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Year 33 No.45 ST PAULS MEDIA FB \AMBUHAY SUNDAY © TVMARIA © 8:30AM © 7:00PM LIVE DAILY TV MASS ONLINE * 6:00AM Ise (=1a 0c} eee ee Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) — Green January 26, 2020 Sunday of the Word of God and National Bible Sunday In the Light of God’s Word eens foals opposed tories of Israel (as opposed to the capital, Jerusalem, in the south), inhabited by both Jews and Gentiles and referred to by the prophet Isaiah as “Galilee of the Gentiles” The area had been re-populated by the Assyrians with pagan peoples after cartying away the Israelites to Nineveh and other parts of Assyria. The ignorance of the new settlers of the God of Israel, the worship of “their own gods, and the unchanged suffering of those who were left behind have tumed this "Galilee of the Gentiles" into a place of darkness and a land overshadowed by death. Isaiah, however, had prophesied of the time when a great light would arise that would dispel the gloom and darkness over the land. This would be brought about by a new Davidic King, who is given ‘wonderfulnames”Wonder-Counselor, God-Hero, Father-Forever, Prince of Peace' (Is 9:5). He is probably to be identified with the Emmanuel ofis7:14. Matthew declares that Isaiah's oracle is being fulfilled in Jesus’ activity in Galilee. Jesus is the true “Emmanuel’—God' presenceamong his people (Mt 1:23). He is"king of the Jews" whose birth is marked by the appearance of a star in the east (Mt 23).Thelight now shinesas brightlyas Jesus begins his ministry. He proclaims the Good News of salvation: God's word which is“a lamp for my feet and a light for my path’ (Ps 119:105). ‘The divine word that lightens our livesis highlighted in todays first-ever celebration of the Sunday of the Word of God. On September 30 last year, as the Church started celebrating the 160th death anniversary oft Jerome (the great Bible scholar who translated the Bible into Latin), Pope Francis published his Apostolic Letter Motu Proprio titled Aperuit ili, instituting the Third Sunday of Ordinary Time as the Sunday of the Word of God. Francis writes that this Sunday is“a Sunday given over entirely to the word of God, so as to appreciate the inexhaustible riches contained in that constant dialogue between God and hispeople. Devotinga specific Sunday ofthe liturgical yearto the word of God can enable the Church to experience anew how the risen Lord opens up for usthe treasury ofhiswordandenables us to proclaim its unfathomable riches before the world” (no. 2). Howdowe celebrate this particular feast? Among others, Pope Francis notes: “The various communities will find their own ways to mark this Sunday with a certain solemnity. It is important, however, that in the Eucharistic celebration the sacred text be enthroned, in order to focus the attention of the assembly on the normative value of God's word. On this Sunday, it would be particularly appropriate to highlight the proclamation of the word of the Lord and to emphasize in the homily the honor that it is due. Bishops could celebrate the Rite of Installation of Lectors or a similar commissioning of readers, in order to bring out the importance of the proclamation of God's word in the liturgy” (no. 3) The encounter with the saving Word leads to action. Pope Francis further notes: “Another challenge raised by sacred Scripture has to do with love. God's word constantly reminds us of the merciful love of the Father who calls his children to live in love. The life of Jesus is the full and perfect expression ofthis divine love, which holds nothing back but offers itself to all without reserve" (no. 13). Lastly, we tun our hearts to Mary, the Mother of the Word Incarnate. Pope Francis concludes Aperui Ilis with the words: “Along our path of welcoming Gods wordintoourhearts, the Mother of the Lord accompanies us. She is the one who was called blessed because she believed in the fulfilment of what the Lord had spoken to her (cf Lk 1:45)* (no, 15). Fr.Gi Alinsangan, SSP Pastoral Catechesis for the ‘Foumenism: Additional Historical Facts ‘Year of Feumenism, ‘nterreligious Dialogue, and Tndigenous People — Fr. James H. Kroeger, MM. When the bishops began discussing ecumenism at the Second Vatican Council, the fist chapter of the docu- ment (which eventually becomes Unitatis Redintegratio) had the title" The Principles of Catholic Ecumenism? That title could give the wrong impression that there is more than one ecumenical movement (e.g. one for Catholics, one for Protestants, one for the Orthodox, etc). To avoid the idea that the Catholic Church was setting up its own form of ecumenism (alongside that already growing among Protestants), the title was changed to"The Catholic Principles of Ecumenism? This new title better reflects the fact that theres only one movement toward Christian unity, in which the Catholic Church now participates. : Little progress was achieved during the first session of Vatican Il (1962). By the start of the second session (1963), a completely new draft on ecumenism was ready. It consisted of five chapters: (1) Principles of Catholic Ecumnenism; (2) Practical Aspects of Ecumenism; (3) Christian Communities Separated from the Catholic Church; (4) Non-Christians, especially Jews; and, (5) Religious Liberty. There was much debate and clarification during the second and third sessions (1963-1964), before the final document was approved on November 21, 1964. PCD LC Es) Entrance Antiphon [Ps 96 (95):1, 6] (Recited when there is no opening song) Osinga new song to the Lord; sing to the Lord, all the earth. In his presence are majesty and splendor, strength and honor in his holy place. Greeting (The sign of the cross is made here) P — The Lord be with you. All— And with your spirit. Introduction (These [or similar] words may be used to address the assembl = P tingly today, as we celebrate the Sunday of the Word of God and National Bible Sunday, the Gospel describes the beginnings of Jesus’ public ministry. With the first disciples, Jesus goes around Galilee, “proclaiming the Gospel of the kingdom, and curing every disease and illness among the people.” Let us heed Jesus’ call to repentance and follow him. Penitential Act P — Brethren (brothers and sisters), let us acknowledge our sins, and so prepare ourselves to celebrate the sacred mysteries. P — You were sent to heal the contrite of heart: Lord, have mercy. All —Lord, have mercy. P — You,came to call sinners: Christ, have mercy. All — Christ, have mercy. P — You are seated at the right hand of the Father to intercede for us: Lord, have mercy. All — Lord, have mercy. P — May almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins, and bring us to everlasting life. All—Amen. Gloria All — Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to people of good will. We praise you, we bless you, we adore you, we glorify you, we give you thanks for your great glory, Lord God, heavenly King, 0 God, almighty Father. Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us; you take away the sins of the world, receive our prayer; you are seated at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us. For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord, you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God the Father. Amen. Collect P— Almighty everliving God, direct our actions according to your good pleasure, that in the name of your beloved Son we may abound in good works. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. All— Amen. SC Tal a a First Reading (s8:23—9:3) (Sit) With the Lord’s coming, Isaiah proclaims to the people in the regions experiencing eppression and anguish that they will rejoice in the Lord's salvation. A reading from the Book of the Prophet Isaiah FIRST the Loro degraded the land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali; but in the end he has glorified the seaward road, the land west of the Jordan, the District of the Gentiles. Anguish has taken wing, dispelled is darkness: for there is no gloom where but now there was distress. The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; upon those who dwelt in the land of gloom a light has shone. You have brought them abundant joy and great rejoicing, as they rejoice before you as at the harvest, as people make merry when dividing spoils. For the yoke that burdened them, the pole on their shoulder, and the rod of their taskmaster you have smashed, as on the day of Midian. — The word of the Lord. All — Thanks be to God. Responsorial Psatm (Ps 27) R — The Lord is my light and my salvation. Sr, M.C.A. Parco, FSP 1. The Loro is my light and my salvation;/ whom should | fear?/ The Loro is my life’s refuge:/ of whom should | be afraid? (R) 2. One thing | ask of the Loro;/ this | seek:/ to dwell in the house of the Loro/ all the days of my life,/ that | may gaze on the loveliness of the Loro/ and contemplate his temple. (R) 3. | believe that | shall see the bounty of the Loro/ in the land of the living./ Wait for the Loro with courage;/ be stouthearted, and wait for the Loro: (R) Second Reading (1 Cor 1:10-13, 17) Paul appeals to the Corinthians to strive for unity, which comes only when we accept the cross of Christ as the source of our salvation. ‘A reading from the first Letter of Saint Paul to the Corinthians | URGE YOU, brothers and sisters, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree in what you say, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be united in the same mind and in the same purpose. For it has been reported to me about you, my brothers and

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