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Market Maker Method Modulo 1 No hacer trading durante esta semana, el dinero te nublaré la mente, especielmente si pierdes algo de dinero. Un favor para todos ustedes: + Pon .un lado todo lo que piensas o sabes del mercedo, + Abre tu mente a a posiblidad de que en efecto hay algo que esté pasando. + Permitete a u mismo la oportunidad de tener éxito. + Nointentes mezclar otros sistemas dentro de este que te mostrare. Gestion Interna: + Cada persona aprende de una manera ciferente. Si estamos yendo demasiado répido, no ‘tengas pena de decinnos que bajemos la velocidad y lo hagamos més entencible para ustedes, + Estamos para ustedes chicos. + Lastareas son la parte mas esencial para que tengas éxito en este negocio. Glossary Of Terms Pape « eek a.ncem: closing a postions and tating # profit (you can book « tov) Rinks Wade! + type of trade that uses a timing element as part of the setup Candin Amita’ 27 asaressive cardia wed to shit the tading rome and trigger the stope Sensaiidatian’ ay area where price appears to chop. in realty, market mater: are bung arrastinn: the lowering of price. rosnaica pairs comorised of majors other than the US dostar Amended ster bunt: rice it extended beyond the norrnal 25 to 50 PW stop hunt occurs when Slaw Time) the changeover betwen sesahors in which ore martat make tranaers natructions 10 the oncoming desler + Tener este glosario presente y aprenderlo, (Favor traducirlo manualmente team) |E}100: initia! high of the day; the high of the day that is set during the Aslan market hours. ARR: low of the day; the lowest point on # chart ina 24-hour period. ong postion: the act of buving. MLt0p: # type of stop hunt used to trap the traders and validate retail orders. (Appears 400). Mackas maberepcead: the diitence between the |:HOD and the LOD, (Less then 50 pon te aes). Market makectrand: the real trand of the market, different than that of what retail traders tee land perceive Market maker: the group of people thet have power and influence over the market, they have “a huge equity base, control over the media, and influence in the political arena. Market Sentiment: « feeling oF belief that the market will behave # certain way, perpetuated bby news and Geo political events, Is not based on truth, and has no bearing on how the market will actually perform. HaLshenge: the aiference between the opening price and the current market price. On the board: having an open position. ‘2220 float: the amount of equity ted up 10 manage your positions. (Can be negative oF positive). éCémo vencer al Market Maker? ara vencer al MM (Market Maker) 4: Objetivo.: induc alos traders a ningkin funcionamiento hasta que tu comportamientos del precio. Objetivo 3; Golpear ios Stop Lossy li » Tomar tu dinero.

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