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Final Report of Cosmology and Dark Matter

The souvenir of Big Bang

At the time Big Bang, the universe was so condensed and dense that the temperature was way too
hot to handle! After the big bang event when the universe starts to expand, the temperature started
to go down. With time, the temperature started to get down along with which the matter or radiation
along with that started to get cooler. Since the temperature is basically the measure of the average
energy or the speed of the matter, so this had a major impact on the matter. At high temperature, the
matter would be moving so fast that it can escape any attractive forces such as electromagnetic
forces or nuclear forces. But as they started to cool, the matter started to collide with each other due
to attraction. Moreover, the type of particle that exist in the universe would depend upon the
temperature. Even in high temperature when the matter with so much of energy collides, may
different particles/antiparticle pairs would be produced. These particles would get destroy on hitting
the antiparticle. But since the temperature is so much that the rate of production would be much
more than the rate of destruction of the particle after coming in contact with the antiparticle. But the
same would be different in case of low temperature as the rate of production of particle would be
slower but the rate of destruction was way more!

When the universe was expanding and the temperature of the radiation was decreased. At this time
the universe would contain mostly photons, electrons and the neutrinos and their antiparticles along
with the protons and the neutrons. With the decrease in temperature, the rate of destruction was
way more than the production, as a result of what was that most of the particles would be destroyed
leaving only few electrons. But there was one more issue, the neutrinos and antineutrinos, however
would not be destroyed on colliding because these particles interact with other and other particles
very weakly. So technically they should still be here today around us! But there energy would be so
low that it would be very much hard to detect them, they might be of the form we know as Dark

So how do we came to this conclusion that Dark matter exists? Since we can’t directly detect it! But
they left their traces all around. Dark matter are the matters in the galaxies and galaxies clusters that
are not directly detected but can be felt because of their gravitational effects. We know that universe
is expanding, but the gravity of the universe was certain that the expansion would slow down at least
theoretically! But the Hubble telescope discovered that the universe is accelerating and is way more
faster than the before. That means our thought of gravity was wrong. The scientists thought that
there must be some kind of Strange forces that is accelerating the process and they named it Dark
matter and that is how the origin of dark matter came into being.

The Dark matter constitute more than 95% of the matter present in the universe. The visible universe
what we see is constitute less than even 5% or so. Now let us ponder on the 2 core part of this. The
Dark matter and the Dark energy. The Dark matter occupy 27% and the dark energy occupy 68% of
the total space in the universe. The rest 5% is the universal matter that is visible and is the normal
matter. The Dark energy might be a property of space. Let us imagine the empty space aka voids
present in the universe might not be an empty space, it might possess an energy of its own. And since
it is the beauty of universe and property of space that as the space expands the energy expands. The
Dark matter is not actually a kind matter like planets or a star. Also it is not a dark clouds of normal
matter and it is not even antimatter, but it is composed of more exotic particles like axions or WIMPS.
It is still a point of discussion that what exactly these dark stuffs are there in the universe which
accounts for most of the universe and why it is there?! There is one thing for sure that these stuffs are
affecting the pace of the universe and has definitely got to do with the expansion of the universe!

Black Holes is not so Black

Do not let the name fool, a black hole is everything but empty space. It is still the hottest point of
discussion and one of the deadly and just-living creature of the universe. It is great amount of matter
packed into a very small area. An entity whose gravitational pull is so strong that not even light can
escape from its range. Most famously, black holes were predicted by Einstein in his theory of general
relativity, which showed that when a massive star dies,it leaves behind a small but dense remnant
core. But how is it formed? To understand the formation and existence of the black hole, we need to
go through the life cycle of the star!

A star is formed when a large amount of gas(mostly hydrogen) starts to collapse in on itself due to its
gravitational attraction. As it contracts, the atoms of the gas collide with each other more and more
frequently and at greater and greater speeds- the gas heats up. Eventually, the hydrogen gas becomes
so heated up that after that they no longer collides and bounces back but instead they join to form
Helium. The heat produced in this reaction of conversion of hydrogen to helium is what makes the
star shines. Also the additional heat produced in the process contributes to the increase in the
pressure of the gas till the time it balances the gravitational attraction of the gas and it stops
contracting further. It is like a balloon filled with air, there is prefect balance between pressure of the
air which is trying to expand the balloon but that is hindered by the tension of the rubber which is
preventing it from bursting out. Eventually, there comes a time when the reaction process stops due
to depletion of the fuel. The end result is that the star begins to collapse again because there is no
pressure of the reaction to balance the star shape and it starts to collapse. The matter it collapse, the
big size star possibly 3 times the size of the sun contract to the sphere approximately the diameter of
New York city. This is the end of the star world! One star’s end a black hole beginning! The star
collapse in its own gravity and later it explodes into a super massive explosion whose radiation can be
felt through out the universe. These explosion leads to the origin of black holes. Note that all stars are
not massive and neither do all stars turns into black holes. Only a few massive stars that have a potent
to fall under its own gravitational attraction does so. Small stars becomes a dense neutron stars.

However when star collapses, a strange things occur. As the surface of the star nears the imaginary
surface called event horizon, time on the star slows down relatively to the outer observers far away.
Black holes does affect time along with the space! It distorts the space around itself and thus affecting
the time too, since space-time is continuum. That means if you tinker with space, time will also get
affected. And that is what happens in case of the black holes, it distorts the space and so is time gets
affected. Now because of this, there are far more implications than we would have ever imagined!

As stated earlier, near the imaginary surface, event horizon, time gets to slow down relative to the
outsiders. Lets get this thing first, imagine a boy is in the event horizon and a far from the spaceship
are his friend who can see him and he can see them. The boy when seen from the ship by his mates
will see the events for him to be slow because the time in the event horizon will get slow for the
person far although for him it would be totally normal there at the event horizon because time is
relative! The boy looking at his mates will be like the time is going way more faster than his own and
he would see his friends getting old while he is still young! Because the time for him seems to be
slower relative to the time for his friends! There might even be a stance, when time seems to stand
still relatively! So is there any way that the time might seems to go back!!

Wormholes and Time Travel

Remember the boy who had been sent to the event horizon. Well imagine if he could come back to
his friends, he will see his mates are old enough to be noticed. The boy probably will think he had
travelled in the future or lets put this other way, the mates might think that his friend might have
came from the past! Time seems to change with respect to space. The boy while he was in the event
horizon , his every second spent there would be about 1 year or so. So, mean while he had returned,
the mates would have gotten old. Is this time travel?

According to theory of relativity, the observers moving at different speeds will measure different
times. For the boy time went slow for him while looking out it went fast and that is why he was still
young and his mates grew old. Time is like an endless track that always goes forward. But imagine if
there would be branching on the tracks, which might lead us to an another parallel universe or into
the past or the future or it might even take us to say some other dimension. Wormhole might be a
possible answer. Wormhole is a sort of tunnel that joins distant points in the space, or even the 2
universes by space-time curvature. It could help in traversing from one point in space to the another
space without actually travelling the whole distance between them. It is like a short-cut. It could be
thought of as a flat space-time where we want to go from one point to another point but instead of
going through the whole path we could just wrap the space-time to the point and could create a
space time bridge aka wormhole. Its existence is questionable at a large scale due to variety of
reasons. But it is thought to exist in small scale in the universe as the quantum realm but it is so
unstable that it could not even last up to a second or so, nor even we could shrink up to that small like
quanta that we could enter to the realm and travel across. We did talk about time travel through
wormholes or mini wormholes aka quantum realm. Imagine if we travel through a wormhole and
reaches at past or may be future and could change or past and see our future. Well that may be not
quite so because what if we travel back in time and kill ourselves! It is a version of grandfather
paradox. There are several paradoxes that would not allow us to travel back in time and allows us to
do our free will. There are lots of science that obstruct our way to time machine, such as whether the
laws of physics allows us the space-time to curve so much that the person can go into his own past!
Or even if it is so, does the space-time curve allows time loops? Or is till so stable that travel could
take place?

Unification model
Basically, the purpose of science is to unify the whole world with a universal equation that can unify
the whole universe. But that is too difficult to form one, instead the scientist have made the progress
in finding the partial theories that describes a limited range of happenings and by neglecting other
effects. The quest for getting a unified theory could leave us to the place where we might think of
things where we can explain everything on the basis of a particular theories, that could leave us to a
place of no progress! Yet it seems that the uncertainty principle is a fundamental feature of the
universe. A successful unified theories must incorporate this principle. If we talk more specifically, the
unified theory of physics is an attempt to describe all the fundamental forces and the relationships
between elementary particles in terms of a single theoretical framework. Einstein in his theory of
relativity have mentioned about devising a theory that includes the particle theory of gravity and the
partial theories of forces. The unified theory of forces may be combined in so-called grand unified
theories or GUTs, but the issue was that it did not included gravity. But after the discovery of
super-gravity, scientists thought this as the key to unify gravity with the other forces. But after that
came a remarkable change of opinion after the string theory. In this there was no particle, instead
there were infinite length, thin strings that occupy 1 dimension only. But the problem with the string
theories is they seems to be consistent only in space-time having either ten or 26 dimensions, instead
of usual four. So for string theories to exist, do we need to have extra dimensions? If so where are the
other dimensions? Suggestion might be that other dimension may exist but they are too small that we
are unable to see them. If we see a straw from far, we would see only one dimension of the straw.
But if we zoom in we would see it in 2 dimension(length and the width of the straw). so it might be
that looking more closely, we could see more number of dimensions! If that is so, then we have bad
news for time traveller because there is no possible way right now that we can go that small to pass
through the dimensions and quantum tunnels. Moreover, as well as particles, which occupy a single
point of space, and strings which are lines, there found to be other objects called p-branes, which
occupy 2 dimensional of higher dimensional volumes in space.(A particle is regarded as the 0-brane,
string as the 1-brane and so on).

People have searched for underlying theories, but known of them had succeeded so far. There seems
to be following possibilities:

1. There really is a complete unified theory, which we will find someday if we are smart enough.

2. There is no ultimate theory that could describe the universe, its just a series of theories that will
explain the universe more and more accurate.

3. There is no such theory as the universe is unpredictable and we cannot go beyond a certain

But the fact is that even if we get to discover the unified theory, then we won’t be able to predict
whether that is it!

Multiverse: Multiple universe

With the advent of wormholes and previously there was a question, Are we Alone? There might not
be a perfect answer to this yet! But it opens up a new horizon of study where we can actually think
that there might be a parallel universe where people like us or Alien might exist. There might be an
opening through the wormholes which could lead us to a place where others do exists! Or might be
people like us also exists! If that may be so, then there might be a parallel universe where there is an
other form of me or you! Then why is it so that we have not found them yet, or they have found us
yet? May be they are like us and are not so advanced, or may be they are but they do not want to
meet us! The theories like string theories, and its contrary bubble theory admit the possibility of
having multiple universes and we might be one of them! The universe is vast and so there might be an
advanced civilization out there living on the other side of the universe wondering. To reach the other
part of the universe either they will have to wait or we will!

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