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Models of stress fluctuations in granular media

P. Claudin and J.-P. Bouchaud
Service de Physique de l’Etat Condensé, CEA, Orme des Merisiers, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, Cedex, France

M. E. Cates and J. P. Wittmer

Department of Physics and Astronomy, JCMB King’s Buildings, University of Edinburgh, Mayfield Road,
Edinburgh EH9 3JZ, United Kingdom
~Received 19 November 1997!
We investigate in detail two models describing how stresses propagate and fluctuate in granular media. The
first one is a scalar model where only the vertical component of the stress tensor is considered. In the
continuum limit, this model is equivalent to a diffusion equation ~where the role of time is played by the
vertical coordinate! plus a randomly varying convection term. We calculate the response and correlation
function of this model and discuss several properties, in particular related to the stress distribution function. We
then turn to the tensorial model, where the basic starting point is a wave equation that, in the absence of
disorder, leads to a raylike propagation of stress. In the presence of disorder, the rays acquire a diffusive width
and the angle of propagation is shifted. A striking feature is that the response function becomes negative, which
suggests that the contact network is mechanically unstable to very weak perturbations. The stress correlation
function reveals characteristic features related to the raylike propagation, which are absent in the scalar
description. Our analytical calculations are confirmed and extended by a numerical analysis of the stochastic
wave equation. @S1063-651X~98!07004-4#

PACS number~s!: 81.05.Rm, 46.10.1z, 05.40.1j, 83.70.Fn

I. INTRODUCTION tically, which predicts a central pressure ‘‘hump’’ ~rather

than a dip!.
Granular media are materials where stress fluctuations are It is thus a priori not obvious that the scalar model is a
large, even on scales much larger than the grain size. Repeat- suitable starting point for the description of fluctuations.
edly pouring the very same amount of powder in a silo re- Conversely, the influence of local randomness within the ten-
sults in fluctuations of the weight supported by the bottom sorial model was not yet investigated and is very interesting
plate of 20% or more @1,2#. This weight furthermore changes per se. In particular, it is important to know if and how the
very abruptly when temperature changes by only a few de- idea of a light cone survives in the presence of disorder and
grees Celsius, which induces only very small changes of the how the stress fluctuations develop.
size of each grain @2,3#. The aim of the present paper is to calculate analytically
More quantitative experiments were recently performed ~in two dimensions! the average response function ~Green’s
by Liu et al. @4#, Brockbank, Huntley, and Ball @5#, and function! and the two-point correlation function for the ten-
Mueth, Jaeger, and Nagel @6#, where the local fluctuations of sorial model in the presence of disorder and to compare the
the normal stress deep inside a silo or at the base of a sand- results with those obtained within a scalar description. We
pile were measured ~see also @7# and for early qualitative find that the cone survives at small disorder ~although the
experiments @8#!. It was found that the stress probability dis- cone angle is shifted and acquires a nonzero width, which we
tribution is rather broad ~i.e., the relative fluctuations are of compute!. More surprisingly, the Green’s function takes
order one!, decaying exponentially for large stresses. A negative values, a feature that we checked numerically,
simple ‘‘scalar’’ model for stress propagation was introduced which we discuss in detail in terms of the essential ‘‘fragil-
and studied in detail @4,9#, which predicts a stress probability ity’’ of the contact network. ~That the Green’s function can
distribution in good agreement with experimental ~and nu- take negative values in the presence of inhomogeneities was
merical! data. However, this model considers only the verti- already noticed within the fixed principal axis ~FPA! model
cal normal component of the stress tensor and discards all in @12#.! We show that the two-point correlation function
the other components: In this sense the model is scalar. keeps a signature of this conelike propagation. For large dis-
A fully ‘‘tensorial’’ model for stress propagation in ho- order, however, the theory suggests that the structure of the
mogeneous granular media was proposed in @10–12# to ac- large-scale equations could change drastically, from a hyper-
count for the pressure ‘‘dip’’ that is observed experimentally bolic wave equation to an elliptic equation, akin to ~but dis-
below the apex of conical sandpiles. The most striking fea- tinct from! those appearing in elasticity theory. The interpre-
ture of this model is that the stress propagation equation is a tation of the equations, however, suggests that by the time
wave equation, with the vertical axis playing the role of time. this happens, the pile is unstable to any perturbations and
Correspondingly, the stress propagates ~in two dimensions; spontaneously rearranges.
see @10#! along two rays, which makes a certain angle with The tensorial stress probability distribution is investigated
the vertical axis ~the ‘‘light cone’’!. This must be contrasted numerically, with certain results that are close to those of the
with the scalar model, where stresses travel essentially ver- scalar model. We explain this by showing that a special case

1063-651X/98/57~4!/4441~17!/$15.00 57 4441 © 1998 The American Physical Society


of the tensorial model actually reduces to the superposition model ~or q model!, was originally written with an arbitrary
of two independent scalar models. number N of downward neighbors ~N52 in the example
This paper is constructed as follows. In Sec. II we review above! and can thus be ~in principle! generalized to three
the properties of the scalar model, including results that ap- dimensions.
peared in the literature in very different contexts ~scalar dif-
fusion in turbulence and localization!. In Sec. III the random 2. Results on the stress distribution: Universality?
wave equation for the tensorial case is motivated by a micro- The case of a uniform distribution of the q’s is interesting
scopic model and simulations and studied using perturbation because it leads to an exact solution for the local weight
theory in the strength of the disorder. We discuss how the distribution P(w). In this limit, the correlation between two
line shape of the response function distorts from two d peaks neighboring sites at the same altitude j is zero for all j. For
to ~eventually! one broad peak as disorder increases. Some more general q distributions, this is true only when j is large
generalizations of the random wave equation are considered
~see below!. Thus P(w) obeys the mean-field equation
in Sec. IV. In Sec. V we present numerical results for the

stress distribution function and compare them with the pre- 1 `
dictions of the scalar model and also of direct simulations of P j11 ~ w ! 5 dq 1 dq 2 r ~ q 1 ! r ~ q 2 ! dw 1 dw 2
sphere packings @13,14#. We discuss a limit where the two 0 0

models can be quantitatively compared. Finally, in Sec. VI a 3 P j ~ w 1 ! P j ~ w 2 ! d „w2 ~ w 1 q 1 1w 2 q 2 1w 0 ! …,

summary of the most interesting results is given, with sug-
gestions of future experiments and open questions. ~2!

where r (q) is the distribution of q, here taken to be r (q)

51. In the limit j→`, the stationary distribution P * of this
A. The discrete version equation is given by
1. Definition
The main assumption of the scalar model is that only the P *~ w ! 5
W 2 exp 2
, ~3!
vertical normal component of the stress tensor w5 s zz ~the
‘‘weight’’! needs to be considered. If the grains reside on the where 2W5 jw g is the average weight. For NÞ2, the distri-
nodes of a two-dimensional lattice ~see Fig. 1!, the simplest bution is instead a G distribution of parameter N; its small-w
model for weight propagation down the pile is behavior is w N21 , while the large-w tail is exponential. Liu
et al. @4,9# have argued that this behavior is generic: For
w ~ i, j ! 5w g 1q 1 ~ i21,j21 ! w ~ i21,j21 ! example, the condition for the local weight w to be small is
1q 2 ~ i11,j21 ! w ~ i11,j21 ! , ~1! that all the N q’s reaching this site are themselves small; the
phase-space volume for this is proportional to w N21 if the
where w g is the weight of each grain and q 6 (i, j) are ‘‘trans- distribution r (q) is regular around q50. However, if instead
mission’’ coefficients giving the fraction of weight that the r (q)}q g 21 when q is small, one expects P * (w) to behave
grain (i, j) transmits to its right ~left! neighbor immediately for small w as w 2 a , with a 512N g ,0. Similarly, the ex-
below. Mass conservation imposes that q 1 (i, j)1q 2 (i, j) ponential tail at large w is sensitive to the behavior of r (q)
51 for all i, j. The case of an ordered pile of identical grains around q51. In particular, if the maximum value of q is
would correspond to q 6 5 21 . The authors of @4,9# proposed q M ,1, one can easily show by taking the Laplace transform
to take into account ~in a phenomenological way! the local of Eq. ~2! that P * (w) decays faster than an exponential:
disorder in packing, grain sizes, shapes, etc., by choosing
q 1 (i, j) to be independent random numbers ~except for the ln N
ln P * ~ w ! } 2w b with b 5 . ~4!
above constraint!, for example, uniformly distributed be- w→` ln~ Nq M !
tween 0 and 1. This model, which we shall call the Liu et al.
~Notice that b 51 whenever q M 51 and that b →` when
q M 51/N.!
In this sense, the exponential tail of P * (w) is not univer-
sal: It requires the possibility that one of the q can be arbi-
trarily close to 1. This implies that all other q’s originating
from that point are close to zero, i.e., that there is a nonzero
probability density that one grain is entirely bearing on one
of its downward neighbors.
Note that if q can only take the values 0 or 1, the distri-
bution P(w) becomes a power law P * (w)}w 2 a , with
a54/3 for N52 @9#. This power law is, however, truncated
for large w as soon as values for q different from 0 and 1 are
FIG. 1. The Liu et al. model with two neighbors. q 6 ’s are in- How well does the simple distribution ~3! compare to ex-
dependent random variables, except for the weight conservation periments and numerical simulations? The exponential decay
constraint q 1 (i, j)1q 2 (i, j)51. for large w appears in some cases to overestimate both the

experimental @5# and numerical tail @4# ~see also Sec. V!, 2x8)gt(t2t8), where g x and g t are noise correlation functions
suggesting a value of b somewhat larger than 1. On the other along the x and t axes. We shall take g x and g t to be short
hand, the probability to observe very small w is very under- ranged ~although this may not be justified; fluctuations in the
estimated by Eq. ~3!: See @5,13,6# and Sec. V. This might be microstructure of granular media may turn out to be long-
due to the fact that arching effects are absent in this scalar ranged due to, e.g., the presence of long stress paths or
model. A generalization of the Liu et al. model allowing for arches!, with correlation lengths l x and l t . Our aim is to
arching was suggested in @3#, which generates sites where describe the system at a scale L much larger than both the
q 1 51 and q 2 50 ~or vice versa!. This indeed leads to much lattice and the correlation lengths: a, t , l x , l t !L. This
higher probability density for small weights, P * (w)}w 2 a , will allow us to look for solutions in the regime k,E→0,
as argued in @9#; see also @15#. where k and E are the conjugate variables for x and t, re-
spectively, in Fourier-Laplace space. However, we shall see
B. Continuous limit of the scalar model below that the limit a, t , l x , l t →0 can be tricky and must be
treated with care: This is because the noise appears in a
Let us focus on the case N52 and define v to be such that multiplicative manner in Eq. ~5!. ~In the tensorial case, the
q 6 (i, j)5 @ 16 v (i, j) # /2. If v is small, the local weight is limit l t →0 actually makes the problem trivial, for a reason
smoothly varying and the discrete equation ~1! can then be that will become clear below.! For computational purposes,
written in the differential form we shall often implicitly assume that the probability distri-
] t w1 ] x ~ v w ! 5 r 1D 0 ] xx w, ~5! bution of v is Gaussian; this might, however, introduce arti-
facts, which we discuss.
where x5ia and t5 j t are the horizontal and ~downward!
2. Fourier transforms
vertical variables corresponding to indices i and j of Fig. 1
and a and t are of the order of the size of the grains. The The limit where a, l x →0 is ill defined and leads to a
vertical coordinate has been called t for its obvious analogy divergence of the perturbation theory in s for large wave
with time in a diffusion problem. r is the density of the vectors k. We thus choose to regularize the problem by
material ~the gravity g is taken to be equal to 1! and D 0 a working within the first Brillouin zone, i.e., we keep all
‘‘diffusion’’ constant, which depends on the geometry of the wave-vector components within the interval I5 @ 2L,
lattice on which the discrete model has been defined. For a 1L # , where L5 p /a. Our Fourier conventions for a given
rectangular lattice as shown in Fig. 1, D 0 5a 2 /2t . More gen- quantity f will then be
erally, the diffusion constant is of the order of magnitude of

the size of the grains a. L dk ikx
In this model and in the following, we shall assume that f ~ x,t ! 5 e f ~ k,t ! , ~6!
the density r is not fluctuating. Density fluctuations could be 2L 2p
easily included; it is, however, easy to understand that the
resulting relative fluctuations of the weight at the bottom of 1`
the pile decrease with the height of the pile H as H 21/2 and
are thus much smaller than those induced by the randomly
f ~ k,t ! 5 l x (
e 2ikx f ~ x,t ! . ~7!
fluctuating direction of propagation, encoded by q ~or v !,
which remain of order 1 as H→`. Two interesting quanti-
ties to compute are the average ‘‘response’’ G(x,t u x 0 ,t 0 ) to One has to be particularly careful when computing convolu-
a small density change at point (x 0 ,t 0 ), measured at point tion integrals, such as * (dq/2p ) f 1 (q) f 2 (k2q), which must
(x,t), and the correlation function of the force field be understood with limits 2L1k and L ~2L and L1k! if
C(x,t,x 8 ,t 8 )5 ^ w(x,t)w(x 8 ,t 8 ) & c ~connected part!, where k>0 (k<0). An important example, which will appear in
the averaging is taken over the realization of the noise the response function calculations, is
v (x,t).
Equation ~5! shows that the scalar model of stress propa-
gation is identical to that describing tracer diffusion in a E q,k2qPI
1O ~ k 2 ! . ~8!
~time-dependent! flow v (x,t). This problem has been the
subject of many recent works in the context of turbulence
@16,17#; we believe that interesting qualitative analogies with Let us then take the Fourier transform of Eq. ~5! along x, to
that field can be made. In particular, ‘‘intermittent’’ bunch- obtain
ing of the tracer field corresponds in the present context to

patches of large stresses, which may induce anomalous scal-
ing for higher moments of the stress field correlation func- dq
~ ] t 1D 0 k 2 ! w k 5 r k 1ik w v . ~9!
tion. We refer the reader to @16,17# for further details. 2 p q k2q

1. Statistics of the noise v „x,t… Our aim is to calculate, in the small-k limit, the average
The noise term v represents the effect of local heteroge- response ~or Green’s! function G(k,t2t 8 ), defined as the
neities in the granular packing. Its mean value is taken to be expectation value of the functional derivative
zero and its correlation function is chosen for simplicity to ^ d w(k,t)/ d r (k,t 8 ) & , and the two-point correlation function
be of the factorable form ^ v (x,t) v (x 8 ,t 8 ) & 5 s 2 g x (x of w, ^ w(k,t)w(k 8 ,t) & [2 p d (k1k 8 )C(k,t).

3. The noiseless Green’s function length l t is very small, but not smaller than a ~see Fig. 2!. In
The noiseless ~bare! Green’s function ~or ‘‘propagator’’! this case, the w’s and the v ’s cannot be taken to be indepen-
G 0 is the solution of the equation where the ‘‘velocity’’ com- dent. This is the choice that we shall make in the following.
ponents v q are identically zero, ( ] t 1D 0 k 2 )G 0 (k,t2t 8 )
5 d (t2t 8 ), which is C. Calculation of the average response and correlation
G 0 ~ k,t2t 8 ! 5 u ~ t2t 8 ! e 2D 0 k ~ 8
2 t2t !
~10! Two approaches will be presented. The first one, based on
Novikov’s theorem, leads to exact ~in the small-k limit! dif-
or, in real space,
ferential equations for G and C, which can be fully solved.
The second one is a mode-coupling approximation ~MCA!,
u ~ t2t 8 !
0 ~ t2t 8 !
2 /4D
G 0 ~ x,t2t 8 ! 5 e 2x . ~11! based on a resummation of perturbation theory. It happens
A4 p D 0 ~ t2t 8 ! that, for this particular model where the noise is Gaussian
and short-range correlated in time, both approaches give the
4. Ambiguities due to multiplicative noise: Ito vs Stratonovitch same results because perturbation theory is trivial. In other
cases, though, where exact solutions are no longer available,
In Eq. ~9! we have omitted to specify the dependence on the MCA is in general very useful to obtain nonperturbative
the variable t. There is actually an ambiguity in the product results ~see @18#!. We shall see that the effect of the noise is
term w q v k2q . In the discrete Liu et al. model @4#, the q 6 ’s to widen the diffusion peak: D 0 is renormalized by an ad-
emitted from a given site are independent of the value of the ditional term proportional to the variance of the noise v .
weight on that site. In the continuum limit, this corresponds
to choosing w q (t) to be independent of v k2q (t) or that the 1. Novikov’s theorem: Exact equations for G
v ’s must be thought of as slightly posterior to the w’s @i.e.,
the product is read as w q (t20) v k2q (t10)#. In this case, the Novikov’s theorem provides the following identity, valid
average of Eq. ~9! is trivial and coincides with the noiseless if the v are Gaussian random variables:

E 8 E p K dd L
limit; hence G5G 0 . This can be understood directly on the t dq w ~ k,t !
discrete model by noticing that the Green’s function ^ w ~ k,t !v~ k 8 ,t ! & 5 dt
G(i, j u 0,0) can be expressed as a sum over paths, all starting 0 2 v~ q,t 8 !
at site ~0,0!, and ending at site (i, j):
3^ v~ q,t 8 !v~ k 8 ,t ! & . ~14!

G ~ i, j u 0,0! 5 ( )
paths P ~ k,l ! PP
q 6 ~ k,l ! , ~12! Such a term actually appears in Eq. ~9!, after transformation
into an equation for G:

where the q 6 (k,l) are either q 1 (k,l) or q 2 (k,l), depending d

~ ] t 1D 0 k 2 ! G ~ k,t2t 8 ! 5 d ~ t2t 8 ! 2ik
on the path. Since each bond q 6 (k,l) appears only once in d r ~ k,t 8 !
the product, the averaging over q is trivial and leads to

G ~ i, j u 0,0! 5 ( 2 2 j [G 0 ~ i, j u 0,0! . ~13!

3 E dq
^ v~ q,t ! w ~ k2q,t ! & .
paths P
~Note that this argument fails for the computation of the In the limit where l x 5a→0, the noise correlation is of the
correlation function C since paths can ‘‘interfere.’’ We shall form ^ v (q,t) v (q 8 ,t 8 ) & 52 ps 2 d (q1q 8 )g̃ x (q)g t (t2t 8 ),
return later to this calculation.! with g t peaked in t5t 8 such that f (t 8 )g t (t2t 8 ). f (t)g t (t
The above choice corresponds to Ito’s prescription in sto- 2t 8 ) for any function f . In all of Sec. II we take g̃ x (q)51.
chastic calculus. Another choice ~i.e., Stratonovitch’s pre- From formally integrating Eq. ~9! between t 8 and t, one can
scription! is possible, however, which corresponds to the express the equal-time derivative d w/ d v as
proper continuum time limit in the case where the correlation
d w ~ k,t !
d v~ k 8 ,t 8 ! U t 8 5t20
52ikw ~ k2k 8 ,t ! ~16!

and thus obtain

~ ] t 1D 0 k 2 ! G ~ k,t2t 8 ! 5 d ~ t2t 8 ! 2 s 2 kG ~ k,t2t 8 !

3 E t

dt 8 g t ~ t2t 8 ! E dq
~ k2q ! .


FIG. 2. Correlation function of the noise along t axis. The re- Using the shape of the function g t ~see Fig. 2!, the first
sults presented below would hold for an arbitrary, symmetric, short- integral is 21 . The second one is a convolution integral and its
range function. value is Lk/2p 1O(k 2 ) @see Eq. ~8!#. The final differential

equation for G is then, in the small-k limit, a diffusion equa-

tion with a renormalized diffusion constant

s 2L
D R 5D 0 1 . ~18!

It is interesting to note that the model remains well defined in

the limit where the ‘‘bare’’ diffusion constant is zero since a
nonzero diffusion constant is induced by the fluctuating ve-
locity v . This would not be true if Eq. ~5! was interpreted
with the Ito convention, where the fluctuating velocity would
not lead to any spreading of the average density.
The most important conclusion is thus that, in the present
scalar model, stresses propagates essentially vertically: Tak-
ing l ;a, the response at depth H to a small perturbation is
confined within a distance proportional to AD R H from the
vertical. Since D R . l 2 /a, AD R H is much less than H in the FIG. 3. Correlation function for the case of a random overload.
limit where H@ l 2 /a, i.e., when the height of the assembly B has been rescaled by the factor A 20 / @ 8 p D R t # 1/2.
of grains is much larger than the grain size.
B ~ x50,t ! 50,
2. Exact equations for C
Exact equations can also be derived for C in the limit k
→0, following very similar calculations. From Eq. ~9! one
B ~ x@a,t ! 5
A 20
A8 p D R T F 12e 2x
2 /8D t

can deduce the corresponding one for w(k,t)w(2k,t). Upon

averaging, Novikov’s theorem has to be used on quantities s2
such as ^ w(k,t) v (q,t)w(2k2q,t) & , finally leading to 2 @ D 0 2D R #

~ ] t 12D R k ! C ~ k,t ! 5 s k
2 2 2
E dq
C ~ q,t ! . ~19!
3 S 1
a 8D R t
e 2x /8D R t DG , ~21!

which is shown in Fig. 3.

One can formally integrate Eq. ~19!. It gives (b) Constant overload. In the same limit, we get C̃(E)
;1/E or C̃(t)5b 0 , where
C ~ k,t ! 5C ~ k,0! e 22D R k t 1 s 2 k 2 E0
dt 8 e 22D R k ~ 8
2 t2t !
C̃ ~ t 8 ! ,
b 0 5B 20
~20! 2p @ 2D 0 2D R #
where C̃(t 8 )5 * (dk/2p )C(k,t 8 ). Let us specify at this stage
two specific initial conditions C(k,0) that can be of interest. B ~ x50,t ! 50,

We consider, for simplicity, a random packing of ‘‘table ten- 2
nis’’ balls with no mass ( r 50), but subject to a random s 2 B 20 1 12e 2x /8D R t
B ~ x@a,t ! 5 2 , ~22!
overload of zero mean ( ^ w(x,0)w(x 8 ,0) & 5A 20 d (x2x 8 )) or 4 p @ 2D 0 2D R # a A8 p D R t
to a constant overload @ w(x,t50)5B 0 # . Therefore, C(k,0)
5A 20 in the first case and C(k,0)5B 20 d (k) in the second one.
Equation ~20! is then solved in two steps. We first integrate it
over k and find a closed equation for C̃, which can be solved
in Laplace transform. @Note that this is an approximation,
since Eq. ~20! is only valid for k→0.] We call E the conju-
gate variable of t. From C̃(E), we get C̃(t) and then finally
compute C(x,t).
(a) Random overload. In the small-E ~large-t! limit, we
get C̃(E);1/AE, meaning C̃(t)5a 0 / At, with

a 05 .
2D 0 2D R A8 p D R

It finally leads to the following expression for B(x,t) FIG. 4. Correlation function for the case of a uniform overload.
[C(0,t)2C(x,t)5 21 ^ @ w(x,t)2w(0,t) # 2 & : B has been rescaled by the factor s 2 B 20 /@4p (2D 0 2D R ) # .

which has a form similar to that above; see Fig. 4.

One could have performed the calculation with the Ito
convention ~corresponding to the Liu et al. model!. The final
results for the correlation function are actually very similar
to those above. The main point is that the correlation is
rather structureless. Equation ~22! shows that the correlation The corresponding equation for G is obtained by taking the
function C(x.a,t) becomes zero for large times, a result derivative d/dr and averaging over the noise v . Since ^ v &
that was used to establish Eq. ~2!. 50, the second diagram vanishes. We represent the noise
correlator by a dashed line with a centered circle ~see Fig. 5!
3. Perturbation theory
and obtain
The above method gives exact results, essentially because
v (x,t) is short-range correlated in time: d v / d v is then only
needed at coinciding times, where it is exactly known. This
would not be true in general; furthermore, Novikov’s theo-
rem requires v to be Gaussian. It is thus interesting to show
how a systematic perturbation scheme can be made to work or G5G 0 1G 0 SG 0 , where S is called the self-energy ~see
by the use of diagrams to represent Eq. ~9!. The MCA is then Fig. 5!. Actually, one can resum exactly all the diagrams
a particular resummation scheme of this set of diagrams, corresponding to G 0 SG 0 and G 0 SG 0 SG 0 to obtain the
which was discussed in detail in @18#, which sometimes pro- Dyson equation G5G 0 1G 0 SG.
vide interesting nonperturbative results. The MCA amounts to replacing the bare propagator in the
diagram for S by the full propagator G. ~Note that the MCA
is of course exact to second order in perturbation theory!. We
then obtain a self-consistent equation for G:

FIG. 5. Definition of various diagrams. ~27!

Equation ~9! is multiplied on the left by the operator G 0 Diagrams like the one drawn in Fig. 6 are now also included.
@see Eq. ~10!# and then reexpressed as

w ~ k,t ! 5G 0 ~ k,t ! ^ r ~ k,t ! 2ikG 0 ~ k,t !

^ E dq
w ~ q,t !v~ k2q,t ! , ~23!

FIG. 6. Example of a diagram included in the MCA.

^ meaning a t-convolution product. This equation can be
represented with diagrams as follows: As shown in Fig. 5,
we represent the source r by a cross, the bare propagator G 0 The self-energy S MCA can be easily computed; we get

by a plain line, and the noise v by a dashed line. The first
term of Eq. ~23!, which is the noiseless solution w 0 , is then dq
S MCA~ k,t2t 8 ! 5 s 2 k qG MCA~ q,t2t 8 !
obtained as the juxtaposition of a plain line and a cross. The 2p
arrow flows against time ~i.e., it is directed from t to t 8 ,t!.
3g t ~ t2t 8 ! . ~28!
The juxtaposition of two objects means a t-convolution prod-
uct. By definition w is represented by the juxtaposition of a
bold line and a cross ~this is consistent with the identification In the special case where g t is peaked around t5t 8 , we can
of a bold line with the full propagator G!. The diagrammatic make the approximation G(q,t2t 8 )g t (t2t 8 ).G(q,0)g t (t
version of Eq. ~23! is then 2t 8 )5g t (t2t 8 ) @since by definition G(q,0)51]. We thus
get, using Eq. ~8!, S MCA(k,t2t 8 )52 s 2 Lk 2 g t (t
2t 8 )/(2 p ). The expression for G MCA is thus identical to the
one obtained with the exact approach, as can be seen by
comparing Eq. ~17! and G 21 0 G511SG.
Note that one can also calculate the influence of a nonzero
kurtosis k of the noise v , which is its normalized fourth
~24! cumulant. In this case, four dashed lines ~corresponding to v !
can be merged, leading to a contribution to D, of the order of
The ‘‘vertex’’ stands for 2ik * (dq/2p ), the two emerging k s 4.
wave vectors being q and k2q ~node law!. One can now Let us turn now to the calculation of the correlation func-
iterate this equation. To second order, one obtains tion ^ w(k,t)w(k 8 ,t) & [2 p d (k1k 8 )C(k,t). The basic object

that corresponds to the self-energy is now the ‘‘renormalized

source’’ spectrum S(k,t,t 8 ) defined as C5G ^ S ^ G. The
quantity S is drawn as a filled square. S 0 ~empty square! is
the correlation function source term, which encodes the ini-
tial conditions ~see below!. The two first terms of the expan-
sion are


Here again we transform the perturbative expansion into a

FIG. 7. Averaged ~bold line! and unaveraged ~thin line! re-
closed self-consistent equation for S by replacing G 0 and S 0
sponse functions of the scalar model, obtained numerically by simu-
in Eq. ~29! by G and S, respectively. The final equation for
lating the Liu et al. model. The average is performed over 5000
C reads
samples. One can notice how ‘‘non-self-averaging’’ the response
function is, i.e., how different it is for a given environment as com-
pared to the average. Note also that the unaveraged Green’s func-
tion is everywhere positive.
meaning that the ‘‘center’’ of Green’s function wanders
or, written explicitly, away from the origin in a subdiffusive fashion, as t 1/4. This
behavior has actually been obtained in an another context,
C ~ k,t ! 5 E 8E 9
dt G ~ k,t2t 8 ! S 0 ~ k,t 8 ,t 9 ! G ~ 2k,t2t 9 !
that of a quantum particle interacting with a time-dependent
random environment. Physically, the Liu et al. model can
indeed be seen as a collection of time-dependent scatterers,
s E 8E 9
t t
converting incoming waves into outgoing waves with a cer-
1 2 2
k dt dt G ~ k,t2t 8 !
0 0 tain partition factor q 1 512q 2 ~see the discussion in @19#!.
In two dimensions ~plus time!, the wandering of the packet
3E p 89 dq
C ~ q,t ,t ! g t ~ t 8 2t 9 ! G ~ 2k,t2t 9 ! .
center @ x # (t) is only logarithmic ~and disappears in higher
dimensions @19#!.
E. The scalar model with bias: Edwards’s picture of arches
If we choose the source term to be an overload localized at
Up to now, we have considered the mean value of v to be
t50, we get S 0 5 ^ r (k,t 8 ) r (2k,t 9 ) & 5C(k,0) d (t 8 ) d (t 9 ).
zero, which reflects the fact that there is no preferred direc-
Using the fact that g t is peaked around t 8 5t 9 , we again
tion for stress propagation. In some cases, however, this may
recover exactly Eq. ~19!, showing again that the MCA is
not be true. Consider, for example, a sandpile built from a
exact ~in the limit k→0) in this special case.
point source: The history of the grains will certainly inprint a
certain oriented ‘‘texture’’ to the contact network, which can
D. Further results: The unaveraged response function be modeled, within the present scalar model, as a nonzero
The average Green’s function described above is thus a value of ^ v & , the sign of which depends on which side of the
Gaussian of zero mean and of width growing as AD R t. How- pile is chosen. Let us call V 0 the average value of v on the
ever, for a given environment, the Green’s function is not x>0 side of the pile and 2V 0 on the other side. The differ-
Gaussian, presenting sample-dependent peaks ~see Fig. 7!. ential equation describing propagation now reads, in the ab-
Note, however that, contrarily to what we shall find below sence of disorder,
for the tensorial case, the unaveraged Green’s function
remains everywhere positive. Furthermore, the quantity ] t w1 ] x @ V 0 sgn~ x ! w # 5 r 1D 0 ] xx w. ~34!
@ x # (t), defined as the displacement of the centroid of the
weight distribution beneath a point source in a given realiza- ~An extra noise can be handled as above.! For a constant
tion, density r 5 r 0 and for D 0 50, the weight distribution is then

@ x #~ t ! 5 E
dx 8 x 8
d w ~ x 8 ,t !
d r ~ 0,0!
, ~32! w ~ x,t ! 5
r 0x
for 0<x<V 0 t,

typically grows with t. More precisely, one can show that r 0 ~ ct2x !
w ~ x,t ! 5 for V 0 t<x<ct, ~35!
^ @ x #~ t ! & 50 but ^ @ x # ~ t ! & }t ,
2 1/2
~33! c2V 0

where c51/tan(f) ~f is the angle made by the slope of the

pile with the horizontal x axis!. For D 0 Þ0, the above solu-
tion is smoothed ~see Fig. 8!. In any case, the local weight
reaches a minimum around x50. Equation ~34! gives a pre-
cise mathematical content to Edwards’ model of arching in
sandpiles @20#, as the physical mechanism leading to a dip in
the pressure distribution @21#. As discussed elsewhere
@11,12#, this can be taken much further within a tensorial
framework ~see Sec. III!.
The scaling of the stress at the center of the pile w(0,t)
can be understood simply in terms of random walks subject FIG. 9. Three-neighbor configuration. Each grain transmits two
to a bias V 0 . The region contributing to w(0,t) is then found force components to its downward neighbors. A fraction p of the
to be of finite volume, independent of t, and of the order of vertical component is transmitted through the middle leg and a frac-
D 0 /V 20 , as shown on the two top pictures of Fig. 8. tion (12p)/2 through each of the external legs.

bors ~see Fig. 9!, for a reason that will become clear below.
Each grain transmits to its downward neighbors not one, but
two force components: one along the vertical axis t and one
along x, which we call, respectively, F t (i, j) and F x (i, j).
~We will restrict attention, in the following to two-
dimensional piles, leaving extensions to three dimensions for
further investigations.! For simplicity, we assume that the
‘‘legs’’ emerging from a given grain can only transport the
vector component of the force parallel to itself ~but more
general rules could be invented!. Assuming that the transmis-
sion rules are locally symmetric and that a fraction p<1 of
the vertical component travels through the middle leg, we

F x ~ i, j ! 5 21 @ F x ~ i21,j21 ! 1F x ~ i11,j21 !#
1 21 ~ 12 p ! tan c @ F t ~ i21,j21 ! 2F t ~ i11,j21 !# ,
FIG. 8. On the main graph the solution of Eq. ~34! for V 0 /c ~36!
50.4 is plotted. The dashed line is for a diffusion constant D 0 ten
times smaller than the solid one. The bold line is for D 0 50. Stress F t ~ i, j ! 5w 0 1 pF t ~ i, j21 !
values are rescaled by the height of the pile t. The left inset shows
that w(0,t) scales like 1/V 20 at small V 0 , while the right inset shows 1 21 ~ 12 p !@ F t ~ i21,j21 ! 1F t ~ i11,j21 !#
that w(0,t) is constant for large t. Note that for very small values of
V 0 , the 1/V 20 scaling becomes invalid for finite-size reasons. 1
1 @ F x ~ i21,j21 ! 2F x ~ i11,j21 !# ,
2 tan c
Equation ~34! with noise can in fact be obtained naturally
within an extended Liu et al. model, with an extra rule ac-
counting for the fact that a grain can slide and lose contact where c is the angle between grains, defined in Fig. 9. Tak-
with one of its two downward neighbors @3#. This generically ing the continuum limit of the above equations leads to
leads to arching; in the sandpile geometry and for above a
certain probability of ~local! sliding, the effective velocity V 0 ] tF t1 ] xF x5 r , ~38!
becomes nonzero and the weight profile ~35! is recovered
@3#. However, this extra sliding rule implicitly refers to the ] t F x 1 ] x @ c 20 F t # 50, ~39!
existence of shear stresses, which are absent in the scalar
model but are crucial to obtain symmetry-breaking effects where c 20 [(12p)tan2 c. Eliminating ~say! F x between the
modeled by a nonzero V 0 . It is thus important to consider above two equations leads to a wave equation for F t , where
from the start the fact that stress has a tensorial, rather than the vertical coordinate t plays the role of time and c 0 is the
scalar, nature. This is what we investigate in the following equivalent of the ‘‘speed of light.’’ In particular, the stress
section. does not propagate vertically, as it does in the scalar model,
but rather at a nonzero angle w such that c 0 5tan w. Note that
w Þ c in general ~unless p50!; the angle at which stress
III. THE TENSORIAL MODEL propagates has nothing to do with the underlying lattice
structure and can in principle be arbitrary. We chose a three-
A. The wave equation
leg model to illustrate this particular point.
It is useful to start with a simple ‘‘toy’’ model for stress The above derivation can be reformulated in terms of
propagation, which is the analog of the model presented in classical continuum mechanics as follows. Considering all
Fig. 1. We now consider the case of three downward neigh- stress tensor components s i j , the equilibrium equation reads

] t s tt 1 ] x s xt 5 r , ~40! a scatter plot of s xx versus s tt , measured as averages of the

local forces over a small box centered around different points
] t s tx 1 ] x s xx 50. ~41! within a heap ~from Ref. @23#!. This plot clearly shows that a
linear relation is indeed acceptable, leading in this case to
Identifying the local average of F t with s tt and that of F x c 20 ;0.5660.03 @23#. There are, however, significant fluctua-
with s tx , we see that Eqs. ~38! and ~39! are actually identi- tions, reflecting some disorder in the packing, which are fur-
cal to Eqs. ~40! and ~41! provided s tx 5 s xt ~which corre- thermore uncorrelated from point to point. The histogram of
sponds to the absence of local torque! and s xx 5c 20 s tt . This v defined as
relation between normal stresses was postulated in @10# as
the simplest constitutive relation obeying the correct symme- s xx 5c 20 @ 11 v~ x,t !# s tt , ^ v~ x,t ! & 50, ~42!
tries that enables one to lift the indeterminacy of Eqs. ~40!
and ~41!; it can be seen as a local Janssen approximation is found to be roughly Gaussian, of relative width s ;0.3.
@22#. c 20 should encode the relevant information of the local This corresponds to a locally varying angle of stress propa-
geometry of the packing, friction, shape of grains, etc., and gation, which varies around the mean angle 54° by an
should thus depend on the construction history of the grain amount ;10.8°.
assembly. For example, in the sandpile geometry c 20 is re- Motivated by the simulations results, we now investigate
lated to the angle of friction f of the material by the relation a model ~called the random symmetric model in the follow-
c 20 51/(112 tan2 f) @10#. This approach can be generalized ing! with the inhomogeneous constitutive relation ~42!,
to take into account a local asymmetry in the packing texture which leads to the following stochastic wave equation for
~which one expects, for example, in the case of a sandpile stress propagation:
constructed from a point source! by allowing c 20 to depend on ] tt s tt 5 ] xx $ c 20 @ 11 v~ x,t !# s tt % , ~43!
s xt / s tt @10–12#. If this dependence is linear, this is equiva-
lent to a coordinate rotation in x,t @12#. where the random noise v is assumed to be correlated as
^ v (x,t) v (x 8 ,t 8 ) & 5 s 2 g x (x2x 8 )g t (t2t 8 ). The correlation
B. A stochastic wave equation lengths l x and l t are again kept finite and of the same order
The starting point of the scalar model is thus essentially of magnitude. In a Fourier transform, this relation can also
the diffusion equation, which one perturbs by adding a ran- be written ^ v (k,t) v (k 8 ,t 8 ) & 52 ps 2 d (k1k 8 )g̃ x (k)g t (t
dom convective term. As the preceding subsection shows, a 2t 8 ). It turns out that the final shape of the averaged re-
more natural starting point is the wave equation. The toy sponse function depends on the sign of g̃ x (L). In Sec. II we
model presented above, however, suggests that, provided lo- implicitly made the choice g̃ x (k)51, which corresponds to
cal conservation laws are obeyed ~i.e., those arising from g x (x50)51/a and g x (x.0)50. We will keep this choice
mechanical equilibrium!, many local rules for force trans- for the following calculations, but note that another form for
mission are compatible with the contact conditions @14#. It is g x could lead to sgn@g̃x(L)#521.
thus natural to encode the disorder of the packing or model In the following, s tt will be again denoted by w. After a
the indeterminacy of the contact conditions as a randomly Fourier transform along the x axis, we get, from Eq. ~43!,
varying speed of light c 0 ~reflecting the fact that, for ex-
ample, the parameter p can vary from grain to grain!. Two
recent numerical simulations @14,23# actually suggest that
~ ] tt 1c 20 k 2 ! w5 ] t r 2c 20 k 2 E dq
w ~ q,t !v~ k2q,t ! .
this should be a good first approximation. In Fig. 10 we show ~44!

Note that the ‘‘source’’ term of this equation is now ] t r

rather than r itself. Therefore, if we call G the Green’s func-
tion ~or propagator! of this equation G5 ^ d w/ d ] t r & ; the re-
sponse function R5 ^ d w/ d r & of our system is now actually
the time derivative of G: R(k,t)5 ] t G(k,t).
The noiseless propagator G 0 is the solution of the ordi-
nary wave equation ( ] tt 1c 20 k 2 )G 0 (k,t2t 8 )5 d (t2t 8 ) and
can be easily calculated:

G 0 ~ k,t ! 5 @ e ic 0 kt 2e 2ic 0 kt # u ~ t ! , ~45!
2ic 0 k

which leads to the response function R 0 ,

R 0 ~ x,t ! 5 21 @ d ~ x2c 0 t ! 1 d ~ x1c 0 t !# u ~ t ! . ~46!

Equation ~46! sums up one of the major results of @10# ~see

FIG. 10. Relation between s xx and s tt from a microscopic nu- also @11–12#!: In two dimensions, stress propagates along
merical simulation of grains forming a heap in two dimensions @23#. two characteristic rays. @Note that the corresponding re-
These data are compatible with a stochastic constitutive relation sponse function in three dimensions ~where a secondary clo-
s xx 5c 20 @ 11 v (x,t) # s tt , where v is the random noise. sure is needed, for instance, s xx 5 s y y , y being the third

coordinate! reads R 0 (x,t)}(c 20 t 2 2x 2 ) 21/2 for u x u is a decreasing function of s, meaning that the peaks of the
,c 0 t and zero otherwise @10##. A relevant question is now to response function get closer together as the disorder in-
ask how these rays survive in the presence of disorder. We creases. @As a technical remark, let us note that if g t 5g x , the
will show that for weak disorder, the d peaks acquire a finite problem is symmetric in the change x→t, c 20 (x,t)
~diffusive! width and that the speed of light is renormalized →1/c 20 (x,t). It thus looks as if the cone should both narrow
to a lower value. Not surprisingly, the effect of disorder can or widen, depending on the arbitrary choice of x and t. There
be described by an ‘‘optical index’’ n.1. For a strong dis- is, however, no contradiction with the above calculation
order, however, we find ~within a Gaussian approximation since we assumed that v has zero mean, while 1/(11 v )
for the noise v ! that the speed of light vanishes and then 21 has a positive mean value, of order s 2 .# For a critical
becomes imaginary. The ‘‘propagative’’ nature of the stress value s 5 s c , c R vanishes and becomes imaginary for stron-
transmission disappears and the system behaves more like an ger disorder. For l t 5 l x 51 and c 20 50.6 ~corresponding to
elastic body, in a sense clarified below. f 530°!, one finds s c .1.42.
In the limit of large t, the propagator reads
C. Calculation of the average response function
1 2
One can again use Novikov’s theorem in the present case G ~ k,t ! 5 sin@ c R kt ~ 11 a u k u !# e 2 g k t u ~ t ! , ~51!
if the noise is Gaussian and short-range correlated in time. c Rk
However, the same results are again obtained within the dia- where the following constants have been introduced @note
grammatic approach explained in Sec. II, which can be easily that the sign of a is dictated by the sign of g̃ x (L)#:
transposed to the present case, and is more general. The
propagator G is a now represented as a line, the source ] t r a
cross and the vertex meaning 2c 20 k 2 * (dq/2p ). Within the
MCA, the self-consistent equation @analogous to Eq. ~27! in
4L S D
c 20
c 2R
21 , ~52!

the scalar case# is

b ~ k ! s 2 L 3 l 2t
g5 5 ~53!
t 2k 2 36p
~ ] tt 1c 20 k 2 ! H ~ k,t ! 5 d ~ t ! 1 dt 8 S MCA~ k,t 8 ! H ~ k,t2t 8 ! ,
From Eq. ~51! the response function R, in the limit of small
k and large t, is given by
where H is defined by G(k,t)5H(k,t) u (t) and the self- 2
energy S MCA is given as R ~ k,t ! 5cos@ c R kt ~ 11 a u k u !# e 2 g k t u ~ t ! ~54!

E dq 2 or in real space

S MCA~ k,t2t 8 ! 5c 40 s 2 k 2 q g t ~ t2t 8 !
2p 2
1 e 2 j 1 /b j1
R ~ x,t ! 5 Re 12F 2i
3g̃ x ~ k2q ! H ~ q,t2t 8 ! . ~48! 2 A4 p u ĝ u ~ t ! Ab Ab
Equation ~47! can be solved using a standard Laplace trans-
form along the t axis ~E is the Laplace variable!. Using the
fact that H(k, t )5 t in the limit where t →0, we find, for
1 Abe 2b j 2 @ 12F ~ 2i Ab j 2 !# , ~55!

small k,E ~corresponding to scales L such that l x , l t !L!,

where the scaling variables j 6 , measuring distances relative
H 21 (k,E)5E 2 1 b E1c 2R k 2 , where
to the two peaks, are defined by

c 2R ~ k ! 5c 20 2
c 40 s 2 L 3 l
12 p
S 12
2L D
1O ~ k 2 ! , ~49!
j 65
x6c R t
A4 u ĝ u t

c 40 s 2 k 2 L 3 l 2
b~ k !5
1O ~ k 3 ! . ~50! and where ĝ 5 g 2ic R a and b5e i arg ĝ. F is the standard
18 p error function. Figure 11 shows R as given by expression
~55!. Interestingly, this propagator not only has a finite dif-
We notice here that in the limit l t →0, the effect of the
fusive width proportional to At, but is also asymmetric
randomness completely disappears, as in the scalar model
around its maxima. Surprisingly, and in sharp contrast to the
with the Ito convention. @Technically, this is due to the fact
scalar case discussed above, the response function becomes
that G(k,t50)[0 in the present problem.# In order to cal-
negative in certain intervals ~although its integral is of course
culate the inverse Laplace transform, we need to know the
equal to one because of weight conservation!. This means
roots of the equation H 21 (k,E)50. This leads to several
that pushing on a given point actually reduces the downward
phases, depending on the strength of the disorder.
pressure on certain points. This can be interpreted as some
kind of arching: Increasing the shear stress does affect the
1. The weak-disorder limit
propagation of the vertical stress and may indeed lead to a
For weak disorder, c 2R (k) is always positive. We can then reduction in its local value that is redistributed elsewhere. As
define c R 5c R (k50). As we will show now, c R is the shifted we shall see in Sec. V, the unaveraged response function
cone angle along which stress propagates asymptotically. c R indeed takes negative ~and rather large! values. This is a very

tive equations can be interpreted as a coarse-grained ~hydro-

dynamical! description of the propagation of a stress pertur-
bation, which takes into account the average effect of the
local disorder. One problem, however, comes from the pres-
ence of the dispersion term a u k u , which corresponds to a
nonlocal operator in real space. We thus neglect this term in
the following discussion, but one should keep in mind that
the effective equation are actually nonlocal. In any case, the
main features of the response functions @peaks centered
around x56c R t (c R ,c 0 ) with a diffusive width propor-
tional to At# are not lost when setting a 50 ~except for the
fact that the response function can become negative, which is
related to a Þ0!. Effective equations can then be written in
the large-t limit as

] t ^ d s tt & 5 d r 2 ] x ^ d s xt & , ~58!

FIG. 11. Response function for weak disorder ( s / s c ;0.13).
The two curves have been rescaled by the factor 2 @ 4 p u g̃ u t # 1/2. The ] t ^ d s xt & 52c 2R ] x ^ d s tt & 12 g ] xx ^ d s xt & . ~59!
main graph shows the general double-peaked shape of the response
of the system when subjected to a peaked overload at x50, t50. That disorder generates the diffusion terms 2 g ] xx ^ d s xt & is
The inset gives details the right-hand peak as a function of the rather intuitive and had been guessed in @10#. This term can
scaling variable j 2 . Note the asymmetry @for g̃ x (L).0#, compat- be seen as the first term of a gradient expansion of the con-
ible with the results found in @14#. Note also that the curve becomes stitutive equations, which have the correct symmetry, i.e.,
negative around j 2 52.
^ d s xx & 5c 2R ^ d s tt & 2 g ] x ^ d s xt & , ~60!
significant result since it suggests that granular materials
may be susceptible to rearrangement under extremely weak
external perturbations. Suppose indeed that as a result of the
^ d s tx & 5 ^ d s xt & . ~61!
perturbation a grain receives a negative force larger than the
Equation ~61! is imposed by the absence of local torque.
preexisting vertical pressure. This grain will then move and a
We have thus shown that the introduction of a small dis-
local rearrangement of contacts will occur, inducing a varia-
order in the local direction of propagation does not change
tion of c 0 (x,t) as to reduce the cause of the instability. Thus
radically the nature of stress propagation on large length
the stochastic wave equation implicitly demands rules simi-
scales, although the peaks in the response function acquire a
lar to those introduced in @3# to describe extreme sensitivity
diffusive width. These peaks acquire a width of the order of
to external perturbations in silos. The present model, which
is purely static, does not say what to do when a local rear-
Ag H ~where H is the height of the pile! and are thus well
rangement occurs, but certainly suggests that small perturba- separated in the limit where H@ g . As we shall see now, this
tions will induce such rearrangements. is no longer true if the disorder becomes strong.
It is interesting to note that this response function was
4. Critical disorder: The wave-diffusion transition
numerically measured in Ref. @14#; its shape is compatible
with the above expression; in particular, the two peaks were When the disorder is so strong that c R just vanishes, the
found to be asymmetric with a longer ‘‘tail’’ extending in- roots of H 21 (k,E)50 change nature and so does the re-
ward, as we obtain here. Note, however, that for g̃ x (L),0, sponse function R. The two peaks of the previous expression
the shape of the peaks is reversed: The small dips are located for R merge together, while the width becomes anomalously
inside the peaks and the longer tail extends outward. This is large ~proportional to t 2/3!. In the asymptotic, large-t regime
actually what we obtain numerically in Sec. V. we obtain

2. Shear response function 2

R ~ k,t ! 5 u ~ t ! cos@ l u k u 3/2t # e 2 g k t , ~62!
Equation ~40! provides a straightforward way to calculate
the shear response function R s in terms of R. Indeed, one has where the new constant l is defined by l5c 0 A3/2L and g
ikR s (k,t)5 d (t)2 ] t R(k,t). We thus get, in the limit of 5c 20 l t /3. The physical response function R is plotted in Fig.
small k and large t, 12, for different values of t, as a function of the scaling
2 variable
R s ~ k,t ! 52ic R sin@ c R kt ~ 11 a u k u !# e 2 g k t u ~ t ! , ~57!

This shear response function is very similar to R, except that x

j5 . ~63!
it is, as expected, an odd function of x. lt 2/3

3. Effective large-scale equations On the scale t 2/3, the double-peak structure of R is still vis-
It is interesting to know of which differential equations ible. However, note that the term e 2 g k t cannot be neglected,
the response functions R and R s are solutions. These effec- even for large t; this means that the response function is

never really a function of j only, as is clear from Fig. 12. region where c 2R ,0 is probably impossible to reach physi-
Note that the response function again becomes negative for cally: The system will rearrange spontaneously to reduce the
some values of j. disorder and to make c 2R >0. As already discussed above, the
disorder that results from such a rearrangement might be
strongly correlated and correspond to an arching effect, as in

D. The correlation function

Returning to the weak-disorder case, the major problem
for the direct observation of the light cone is the fact that the
perturbation representing the point source should be small
~otherwise the packing structure would changes in an inho-
mogeneous way, thereby affecting the value of c 20 in a non-
uniform way!, but large enough for the response to be de-
tected. A better possibility, as we show now, could be to
measure the correlation function of the stress field. We again
consider the stress correlation function in the case where the
mass of each grain is small ( r 50) and a random or a con-
stant overload is applied on the top of the silo. With the new
convention for the bar ~for G! and the cross ~for ] t r !, the
FIG. 12. Response function for a critical disorder c R 50. self-consistent diagrammatic equation ~30! is valid in the
tensorial case. When writing it in its usual mathematical
5. Strong disorder: The pseudoelastic regime form, the only difference from the scalar model is that now
the weight source term is w(k,0) d 8 (t), leading to
For larger disorder still, one finds, within the MCA S 0 (k,t 8 ,t 9 )5C(k,0) d 8 (t 8 ) d 8 (t 9 ).
~which is exact for a Gaussian, uncorrelated noise!, that the The calculation of the correlation function is very similar
renormalized value of c 20 , c 2R becomes negative. Upon a res- to the scalar case. In order to carry out the calculations to the
caling of x as x̂5x/ic R , the effective equation on ^ d s tt & end, we have neglected the dispersion term a u k u in the ex-
then becomes, on large length scales, Poisson’s equation pressions for G and R. The analog of Eq. ~20! is now, for
weak disorder,
¹ 2 ^ d s tt & 5 ] t ^ d r & , ~64!
which means that the stress propagation becomes somewhat C ~ k,t ! 5C ~ k,0! cos2 @ c R kt # e 22 g k

similar to that in an elastic body, where stresses obey an c 40 t
elliptic equation of similar type @24#. In particular, the cone 1s2 k2 dt 8 sin2 @ c R k ~ t
structure of stress propagation, which is associated with the c 2R 0
underlying, hyperbolic, wave equation finally disappears; the 8
2 t2t !
average response to a localized perturbation becomes a broad 2t 8 !# e 22 g k ~
C~ t8!. ~65!
‘‘bump’’ of width comparable to the height of the pile. It is
thus rather interesting to see that, within the MCA, there is a The function C̃(t 8 )5 * (dk/2p )C(k,t 8 ) is of identical form
phase transition from a wavelike mode to a diffusive mode to the scalar case; only the expressions for a 0 ~for the ran-
of stress propagation; the observation of the cone thus re- dom overload! and b 0 ~for the constant overload! are differ-
quires that the packing is not too disordered. Certainly for ent:
relatively ordered packings the cone exists and has been ob-
served experimentally @25# and numerically @14,23#. One A 20 1

a 05 , ~66!
should, however, add some remarks. 4 A2 p g s 2 c 40 pg
~i! It is possible that the above transition is an artifact, due 12 arctan
4 p g 2 c 2R cR
to the fact that v is taken to be Gaussian, which, strictly
speaking, is not allowed since the local value of c 20 should B 20 1

always be positive. One can show for some other problems b 05 . ~67!
of the same type that a similar transition is artificially in- 2p s 2 c 40 pg
12 2 2 arctan
duced by the Gaussian approximation when it cannot really 4pg cR cR
exist on physical grounds. In this respect, it is interesting to
note that the first non-Gaussian correction tends to increase Knowing C̃(t 8 ), C(x,t) can be computed from Eq. ~65!. For
c R for negative kurtosis, as might be expected for a bounded the case of a constant overload, the shape of the correlation
v distribution. function is very close to the one shown in Fig. 4 for the
~ii! It should be noted that the predicted effective consti- scalar model. The case of the random overload, however, is
tutive relation between horizontal and vertical normal much more interesting since the fact that information travels
stresses has a negative sign if c 2R ,0. This means that in- along a cone of angle c R appears clearly: The correlation
creasing the vertical stress should reduce the horizontal function presents two peaks. The first one is of course at x
stress, which is only possible if the grains move. Hence the 50, while the second is at x52c R t, which simply means

FIG. 14. Correlation function for three-dimensional disordered

FIG. 13. Correlation function for the case of a random overload. packings with a random overload, neglecting again the second term
Note the presence of a peak centered at x52c R t, which reflects the in Eq. ~65!. Note that, as in two dimensions, the correlation function
fact that information in the tensorial model is traveling along a cone exhibits a peak around r52c R t.
of angle of c R . In the case of a fluctuating density in the bulk of the
pile, one should integrate Eq. ~68! with respect to t. The result is height of the pile. Note that a stress correlation function was
plotted in the inset: The correlation reaches rapidly a first plateau actually measured recently in @6# and found to be featureless,
and then increases again to a higher value around x52c R t. The but on very short scales x<5a, as compared to the height of
relative difference of height between the two plateaus decreases as the pile H.100a. We expect the features of the correlation
t 21/2. function to show up on much larger scales ;2c R H.
that the two points at the bottom of the information cone
share the same information coming from the apex of this
cone. ~In the absence of disorder, the correlation function It is tempting to generalize Eqs. ~38! and ~39! and write
consists of two d peaks, one at x50 and the other at x the most general linear equations governing the propagation
52c 0 t of half the amplitude.! If we forget the second term of the forces that are compatible with the ~local! conserva-
of the right-hand side of Eq. ~65!, which is negligible com- tion rules. These equations were originally written by de
pared to the first one at large t, we can see that the second Gennes @26#:
peak of the correlation function has a width proportional to
At and a height proportional to 1/At. This approximation is ] t F t 1 ] x @ h 8 ~ x,t ! F x 1 m 8 ~ x,t ! F t # 5 r , ~69!
actually equivalent to saying that the ~linear! effective equa-
tions ~58! and ~59! are sufficient to calculate the correlation ] t F x 1 ] x @ h ~ x,t ! F t 1 m ~ x,t ! F x # 50. ~70!
function for large times. Other source terms, such as a fluc-
tuating density in the bulk of the pile, can thus be easily Note that the terms m , m 8 break the symmetry x→2x. This
accommodated by linear superposition. We have thus plotted is allowed locally and does not show up on large scales if
in Fig. 13 the quantity B(x,t)5C(0,t)2C(x,t), omitting the their average is zero. Another possibility ~but without noise!,
second term on the right-hand side of Eq. ~65!. Analytically, considered in detail in @12#, is that m (x,t) changes sign with
we have x, i.e., m (x,t)5 m sgn(x), which describes the fact that the
texture of a sandpile depends on which ‘‘side’’ of the pile
A 20 2 2 /8g t one is looking at. Interestingly, Eqs. ~69! and ~70! still lead
B ~ x,t ! 5 @ 212e 2c R t/2g 22e 2x
4 A8 p g t
to wavelike propagation, but now the bisector of the light
cone makes a nonzero angle with the vertical ~when m or m 8
2e 2 ~ x12c R t !
2 /8g t
2e 2 ~ x22c R t !
2 /8g t
#. ~68! are nonzero!. In other words, Eqs. ~69! and ~70! describe a
situation where not only the opening angle of the cone can
This result is of importance since the shape of this correla- vary in space, but also its average orientation.
tion function clearly differs from the corresponding one in The same analytical techniques as above can be still be
the scalar model. Measuring carefully the averaged correla- used. We shall only discuss some special cases. ~To lowest
tion function of a granular system could then confirm ~or order in perturbation theory, the case where disorder in
disprove! the presence of a light raylike propagation. In this present in the four terms h , h 8 , m , m 8 simultaneously is very
respect, it is interesting to plot the correlation function for simply obtained by adding the corrections induced by each
three-dimensional packings as well. This correlation function term taken individually.!
only depends on the radial distance r between the two points, ~i! Let us first set m 5 m 8 50 and consider the case where
as is plotted in Fig. 14. We note that, much as in two dimen- h 8 is random and h fixed ~and equal to c 20 !. Taking
sions, the correlation decreases sharply on the scale of a few h 8 (x,t)5 h 80 @ 11 v (x,t) # with the noise v as above, one
grains, but increases again for distances of the order of the finds that the renormalized value of h 8 is

h R8 5 h 08 12
c 20 h 80 s 2 L 3 l t
12 p
D . ~71!
A. The double scalar limit
In the double scalar limit, the histogram of the stress dis-
tribution is obtained trivially by noting that since s 1 5w 1
Now, on large length scales, one must recover the continuum and s 2 5w 2 travel along different paths, they are indepen-
equilibrium equations for the stress tensor @Eqs. ~40! and dent random variables. Taking c 0 to be unity for simplicity,
~41!#. The condition of zero torque requires that the stress one thus finds

tensor is symmetric and thus one must set h R8 [1, which
imposes a relation between h 80 and the amplitude of the noise
s. Note that beyond a certain value of s, this relation can no
P ~ s tt ! 5 E E
dw 1 dw 2 P * ~ w 1 ! P * ~ w 2 ! d s tt 2
w 1 1w 2
longer be satisfied with a real h 80 . This again means that the
packing is unstable mechanically and will rearrange so as to
reduce the disorder.
~ii! Another interesting class of models, which one can
P ~ s xt ! 5 E E
dw 1 S
dw 2 P * ~ w 1 ! P * ~ w 2 ! d s xt 2
w 1 2w 2
2 D,
call m models, is such that h 5c 20 and h 8 51, but m (x,t)
5c 0 v (x,t) and m 8 50 or vice versa. These two cases yield where P * is the distribution of weight pertaining to the sca-
identical results, namely, in the large-t limit lar case, which, as mentioned above, depends on the specific
2 form of the local disorder and on the discretization proce-
R ~ k,t ! 5cos~ c 0 kt ! e 2 g k t u ~ t ! , ~72! dure. In the strong-disorder case that leads to Eq. ~3! ~in the
2 case N52!, we thus find that P( s tt ) is still decaying expo-
R s ~ k,t ! 52ic 0 sin~ c 0 kt ! e 2 g k t u ~ t ! , ~73!
nentially ~it is actually a G distribution of parameter 2N!,
although its variance is reduced by a factor 2. For N52, one
where g 5c 20 L s 2 /(8p). Note that in these cases, the response
simply gets
peaks acquire a finite diffusive width proportional to At, but
the angle of the information cone is unaffected by the disor- P ~ s tt ! 5 38 s 3tt e 22 s tt , ~78!
der ~i.e., c 0 is not renormalized!.
~iii! Finally, there are special ‘‘symmetry’’ conditions P ~ s xt ! 5 ~ u s xt u 1 21 ! e 22 u s xt u . ~79!
where the equations can be decoupled and reduced to two
scalar models. We will refer to this case as the ‘‘double The preexponential factor is therefore noticeably different
scalar’’ model. This occurs when m 5 m 8 5c 0 v 1 (x,t) and from the prediction of Eq. ~3!.
h 8 5 h /c 20 511 v 2 (x,t) where v 1 , v 2 are two different sets of
noise. Let us define s 6 5c 0 F t 6F x , x 6 5x7c 0 t, and v 6 B. Numerical histograms for the random symmetric model
5 v 1 6 v 2 ; we then obtain and open problems
] t s 1 5c 0 r 2c 0 ] x 1 @v 1 s 1 # , ~74! The numerical analysis of Eqs. ~40! and ~41!, with a sto-
chastic constitutive relation s xx 5 h @ 11 v (x,t) # s tt , is actu-
] t s 2 5c 0 r 2c 0 ] x 2 @v 2 s 2 # , ~75! ally not an easy task and the final results depend rather sen-
sitively on the chosen discretization. For example, a naive
showing that s 1 and s 2 decouple, each propagating along discretization of the random wave equation leads to a non-
two rays, of velocity 6c 0 , plus a small noise v 6 , which, as zero diffusive width even in the absence of disorder and thus
in the scalar case, generates a nonzero diffusion constant. makes it hard to measure the ‘‘true’’ response function,
The response functions for s tt and s xt are thus again made which should, in the absence of disorder, consist of two d
of two diffusive peaks of width proportional to At, centered peaks. However, it should be noted that such diffusive term
at x56c 0 t. The interest of this double scalar limit is that ~or order a! are actually expected physically: They indeed
one can deduce simply the probability distribution of the appear when Eqs. ~36! and ~37! are expanded to second order
stresses from the Liu et al. model. This is developed below. in the lattice spacing. We shall return to this point below.
Note also that, by construction, this special form of disorder The method we chose is the following. Starting with
does not lead to negative vertical stresses. points regularly arranged at t50, we construct the network
of characteristics ~in the mathematical sense!. Associated
with each point (x,t) is a speed of light c 0 (x,t)
5c 0 A@ 11 v (x,t) # , which determines the directions of lines
that propagate the component of the stress parallel to that
A physically relevant question is to know how local line, away from the point (x,t). The point (x,t) is then gen-
stresses are distributed. We have seen above that within a erated by two ‘‘parents’’ points (x 8 ,t 8 ) and (x 9 ,t 9 ) as indi-
scalar approach, an exponential-like distribution ~possibly of cated in Fig. 15~a!. It sometimes happens that the cone from
the type exp(2wb), with b >1! is expected @4,9#. One can (x 8 ,t 8 ) is so wide that it cannot intersect with the one from
wonder whether this exponential distribution survives within (x 9 ,t 9 ) @see Fig. 15~b!#. We then impose x5x 9 and t5t 9 .
a tensorial description and what happens for very small This actually can be viewed as a local kind of arching: The
stresses w→0. Unfortunately, the full distribution can only point (x 9 ,t 9 ) supports not only its parent neighbors but also
be computed analytically for the double scalar model; but its ‘‘same generation’’ neighbor (x 8 ,t 8 ). This method has
numerical results have also been obtained for the random several advantages. Its physical interpretation is very clear:
symmetric model and are described below. Points are ‘‘grains’’ and characteristics are ‘‘stress paths.’’

FIG. 15. The left-hand picture ~a! shows the construction rule of
the characteristics network: The ‘‘child’’ point (x,t) is located at
the intersection of the cones from the two ‘‘parent’’ points (x 8 ,t 8 )
and (x 9 ,t 9 ). When the cones do not intersect ~b!, we choose (x,t)
and (x 9 ,t 9 ) to be coincident.

Figure 16 shows an example of the network of those paths.

We can see how stress paths actually merge together and
FIG. 17. The main graph shows the response function calculated
generate arching. Furthermore, there is strictly no diffusion
numerically on a silo of width 100a with D50.2. The thin line is a
in the absence of disorder, i.e., the Green’s function is ex-
typical response for a given realization of the disorder. Note that it
actly given by the sum of two d peaks. takes negative values. The bold line has been averaged over 5000
Although the noise v has been implicitly considered to be realization of the disorder. The inset compares the averaged re-
Gaussian throughout this paper, for numerical simplicity we sponse peak with the one computed analytically, with a negative a.
chose the following algorithm for the calculation of v (x,t). Note the negative part, as predicted by the theoretical calculation.
At each site (x,t), a random angle u is uniformly chosen
between 2D( p /4) and D( p /4). D controls the amplitude
of the noise. We then set c 0 (x,t)5c 0 tan@p/41 u (x,t) # ; v serving negative weights, which is, as we pointed out al-
and u are then related by v (x,t)54 tan u(x,t)/@1 ready, a structural property of the wave equation with
2tan u(x,t)#2. However, since the lattice itself is generated by randomness. Clearly, from a physical point of view, this is
the disorder, the precise correlation function g x of the v ’s is unacceptable and an additional rule should be added if the
not well controlled in this numerical scheme. This is rather weight becomes locally negative. Some physically motivated
important since we showed in Sec. III that the structure of g x rules could be invented ~much as in @3#!, but we do not want
influences the shape of the response function ~it determines to pursue this here and leave this for future investigations.
whether the negative part of the response lies on the inward In the present paper, we restrict to the case of a nonzero
or outside edge of the main peak!. In fact, the structure of the bare diffusion constant that, as argued above, should exist on
peaks we obtain numerically is reversed compared to that of a physical basis. Numerically, we have implemented this in
our analytical calculation; see Fig. 17. two different ways.
The numerical histogram of the force distribution at the The first one corresponds to letting the above scheme run
bottom of a silo computed within this numerical scheme im- until some height t D and then start afresh with a regular
mediately reveals some problems. Since the lattice becomes lattice, where the forces are obtained by averaging over the
more distorted as time increases, the numerical histogram of nearest-neighbors belonging to the old lattice. This averaging
vertical forces keeps broadening and never reaches a station- procedure is clearly equivalent to a diffusion term. In this
ary shape. Furthermore, there is a nonzero probability of ob- case, the numerical histograms do reach a stationary limit.
We note that the total probability of negative forces is re-
duced when t D is smaller; for t D ;a, the histogram is very
nearly Gaussian around the average force; and for larger t D ,
the tail of the probability distribution for large forces is of
the form exp(2wb), where 2. b .1 ~as found in @14#!,
where b is decreasing towards one as t D increases, or for
increasing disorder. For t D 510a and D50.1, we found b
.1.6. The small force region has a much larger weight than
found within the scalar model, although the presence of
negative forces prevents us from being conclusive in this
The second scheme consists in simulating directly the
three-leg model introduced above, with a random p chosen
between 0 and p M . These scheme is thus very close in spirit
to the Liu et al. model. Again, the local forces are not every-
where positive and thus the small force region cannot be
FIG. 16. Stress path network for a periodic silo of width 100a. reliably studied. Nevertheless, the large force region behaves
This picture has been computed with D50.2. We have chosen pe- much in the same way as in the Liu et al. model. In particu-
riodic lateral boundary conditions. lar, as shown in Fig. 18, the tail of the distribution decays as

ize the opening of the angle of the characteristic light cone

for propagation of stress. Within a mode-coupling approxi-
mation scheme ~exact for uncorrelated Gaussian noise!, one
finds that this angle vanishes for a critical disorder, beyond
which stress propagates in a fundamentally different way
~this regime might, however, not be physically relevant!. The
most striking difference between the scalar and tensorial ap-
proach is the fact that the response function becomes nega-
tive in the latter case, which is a source of instability of the
packing to external perturbations. For moderate disorder, the
response function takes negative values of order one near the
point where the perturbation is applied and decays with dis-
tance. Hence we expect this instability to occur near the
point where the perturbation is applied; at least near the up-
per surface of a pile under gravity, the effect occurs for a
stress perturbation as small as the weight of one grain since
this is sufficient to make the total local vertical stress nega-
FIG. 18. These curves show the histograms of the vertical nor- Another difference that could be amenable to experimen-
mal stress w, from which negative values have been removed. They tal verification is the structure of the correlation function,
all have been computed for the three-leg model, with periodic silos which gives direct information on how the information trav-
of width 1000a. The three bold ~solid, long-dashed, and short- els in the medium. Because of the analogy between the scalar
dashed! lines are results from silos where the amplitude of the noise model and passive scalar convection in turbulence, it is fur-
is maximum (p M 51). The height of those silos is as indicated in thermore possible that higher moments of the correlation
the legend. The thin line represent a 1000a31000a silo where the functions might reveal, in some circumstances, an intermit-
amplitude of the noise is p M 50.5, where it is nearly Gaussian. tent behavior. Finally, the exponential falloff of the local
Much like within the scalar model, P(w) shows an exponential tail stress distribution at high values, first found within the scalar
for large values of w when the disorder is maximum, while it is model, also holds within a tensorial approach, but requires
better fitted by a stretched exponential ln P(w);2wb with b .1, large disorder.
for smaller values of p M .
Several open points remain for further studies. First of
all, we have considered only two-dimensional pack-
exp(2wb) with b .1 when p M 51 and with b .1 when ings. The extension to three dimensions is rather straight-
p M ,1. forward: Although the structure of the response functions
More work is needed to understand the physical implica- becomes inherently more complex in this case ~see @10#!, the
tions of the presence of negative forces and any relation this main features discussed here ~i.e., diffusive spreading and
may have to the static avalanche phenomenon @3#. However, narrowing of the cone! are still valid.
the above results show that the tail of the force distribution is Finally, we have not been able to determine analytically
only exponential in a strong-disorder limit, where local the histogram for local stresses within the random tensorial
arches ~i.e., one grain entirely bearing on a single downward model. The major unsolved problem is the presence of nega-
neighbor! have a nonzero probability. tive forces, which induce a mechanical instability and im-
poses that an extra rule should be added to the stochastic
VI. CONCLUSION wave equation to determine how stress propagates. As em-
We have investigated in great detail the role of a local phasized above, we believe that this is a direct consequence
disorder in the propagation of stresses in granular media, of the tensorial nature of the problem and can be interpreted
both within a scalar approach, where only one component of as a signature of fragility of the contact network, which is
the stress tensor is retained, and within the full tensorial ap- generically unstable to very small perturbations @3,27#.
proach, using a simple linear closure scheme @11,12#, moti- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
vated partly by numerical simulations, which leads to a
wavelike equation for stress propagation. The main effect of We thank V. Bucholtz, E. Clément, J. Duran, C. Eloy, and
this local disorder is, in addition to introducing a diffusion- J. Rajchenbach for discussions, and A. Stott for a careful
like term in the effective, large-scale equations, to renormal- reading of the manuscript.

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