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Made Professor Tin Musmmad-Bsnds Brasient th Season ofthe IN General las. With the svarineressing bal nsusty, the North South Did! and inceosae inactions af leads, to caurtar th dawn of the Sh inure Fevaion end Arcfial Inaigence, the Uitad Nation's Coneral Ascably (UN), the Ieratonl Cour of Jato, ‘the Eomomic and Socal Canc snd Trustees Cane of the WN have been adimenised forthe insity, ver the est aren decades vo cxncuivly sdirese human right violtion, fundamental ‘reeds, soci security and equteble juice. Speaking n the ecessin ofthe 201 Iearnatesl eace Day bald evr tha weakand nant, the founder sod group executive presiert of the Scbal South Economic Four (6S), Abdul Newele Mehernned lamerted tht the baie upon which the UN Cherer won eatibicbed in WS hae bosom implausible. te congretustad Protect Tin Muhammad Bands of Nigaria on fa aeaumpin of offs oe president of the Teh session of the United Nations ganerel, sessmbly (UNG), and urged fim to ameng other reforme, focus sex your's 7th ener ary ofthe on ebulcing the Bricks in our Fractured Wor, cancen widely deliberated on ot lat yeur's World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davo, Swizeriod The bead of he Cato Church ond sowerign ofthe Vascan City, Pope Franca af on losers to ‘sot bert fomdations for bulking inv, just end supportive soca, copate of reswring diy to ‘ote who ve with geet uncer endo 8 unable ts osm of a botar wert’ dba pofesed, shuts be carralon he 7th aniversary ofthe vith GSEF task UN General "Assembly President ey a, | ic WSN eal Reefer ae PNY to sing the UN ssrstary-ganerl, Antonio Gira, n is commendation of the ow INCH Drsijn’s ast prio «pasce and eecarty, furan right, poverty alvin and qulty ducati among others, and most importantly fie ware ofthe true defi betwoon ation Abd Mohammed stated eqivcsy that the world lace noting, ony leecer 2 iposed tothe resist ot and the tay purpose of astence, toler, trenaprer, far ed just Most ladare git drunk wth thai own supp, he qupea, stating that, capped wih trust, these are ol ital forthe euoase af the UN auctainati development egends Antal Dewale Moammad ‘SE /ISEN reine Fale to amd tho Sndofrenco ond eyiciom pervading the fire of the ard tht of government, the inpadist cacelesy booking the UN rum action te visions of th founding fthare for most e canary wil exacerbate. ehaenged the UNG to frantly ard deciiey dou! wit today'apervecvaontaloie! exndtion of warsby, Aaplacament snd insecurity, which anc explicit tthe consrporary farm of neciberal or clase relating, bt inated cheracerivice of werciewied! sod sxiertsl forces in lesderstip and governance. The GSE enscurie chairman anc founder ofthe Mies Ms Shlars Soba Network (4SGON) emghssised thet i his rmocting with the under scrote ginerl of the United Nations end eienrtve deectar of he UN Waren, Me Phumeie Mismocgcate and fer tesm st the UN Momen hsedauartre in Naw lérk onthe Hh of July 2018, he did ‘ale eume const ection thet endorsed by te ON could mata tho werld « much Retr, prosparaus ond pecatul sine for present and futre generations." wil be incargretesile and calous t sow cidren ard td ath give up on He Far tho sake of unary, ta tne we ‘evra the ial Farm Sypdrore wich esti very much {lava this madera doy he eum up is apsech st ‘the Irrational Dey of Pesce 2010 vont ia the UE Happy Conference 2019 The Jan senate veya sacl desta, craig arti are ‘Fame anes to ihe Il Teva hare, fame Fp cncsin pide Aca cc eter [USE sty te ib ape (AC) a mener ef te Sears State Deeper {USSU}, to be the Key Hote Spacer at Happy Con Zt im india. The theme of the Sth annual laoweige morand wr ered fo a ite Wrerbt 298 9 a Beg cy of ia ie igang Eton fr Ecalrs ad Hats Unmet “Coenen ame aeonte | =f i Ths gol cofencs wil trees ey spect fags, ns Hepes in te Genel Sty, Enamel tagpsne,tpinae an Erpraeuia Prac: fr Gal Drooprty and lappines, ce wal othe Inpat of alr vle on conception of Hagens. Oar notale dated peters forth Happiness Sarit nce ra itor Sits, Cit Meta of Step en ia ssa Ss Scenet. Pot. Sonam hid, Droid of Cat Clee of unos Sue (ES) Roa Univer of hte, Po King Vnkatch, Cif Knowaipe Oficsr and ledanicCoaaan Peopine a, UI and Prof ape Onis, Prot. of Opt Maratng ane tnavsion, and Oretar Emerging MartteRecearch Cane, Scel of Management, Swaneen Orvrey, ay Compu, I See nse

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