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Waiting In Anticipation


Advent Week One Response Reading

Leader: Advent is a time where we are waiting – waiting! We focus on Christ and seek to be a blessing to
others, serving as He would serve.

Congregation: Blessed are all those who wait for Him (Isaiah 30:18)

Leader: The Gospel reminds us that no one knows when Christ will return. So we anticipate His Second
Coming with joy. He has prepared us for this through His death and resurrection.

Congregation: Therefore, you also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an unexpected hour.
(Matthew 24:44)

Leader: We can use Advent Season for a time of waiting and allow prayer time to be very personal
between us and God. May we prayer for individuals by name, and ask God to help and guide them
revealing His presence in their daily lives.

Congregation: I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in His Word I hope. (Psalm 130:5)

Leader: We can be silent before God listening quietly in His presence as we get to know him more. We
will be able to see more clearly His plan for us and the world. We can ask His help for carrying out His
plan in our lives. Advent is a time to get to know Jesus more, and allow His light to shine for the good of
others through us.

Congregation: You are the light of the world (Matthew 5:14) Let the wise listen and add to their learning
(Proverbs 1:5)
All: Blessed are all those who wait for Him. (Isaiah 30:18) May we cast our light and be a blessing to
others as we wait and focus on Jesus while serving others. Jeanne McIntosh November 31, 2010 All rights reserved.

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