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Animals Vs.

Humans Webquest
Talking Day Pre-Research

1. Using the links below, choose 3 stories of animals showing emotion or acting like
humans. Summarize each story, state how the animals’ actions/behavior are
similar to humans, and state your opinion - does this mean animals can
think and feel like humans can? Bullet points are ok!
Story 1: 7) Dasher, a fateful friends and loyal guardian.
Dasher is a family pet. One day the two year boy wandered off and nobody
noticed except for Dasher. The family dog followed the two year old boy and
made sure that he would be safe. But they got lost in the forest and a storm
was coming. Hours later when it was safe to go and search for the little boy the
rescuers found both the little boy and the dog without a single scratch.

Story 2: 6) dolphin lifeguards

One day a man was surfing and found himself in danger once he accoutered a
16 foot long shark. The man made several attempts to get away but eventually
started losing stamina. A group of dolphins noticed what was going on and
decided to jump in and create a barrier around the man keeping the shark
away so the man can get to shore safely and get first aid.

Story 3: 4) the just lions

A man had kidnapped a 12 year old girl to marry someone forcibly. He took her
near the jungle and started beating the girl up. A group of lions noticed the man
beating the girl so they ran up and pushed the man away and guarded the little
girl. When the police came the lions retreated the little girl but they did not go
back into the jungle until they knew the girl was safe.

2. Using the links below, your own knowledge and experiences, and additional
resources if needed, complete the chart to notate differences and similarities
between humans and animals.

Animals Both Humans

● Build their own ● Eat, sleep,think, ● More intelligent,

homes, speak and communicate unlimited
their own vocabulary and
language. sounds

3. An important discussion that has begun recently is whether or not animals

deserve the same rights as humans. Using the links, complete the T-chart with
notes on why animals should and should not have the same rights as humans.

Evidence that animals SHOULD Evidence that animals should NOT

have the same rights as humans. have the same rights as humans.

● Animals have been in cases in ● Humans have an awareness of

court before seeing if they moral ideas and understands
found guilty or not the difference between right
and wrong

4. Using the links, choose 2 of the articles and take notes on the concept of
instincts and Fight or Flight. Include as much relevant info as you can - at least 5
bullet points per article. SUMMARIZE - do not copy and paste.

Article 1: fight or flight; what animals can teach us about stress

● We either stay and fight, run or remain completely still
● Freak out to the point our body operating systems break down
● If we are relaxed and more aware then we can mimic the stress and calm cycle
seen in nature.
● Much of the ongoing stress we feel is self- inflicted

Article 2:
● Helps us assess a situation and if we should handle our problems face to face
or if we should flee the situation.
● We think too much and consider the wrong choices so we freak out
● We get overwhelmed and feel very conflicted
● If we choose an answer we want to make sure we won’t regret it later in life
● Most of the time we don’t listen to our instincts and what its telling us so instead
we freak out

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