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Greece is a landmass in made up of the mainland, which is part of the continent of

Europe, and island clusters in the Mediterranean Sea. Early settlers began to settle somewhere
between 6000 and 2900 B.C. These settlers were mainly in Northern Greece, which allowed for
some agricultural growth (Mark). Due to their proximity to the Mediterranean Sea, early
inhibitors down South began using the sea as a source for food and other resources (Mark). This
is also due to the fact that most of Greece is cover by mountains with small river flowing
throughout (Mark). This contrasts the fertile crescent region in that Greece as a whole is not a
strong area for agriculture (Mark).
These mountains were an obstacle for early settlers. However, the food and other
resource early Greeks lacked from not having a strong agricultural system, were gained from
trading with neighboring regions. Greeks mainly traded with Asia, but settlers traveled by foot as
far as Afghanistan (Hemingway). These regions were accessed through the Mediterranean Basin,
by water, but once the Greeks reached Asia, they began travel on foot (Hemingway). This
allowed for Greeks to trade their raw materials, such as their abundance of stone, as well as the
finite set of skills they possessed (Mark).
The early settlers in Northern Greece contrast their Southern counterparts. These settlers
mirrored those of the fertile crescent. Northern Greeks had domesticated plants in the small area
in which they could farm, as well as domestication animals to supplement their diets (Mark).
This area was the first area in Greece to see permeant settlements due to the ability to
domesticate (Mark). These settlements looked like one room clay structures with a roof (Mark).
These structures allowed for the early Northerners to store some food and other raw materials
(Mark). The ability to store food allowed for a surplus. This allows for some members of society
to become skilled workers, similar to those in more developed countries in Guns, Germs, and
Steel. Some of these skilled workers as well as a small amount of the agricultural workers
migrated South into the mountainous regions above (Mark).
Different civilizations began to form on the individual islands. These civilizations include
the Cycladic and Minoan civilizations (Mark). The Cycladic civilization functioned similarly to
the Northern Greeks (Mark). However, the Minoan civilizations differ slightly. Instead of using
the surplus of food and other raw materials to gain skills to trade, like on the mainland, these
settlers focused on the arts (Cartwright). This includes the pottery and the architecture that the
Greeks are famous for (Cartwright). The Minoan people also follow the Southerners in that they
would go into the mainland through the Mediterranean Basin to trade with the mainland and the
outside sources above (Cartwright).
To conclude, the early Greeks began in Northern Greece, but moved down to the
Southern areas as they were able to specialize their skills (Mark). The Northerners were able to
follow in the footsteps of the people of the fertile crescent in domestication of both animals and
plants (Mark). The Southerners were able to trade with neighbors in Asia, as there was not much
farmable land (Hemingway). Due to the fact that Greece is not only a mainland, but also includes
islands off the coast, there were different cultures that formed on the islands. These cultures, for
example the Minoan civilization, were founders of the arts the Greeks are famous for
(Cartwright). As the Greeks gained stability in sustaining their lives, they were able to progress
and create new ideas that shaped modern culture the way it is commonly known today.

Cartwright, M. (2020, January 22). Minoan Civilization. Retrieved from

Hemingway, C. (2007). Ancient Greek Colonization and Trade and their Influence on Greek Art.

Retrieved from

Mark, J. J. (2020, January 25). Ancient Greece. Retrieved from

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