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Nadine,Hana,Nancy,Farida R.

 Sir Ahmed Salman Rushdie
 born in India 1947
 British-Indian novelist and essayist.
 Got educated Pakistan and England
 degree in history.
 written 11 novels
 “the satanic verses “ subject of a major controversy
 2 kids and lives in New York.

“At the height of the British Empire very few English novels were written that dealt
with British power. It’s extraordinary that at the moment in which England was the
global superpower the subject of British power appeared not to interest most
 a woman wishes to join her fiancée in England.
 bus brings Miss Rehana to the British consulate.
 Muhammad Ali “advice expert” is taken in by her beauty.
Rising conflict:
 He tells her that getting a permit is extremely difficult,the sahibs will ask very
intimate questions
 offers her a genuine British passport and without the passport she won’t be able to
go to England
 She turns away and walks towards the gates of the Consulate
 When she emerges out of the Consulate, she seems calm. Muhammad Ali thinks
that she got a permit.
 She tells him her engagement was arranged when she was nine and Mustafa Dar
 Miss Rehana answered all the questions wrong at the Consulate.
Falling action:
 Muhammad Ali starts to lament what he thinks is a tragedy but Miss Rehana says
that he shouldn’t be sad about it.
 the young woman is not at all sad not to be leaving her home for marriage to a
virtual stranger in a foreign country.
 She returns on the bus to her job as an ayah, or nanny, for three boys in Lahore.

Miss Rehana:
 stands out through her beauty and through acting as an independent woman in a
country with a patriarchal culture
 poor orphan
 uses the overly bureaucratic immigration system to free herself from an arranged
 Her autonomy is highlighted by the title ‘Miss’
Muhammad Ali:
 crook who swindles money
 Muhammad Ali genuinely wants to help Miss Rehana, attracted to her
 offers her advice for free
Mustafa Dar:
 went to England, promising to send for his fiancée.
 stranger to Miss Rehana.
 Does not appear in the short story

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