribed Ignatia remedy in 200 potency in powder form as a stat dose and Rhus tox in 200 x
3pills tds x 7days. . By continuous observing of a case the symptoms started decline and patient
feels better physically also and no any new complaints was present.


OPD No: 11898

DOCT: 4.2.19
Name: Mr. A. M. M.
Age: 48yrs.
Sex: Male
Address: Pratiknagar, Yerwada, Pune
Occupation: Army
Chief complaints-

Pain in both knee and ankle joint since 5yr

Aggravation lying down Amelioration by pressing
Pain in both calf muscle since 5 year
Aggravation lying down
Pain in calf muscle radiate to thigh and knee joints.

Personal History:
Diet- veg. & non-veg
Appetite- 2meals / day
Craving- Nonveg
Thirst- 2-3lit/day
Micturation- 6-7/0-1 D/N
Bowel- once satisfactory
Perspiration-On exertion
Sleep- disturbed due to pain at night
Thermals-Thermally Hot
Dream- Nothing significant
Mind:- Easily mixed with people.
Physical examination
Height -5’8”
Weight -80kg
Built & Nourishment-well built, well nourished
Gait- Normal
Vital data: - Pulse-64b/min
Blood pressure- 110/70 mm of Hg
Resp. rate- 16 cycles /min


General examination -







Systemic examination

P/A -Soft, non-tender

CVS - S1 S2 Heard

RS - AEBE, Clear

CNS - conscious and oriented

Local examination:-

Knee joint Left knee Right knee

Swelling Absent Absent
Tenderness Present Present
Crepitus Present Present
Movement Pain Pain

1 1234 1 EXTREMITIES-PAIN-Knee-lying 37

2 1234 1 EXTREMITIES-PAIN-Knee- pressure- amel. 3

3 1234 1 EXTREMITIES-PAIN-Leg- calf 1

4 1234 1 GENERALS-FOOD and DRINKS- tea – desire 77

5 1234 1 EXTREMITIES-PAIN-sore; bruised 22


7 1234 1 MIND- RELIGIOUS AFFECTION- too occupied with religious 41


alum Sulph Lach. Lyc. puls Nux-v phos Ars. Staph. Arg-n

5/7 4/9 4/8 4/8 4/8 4/7 4/7 4/6 4/5 4/5

1 - - - 1 - - - - 1 -

2 - - 1 - - - - - - -

3 1 1 - - 2 2 1 - 1 -

4 1 2 - - 2 1 - - - -

5 2 - 2 - - - 3 2 - 3

6 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 1 2 1

7 2 3 3 3 2 1 - - - -

8 - - - 2 - - 1 3 1 1


Rhus tox
FINAL REMDY: - Alumina

Alumina 200 powder dose stat
1 FOLLOW UP: -9/5/19
Pain in both knee and ankle joint
Aggravation by lying down, Amelioration by pressing
Pain in both calf muscle Aggravation lying down
Pain in calf muscle radiate to thigh and knee joints.
VITAL DATA: - Pulse- 74b/min
BP-120/70mm of hg
Knee joint Left knee Right knee
Swelling Absent Absent
Tenderness Present Present
Crepitus Present Present
Movement Pain Pain
Alumina 200 powder stat dose
2 FOLLOW UP: -20/06/2019

Pain in both knee and ankle joint still present

Aggravation by lying down Amelioration by pressing
Pain in both calf muscle Aggravation lying down still present
Pain in calf muscle radiate to thigh and knee joints.

VITAL DATA: - Pulse- 74b/min



Knee joint Left knee Right knee

Swelling Absent Absent
Tenderness Present Present
Crepitus Present Present
Movement Pain Pain
Alumina 200 powder stat dose

3 FOLLOW UP: - 26/6/19

Pain in both knee and ankle joint still are reduced
Pain in both calf muscle are reduced
Pain in calf muscle radiate to thigh and knee joints are reduced
VITAL DATA: - Pulse- 74b/min


Knee joint Left knee Right knee

Swelling Absent Absent
Tenderness Present Present
Crepitus Present Present
Movement Pain Pain
Rhus tox 200 powder stat dose
4 FOLLOW UP: -3/7/19
Pain in both knee and ankle joint are reduced
Pain in both calf muscle are reduced
Pain in calf muscle radiate to thigh and knee joint are reduced
VITAL DATA: - Pulse- 74b/min


Knee joint Left knee Right knee

Swelling Absent Absent
Tenderness Absent Absent
Crepitus Absent Absent
Movement Not Painful Not Painful
Rhus tox 200 powder stat dose

5FOLLOW UP: - 18/7/2019

Pain in both knee and ankle joint reduced
Pain in both calf muscle reduced
Pain in calf muscle radiate to thigh and knee joint are reduced
VITAL DATA: - Pulse- 74b/min

Knee joint Left knee Right knee

Swelling Absent Absent
Tenderness Absent Absent
Crepitus Absent Absent
Movement Not Painful Not Painful
Rhus tox 200 powder stat dose
Learning from case:-
In this case patient came with the complaints of pain in knee joints since 6months which get
aggravated on standing, walking and amelioration by rest and hot fomentation. And also there
is a pain in calf muscle which gets aggravated while standing and walking. So the case was
repertories by using Kent’s repertory by which the remedy which came up was Alumina. The
remedy ALUMINA was prescribed in 200 potency in powders form stat dose with the remedy of
Rhus tox in 200 potency in powder form in stat dose. Both these remedy worked well and
patient got relief from the pain. By continuous observing of a case the symptoms started
decline and patient feels better physically also and no any new complaints was present

 In this project I have learned case taking, local examination especially in

relation with joint complaints.

 This project is unique for me because I have to work the case with the help
of Kent’s repertory. And I understood working by using of the case by using
Kent’s repertory.

 ABOUT THE CASE: Case taking is the disciplined and a logical process of
knowing the sick and his sickness in every respect so that he can be treated
in a rational way. Before the treatment, I have to explain to patient about
the disease and its condition with homoeopathic approach, scope and
limitation. It was quiet challenging to convince the patient for
homoeopathic treatment, but after the treatment the patient was satisfied
with the homoeopathy.

 DIFFERENTIAL REMEDY: In this I learned various remedies, their indication

and their action on patient. And I also understand prescription of remedy
with its proper potency with its repetition of doses.

 WORKING WITH REPERTORY: I have learned how to repertorize cases by

taking proper rubrics and working out the case with the help of Kent’s
repertory. It helped me a lot in each and every case.

 I have learned knowledge of disease, knowledge of medicine, and

application of medicinal knowledge to disease knowledge.



This repertory has following plan of This repertory has a general plan of
arrangement – location and sensation as first
General rubrics, side, time, modalities, subchapter (without any heading)
extension. followed by others subchapters like
Locations are mentioned under various time, aggravation, amelioration,
rubrics. concomitants, cross references.
Concomitant chapters have detailed
information at some places whereas at
Principles of generals to particulars. a few places it contains a list of group of
There are 564 man rubrics under Mind; Concomitant chapters are not given
out of these 220 rubrics are cross- with all the chapters.
references as synonyms and 96 are In some chapters aggravation and
cross- reference as comparisons. amelioration are given as a combined
chapter under Conditions.
Kent has classified mental symptoms as Doctrine of complete symptoms,
will, understanding and memory, there pathological generals, causation and
are no separate chapters given in this concomitants, doctrine of fever totality,
repertory. concordance.
All these symptoms are given in There are 366 rubrics given under
alphabetical order under Mind. Mind; out of these 97 rubrics have
‘compare’ towards the end.
All rubrics in relation to emotion and
intellect are given under chapter Mind.
Extremities are the largest chapter of Extremities contain separate chapters
the repertory. on Upper Extremities and Lower
It contains various locations of upper Extremities. Both chapters have
and lower extremities under various separate time, aggravation and
rubrics. amelioration.
Summary :-

- Study of joint complaint with Kent’s repertory in detail.

- There is documentary evidence to confirm that the homoeopathic

treatment provides effective constitutional and symptomatic relief helps in
maintaining health of individual.

- This project has helped us to improve our knowledge regarding subject.

- Cases observed during the project have also helped us to improve on

clinical knowledge.

- This project has helped to gain confidence to treat any case of joint
complaint with the help of homoeopathy.

- It is economic mode treatment without any side effects.

- There is a need to evolve are commended systematic standardized frame

work and a set of guidelines for therapeutic planning in homoeopathy with
respect to joint complaints in individual.

- This can be achieved by exploring the effectiveness of homoeopathic

medicines by clinical trial.

1. Kent’s Repertory
3. 6th edition of Organon of medicine

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