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A Word Processor is a computer program which manipulates text and

produces documents suitable for printing. A word processor can be
used to compose, edit, format and print any sort of printable material.
It is mainly frequently used to write memos, briefs, technical reports
and business letters. There was a great disadvantage of using a
typewriter instead of using a word processor because you couldn´t
make changes without retyping the entire document. With this
program, using the mouse, you can click anywhere within the text of a
document and add or remove content. Since retyping a paper is much
easier than reprinting it, word processing programs have made revising
text documents a much more efficient process. It also allows you to
merge text from one file into another file. This is very useful for
producing many files with the same format but with different data.
Microsoft Word, Word Perfect, Open Office, Org Writer, K word are
some Word processors, but Word is the most popular, as it often
comes ready- installed with Windows. }

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